View Full Version : Greanades in general

03-23-2012, 01:30 PM
Do the grenades on one model effect the entire enemy unit?

death cult assassins have no grenades, if you give them an inquisitor who has frag grenades, does the entire enemy unit lose the benefit of being in cover?
If that is so, does this work for models who have slow and purposeful? If you give a unit of spawn a chaos lord, with the mark of slaanesh and a mount(making him calvalry so same charge distance) do the spawn benefit from the Lord's frag grenades and attack in initiative order?

03-23-2012, 01:41 PM
Correct. If one model has the type of grenade then that is all that matters (as long as he/she is still with the unit).


Ghazghkull Thraka and a bunch of Nobz rush out of their Battlewagon to assault some unsuspecting Tau. Normally Slow and Purposeful means you always act as moving through Difficult Terrain and because Ghazghkull is Slow and Purposeful, all the unit will now hit at Initiative 1. But Ghaghkull also has Stikk Bombs (i.e. Frag Grenades) so suddenly the same group is now assaulting at regular Initiative.

03-23-2012, 01:50 PM
Thanks. That was a pretty fast response.
I assumed that unless otherwise stated (psycotope grenades specifically say that it effects the whole unit) only the models attached to the one with the grenades were effected.

03-23-2012, 01:58 PM
That is incorrect. Defensive grenades work for the whole unit if 1 model has them. But offensive grenades are on a per model basis. This is covered on pg 36.

03-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Yeah, that's a misunderstanding from how grenades used to work.

A unit gains no defensive benefit in assault from being in cover. It doesn't matter directly if the unit is in cover or not. The only thing that matters is if the assaulting unit has to take a difficult/dangerous terrain test. If they do, they hit at I1. If not, they hit at normal I. The position of the defending unit doesn't directly matter, though obviously if they're in cover the assaulting unit will have to move through cover and thus take a terrain check.

Following this, offensive grenades allow the carrying model to ignore terrain, on a model by model basis.

On the other hand, pretty much every other type of grenade specifies that they affect the entire enemy unit. Defensive grenades basically say "the enemy unit does not benefit from the charge bonus attack". Thus, yes, it affects the entire enemy unit.

03-23-2012, 09:36 PM
Wow, my apologies Nykster. I used to play the rules as before (mainly applying to one tactical squad carrying a single melta bomb per round of combat). But moving forward normally the addition of Defensive Grenades tended to deny the group the extra attack from charging leading me to the conclusion. Hopefully the other guys were able to answer your specific question then. Despite playing for years always more to learn...

...only to have to re-learn with 6th edition!

03-23-2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks everyone.