View Full Version : Dried out GW paint, any hope?

03-25-2012, 03:44 PM
SO a little while ago I got a great deal on bunch of modeling supplies and paints at an auction my local FLGS holds. 30 some bucks got me well over a hundred paints, P3, Vallejo, Reaper and a whole bunch of Old GW paints. Now the GW's are dried out completely, hard as a rock. Is there any hope or way to bring em back? I've been getting mixed reports when I've been looking online. Thought I'd ask here before I toss the em?.
Thanks again.

03-25-2012, 04:43 PM

Once GW paints are dried out, they're done.

Sorry. :(

03-26-2012, 12:16 AM
Hopefully these new paints will be better as the last 10 bottles I've bought have been less than half full and if I didn't use all the paint within a few weeks it was dried up. I will never paint another army with GW paints again.

03-26-2012, 04:24 AM
Hopefully these new paints will be better as the last 10 bottles I've bought have been less than half full and if I didn't use all the paint within a few weeks it was dried up. I will never paint another army with GW paints again.

What the hell are you doing to your paints that dry them up in a few weeks? Because I have never had that problem with the current paints, certain ones in the range tend to separate a lot (Knarloc Green I'm looking at you) but unless you're not replacing the lids properly, I don't see how 10 bottles would all do that.

03-26-2012, 04:46 AM
i saw a really good videos of a guy who had figured out a great way to recover old dried out paints. all he did was add a little water and a beed shook it for a while and it looked as good as new. havn't tried it myself yet but seemed to work hope that helps

03-26-2012, 04:55 AM
If they are dried out and cracked there is nothing that you can do for them. But if they are like tar or mud, with a little water could bring them back.

03-26-2012, 07:11 AM
If they are dried out and cracked there is nothing that you can do for them. But if they are like tar or mud, with a little water could bring them back.

this. if they still got the mudlike texture add a good bit of water to it, use a little stick or anything to wirl the stuff around and make sure you hit every "hard mud" with it to mix it together, especially in the corners. after that shake the can (close it first of course) and view. if it is still too thick add another bit of water to it and shake again. repeat until you got the result you wanted.

Inquisitor A
03-26-2012, 07:38 AM
I have never had paint dry out entirely. I put a small plastic bead in each of my paint pots as an agitator and once in a while I'll add a little bit of distilled water in each pot as well and shake to pot in order to extend the life of my paints. This little trick has helped me out.

03-26-2012, 10:35 AM
Honestly I got such a good deal on the whole lot I'm not entirely bummed if I lose the GW paints. I just hate throwing something out if there is a chance I can use it. Also I haven't been the biggest fan of GW paints, I use more reaper now than anything. I am curious about the new paints though. Hopefully they are better than the old.