View Full Version : Ewww stinky noob tau player!

03-23-2012, 08:34 PM
Hello My name is Dank and i Am a noob. Whats worse is I am a noob that is in love with Tau/Tyranids and am not really interested in space marines at all. Ive been playing 40k casually learning the game on Vassal for a few months now and have barely played the game IRL due to a lock of models. I received a gift from a friend last Christmas of a little better than 1k of tau models that I am currently painting so i can eventually hit up my local hobby shop for some real games.

If anyone lives in the CT area and wants to play or has Vassal and would like to contact me for some easy wins ;) feel free to hit me up on skype(misharo8188), or drop me a message here, I could use the practice. Additionally If anyone is interested in trades I have a few tau/tyranid units i don't plan on using in the near future that i would be willing to part with for something i need for my current lists.

Thanks for reading, hope i get some responses :)

03-24-2012, 05:46 AM
Welcome to the forum! If you want to organize some games on Vassal i know of this section in heresy fourms:
Hope this helps, have a nice gaming.

03-25-2012, 01:27 AM
Welcome! and tau aren't stinky, more like .. crunchy :D with garlic!

03-26-2012, 05:27 AM
Welcome to the forum! If you want to organize some games on Vassal i know of this section in heresy fourms:
Hope this helps, have a nice gaming.

man doesnt look like anyones posted on there in a while lol

03-26-2012, 05:28 AM
Welcome! and tau aren't stinky, more like .. crunchy :D with garlic!

at least i can deter vampire attacks?

03-26-2012, 08:12 AM
Meh, we Tau have blue blood, so vampires (at least Imperial-origin ones) wouldn't be interested...

Welcome to the world, my brother! Tau and 'nids indeed; I'm in Texas, sorry, but I know the dichotomy you experience... The Greater Good according to the A'un, and the greater good according to the hive mind. Decisions decisions...

Crunchy with garlic, indeed... and when the codex drops, I pray a good bit chewier. Keep the faith, this is a good time to be among the Tau!

03-27-2012, 04:02 PM
Meh, we Tau have blue blood, so vampires (at least Imperial-origin ones) wouldn't be interested...

Welcome to the world, my brother! Tau and 'nids indeed; I'm in Texas, sorry, but I know the dichotomy you experience... The Greater Good according to the A'un, and the greater good according to the hive mind. Decisions decisions...

Crunchy with garlic, indeed... and when the codex drops, I pray a good bit chewier. Keep the faith, this is a good time to be among the Tau!

Thanks for the warm welcome brother. I've already got some family in texas but I suppose more is always better:)

03-29-2012, 12:53 PM
Meh, we Tau have blue blood, so vampires (at least Imperial-origin ones) wouldn't be interested...

Welcome to the world, my brother! Tau and 'nids indeed; I'm in Texas, sorry, but I know the dichotomy you experience... The Greater Good according to the A'un, and the greater good according to the hive mind. Decisions decisions...

Crunchy with garlic, indeed... and when the codex drops, I pray a good bit chewier. Keep the faith, this is a good time to be among the Tau!

I dunno; the Ventrue are all about feeding on bluebloods. Speaking of feeding, I think the hive mind is less about the "greater good", and more about the bigger meal.

Anyways, it's always good to see some xenos love . . . Deathwatch simply aren't as cool when they're chewing up Cadians.

03-31-2012, 11:14 AM
Well, it certainly seems like the Greater Good would be to have all species be made up of all the DNA of everything in the universe.
Therefore, Tau/Tyranid teamup makes total sense!

Spectral Dragon
03-31-2012, 06:18 PM
Hello My name is Dank and i Am a noob. Whats worse is I am a noob that is in love with Tau/Tyranids and am not really interested in space marines at all. Ive been playing 40k casually learning the game on Vassal for a few months now and have barely played the game IRL due to a lock of models. I received a gift from a friend last Christmas of a little better than 1k of tau models that I am currently painting so i can eventually hit up my local hobby shop for some real games.

If anyone lives in the CT area and wants to play or has Vassal and would like to contact me for some easy wins ;) feel free to hit me up on skype(misharo8188), or drop me a message here, I could use the practice. Additionally If anyone is interested in trades I have a few tau/tyranid units i don't plan on using in the near future that i would be willing to part with for something i need for my current lists.

Thanks for reading, hope i get some responses :)
I thought the 40k vassal was shot down by GW? I was dissapointed when I couldn't get it.

04-02-2012, 10:39 AM
Why would they shoot it down anyway vassal doesn't come close to replacing the tabletop. If anything it is a tool to let people play against people that they otherwise never would. It is also a usefull tool when you are learning the game and have literally no idea what anything does. I see no difference between using a ghetto barely functional made in my parents basement freeware app to learn the game and simply borrowing your friends army to do the same. If gw has a problem with it they should create their own crappy test app and charge money for it.

Now that I have vented..... this is hardly the place to argue the legallity of vassal so I'm not saying another word. Google it.