View Full Version : LED mods and their cosmetic value

03-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Are led mods a "cool" thing or do most people choose not to use led off principle, in regards to only using paint to create the effects of lighting? I'm a very serious painter but I have yet to come to a conclusion, and I dont want to go led crazy and ruin a good paintjob. So I am curious to hear your opinion on led mods.

03-26-2012, 02:43 PM
I've seen LEDs work well in a very specific case - involving clear plastic molded around them as a part of the model. Other than those, I haven't seen them used much at all, and I'm not surprised - good lighting effects are surprisingly hard to accomplish with actual lights.

03-26-2012, 05:38 PM
I have only seen LEDs on vehicles as headlights, on the exhaustionpipes and on the weaponary. It can look cool, but if you put too much on it just looks ridiculous, more like a christmas tree or a cheap toy.
LEDs for Lightning effects sounds interesting tough.

03-26-2012, 06:25 PM
I saw an awesome setup on a Storm Raven at the last tourney at my FLGS. The paintjob on it wasn't the best, but the lights flashed like a real-life airliner and it turned an otherwise unremarkable model into the talk of the tourney (in a good way).

03-26-2012, 09:25 PM
I've seen a few armies that used LEDs to a greater or lesser effect. Lit Monoliths were fairly common when the Necrons first came out. And I seem to recall a Thousand Sons army in one of the past WDs that featured an LED in each head to light the eyes.

I think the biggest issue, and really this applies to every aspect of modelling an army, is to keep the look of your models consistent. If you want to add LEDs, this will be achieved by planning out the build of your army and individual models.

Best of luck to you with it!

Inquiring M1nd
03-26-2012, 09:54 PM
I think you do not see LEDs very often because it takes a decent amount of effort, planning, and testing to implement, especially if you want a subdued effect.

Here's two examples:

The guy who did the Necrons is a good painter (certainly better than me). You'll note that he uses resistors and clear fogged plastic to get the lighting effects he wants, (particularly the destroyer and tau fire warrior). I would say that LEDs can draw the eye and bring a figure to life in a way that a sharp lighting effect could not. However, sharp painted lighting effects will win the golden demon.

I think there is a place for LEDs, particularly in vehicles with all of their details and weapons to light up (with the space to do it) and create a more sci-fi feel.

03-26-2012, 10:23 PM
DaveLL - I originally thought that lighting would be harder to achieve as well, especially due to the scale of the models. Another on of those reasons I have yet to decide on the mod.

Jangoo - I have actually seen a some good examples of unit models with led's in the heads on google images. Those are pretty neat, but I will always like the rhinos with leds.

the_puritan - That sounds pretty awesome! It must've looked really clean on such a big piece too. No wonder it got a good reaction.

Tzelanit - This is very good to hear. If it's a matter of my ability, I feel much more comfortable. Good advice on keeping focus on consistency, that is an excellent way to go about planning out my job!

Inquiring M1nd - Jeez that Necron army looks good. You're lucky you have access to an EE, I am in the field myself and is one reason I felt so drawn to led mods in 40k. They just seem like they could work. Good choice on led and eldar too.

I think I should mention, the army I will be mod'ing is Sisters of Battle. The first model I will be working on is the exorcist launcher.
All of your post brought some great ideas already and I can't wait to get started! I'll be sure to post up my progress. I should be getting my first piece in the mail any day now. I very much appreciate the incite.

03-27-2012, 01:00 AM
If its done well, good. If not, don't bother. I think only those highly skilled in electronics, or immensely talented at following instructions, should try this.

03-27-2012, 07:59 AM
I have seen LED's used for many things and have even used them myself on a model or two. The problem with them is that most LED's are washed out by the ambient light we use to play our games by. Most often the LED's are useless but they do provide a design asthetic that's hard to deny. While I liked putting the LED in my Stormraven I doubt I'll repeat the process on my Land Raider. Maybe, maybe not. I still have not decided.

They are only effective in a few specific situations. Those are:
1. Vehicle interiors like my Stormraven

2. Jet Engines as the "thrust" - A.K.A. Blackadders scratch built Thunder Hawk

3. Headlights

03-27-2012, 09:13 AM
Denzark - I feel as if most the good jobs have yet to be documented with a good set of instructions. But I do think it takes a certain creative mind to be able to come up with an idea worth spreading, it just takes an engineer to show everyone. Hopefully everyone here can help fill any holes I come across.

Pathwinder - Good photo examples, I especially like the rhino interior. I also found, to combat the ambient lighting, you have to have a good contrast in color scheme, and "frosting" (sanding or buffing) the leds can help reduce the ambient lighting. But i know what you mean...those stupid flourescents and sunlight ruin everything.

03-27-2012, 09:42 AM
... But i know what you mean...those stupid flourescents and sunlight ruin everything.
Hahahahahahha........ :)

Ork E Nuff
03-27-2012, 11:00 AM
If you're good at wiring things, LED is probably for you. If not, don't do it....

The wide range of plastics in our hobby are more ideally suited for LED conversions, but I haven't seen hardly any. I believe it is because it becomes too time and cost ineffective. Too much work, too little return. Unless you're playing in a poorly lit basement somewhere, you'd never really see it or appreciate the effects.

03-27-2012, 12:21 PM
I'm sure I saw a Daemon Army on here all interior lit - it was awesome. Maybe the exception that proves the rule for me.

Actually, does it add to the effect? I don't like the directional lighting paint jobs (although admit the awesome skill it takes for some of the best ones I have seen), I don't like the firing effects some people put on their weapon muzzles.

The miniatures aren't action figures, an LED is probably only a step away from sound chips in there of something going pewpewpew.

One source which might help, is if you google the Star Destroyer Model kit. there is an after market upgrade to take the existing interior lighting (something like a 'mere' 30 lights) and upgrade with interior optics until you get to the actual 1000000 running lights (maybe I exagerrate).

This is probably the most technically difficult lighting I have seen in a model kit so would hopefully be commensurately easier for our scale.

Harmonious Borealis
03-27-2012, 02:24 PM
I think it either needs to be subtle and painted around, or the Gimmick. There's also the issue of actually wiring the stuff: I suspect it's easier with the bigger models, like Land Raiders (of which I've seen a few). For instance, random search came up with:

Also, this valkyrie clearly shows the space requirements for the batteries:

And this dreadnought:

Expertise, and a big enough model to hide the wires and batteries inside. I think we're actually at the point of technological miniaturization where it isn't that hard to do.

Now, sound chips with a recording of someone making those machine gun noises that females like I find impossible... that's the only thing that dreadnought needs :cool:

03-30-2012, 04:57 PM
I'd like to see Avatar LED mod.

Infinite Resignation
03-31-2012, 04:32 PM
I really don't like them, looks cheesy. What next, dragons with smoke coming out and Dark Eldar that sing Prince numbers?