View Full Version : Fex > Hive Tyrant Conversinon, Plus other nids

09-19-2009, 06:24 PM
Hi all! I'm new to the site but introduction threads are a waste of bandwith. I've been playing about a year now, and have fully painted 1500 points of nids. Here's some of my stuff.

I couldn't stand the though of assembling and transport a fully metal Monstrous creature, so I decided to convert a carnifex for my Hive Tyrant. I looked around the net, but conversion guides were sparse at best. So with little plan and one picture reference, I set about cutting up my $45 model.This was my first major conversion project, so it was scary as heck mutilating that much money and not knowing if it was going to turn out looking good.

Here's what I did:
• Shaved down the head carapace and added GS veins.
• Horn from warrior ScythTal.
* Messily shaved down the top ribs to slightly reposition the head.
• Reposition and pin the body, though it didn't end up as upright as I hoped.
• Extend the legs with SycthTal and Warrior bits plus GS.
• Raised the Carapace plate and add ScythTals.
• Major Tail extension with GS- turned out horribly.

The arms are pinned and swappable, so I don't actually run it like this, its just the arms I have painted, and it looks cool. Originally he was going to be winged hence the running pose and wire support, but I found I liked walking with Tyrant Guard better. The picture isn't the greatest, the angle could have shown off his arms and profile a bit better.


This is my Sniperfex, I converted him so that he wouldn't have to have both guns on one side. The BS ammo sack is grafter to his right side, and with a little bending the VC feeder tube fit in the socket when the y were both on his left side. The angle could have been better on him to, you can't really see it too well.


And here's some of the smaller bugs in a horde. I don't actually use gaunts much if at all. I play a rather weird shooty/vangaurd list. 12 shooty warriors and the 2 MCs plus 20 odd stealers, a broodlord, and a lictor. It's fun but I don't win much. :D


I'll probably get some better pictures of he MCs and my stealers up some time this week.

09-19-2009, 10:17 PM
Looks good. I've been planning a Fex Tyrant conversion for some time, but haven't gotten around to it. I'm in the process of building out a Warrior swarm, since you u could technically have 72 Warriors, plus another 72 stealers as troops. Expensive as all get out, but it's be a fun horde to play occasionally.

09-20-2009, 10:05 AM
Thanks. Warriors are great, strong shooting, reasonably tough at 4+ and T4, and able to hold thier own in combat. If only they didn't cost 12 bucks a model. :D