View Full Version : Are new Space Marine scuplt coming?

Hades Alpha
03-24-2012, 06:57 PM
Did you notice that the space marine shown in the recent GW video about the new paint range (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qdM29VXRsM8#!) seems special? The breast plate looks more edgy. Is it a new sculpt?

burning crome
03-24-2012, 07:06 PM
it has been built out of the Blood Angels Death Company sprue. I thought at first that the torso might have been new but it just that BA detailing of it is covered by the bolter (it part 8 on the pics if you go over to the website and have a look). Sorry to disappoint

Hades Alpha
03-24-2012, 08:40 PM
Thanks, I didn't know.

03-25-2012, 04:59 AM
the da sculpts in the painting set are sort of new though :D (aka modified AOBR)

03-25-2012, 04:05 PM
the da sculpts in the painting set are sort of new though :D (aka modified AOBR)

More signs that Dark Angels are in the box set?

Ork E Nuff
03-26-2012, 01:42 PM
I think that new SM sculpts are possible. All GW really has to do is make another available accessory sprue, like the Space Wolf, the Dark Angels, the Black Templar, etc...I would like to see sculpts for all the founding chapters/legions and most of the 2nd foundings. Also, I'd like to see something for the Howling Griffins, as I painted up a force of them when the Badab campaigns were in vogue. Just a thought...

03-26-2012, 01:52 PM
What would be really nice is if they combined Tactical and Sternguard into a box and Assault and Vanguard into a box. Failing that, "Sternguard Upgrade" and "Vanguard Upgrade" boxes would likely be good sellers. Especially so if they took the "Sternguard" box and stuffed it full of heavy/special weapons, and stuffed the "Vanguard" box with special melee weapons.

However, the DA release may be telling of how GW intends to go in the future. With the SW, they discontinued the "upgrade sprue" thing and gave them a unique box instead. If the DA release does the same thing, that would establish a pattern.

03-26-2012, 01:58 PM
I think that new SM sculpts are possible. All GW really has to do is make another available accessory sprue, like the Space Wolf, the Dark Angels, the Black Templar, etc...I would like to see sculpts for all the founding chapters/legions and most of the 2nd foundings. Also, I'd like to see something for the Howling Griffins, as I painted up a force of them when the Badab campaigns were in vogue. Just a thought...

Well you're not asking for much, are you :D ?

I can't see any reason for regular GW to even broach 2nd Founding Chapters. It would be absolutely massive undertaking and is an endeavor better left to FW (which does have a great deal of what you're looking for).

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to a Salamanders upgrade sprue, but I just can't see it happening for each of the Codex 1st Founding Chapters. With that being said, come to think of it, I think the Salamanders may be the only Loyalist 1st Founding chapter that DOESN"T have something.

Imperial/Crimson Fists ---> Bitz Pack
Iron Hands ---> Conversion Boxed Set
Dark Angels ---> Own Codex/ Upgrade Box
White Scars ---> Bitz Pack
Blood Angels ---> Own Codex
Space Wolves --->Own Codex
Ultras ---> Regular Marine boxes have Ultras Bits.
Raven Guard ---> No GW; FW Upgrade Kit
Salmanaders ---> Just FW Shoulders....

03-28-2012, 04:41 PM
Hopefully they've been taking notice of how well the FW Heresy Era stuff has been selling and crank out some Heresy Era plastic kits. The FW guys I've spoken to since they launched them seemed genuinely surprised at how well they were flying out the door, the impression I got was that they were a tester to see whether there was a genuine demand there. Fingers crossed!