View Full Version : What would make good 40k expansions

09-19-2009, 01:48 PM
Hi people of BOLS time for you to decide what would make good 40k expansions (I personally think WFB should have an expansion, can't think what though).
My own ideas are naval conflicts-thats conflict on sea not around your belly-button:rolleyes:-and aerial conflicts. I know that there is aeronautica imperialis but I would like something that focusses on adding dogfights and bombing runs on normal games like in recent wars.
Give me your ideas NOW.

09-19-2009, 02:04 PM
Expand the universe into space. Perhaps support for a game based around a famous naval action - say, the Gothic War. You could call it something like, I don't know, Battlefleet Gothic. Love to see support for a game like that.

09-19-2009, 02:25 PM
I would like GW to release a Campaign book. The rules for which would include numerous different forms of campaigns and ways inwhich to run them. I would like chapters in the Camapign Book to be broken down into different types of campaigns, as well as how turns should work and the like. Certain campiagns are inheritly more losey goosie then others, some require pins to represent the armies moving around a map, others require special tokens.

It would also be really cool to simply have a different champter be dedicated to ways inwhich to make each of GW established Games into a Campiagn such as 40k, Apoc, Kill-Team, BFG, Combat Patrol, Cities of Death, Planetstriek, etc...

Possibly chapters could be Narrative Gaming, Map Based, Branching Campaign, etc...then each of those could break down and detail about each game.

I just feel the GW has an open market on the Camapign scene and just lets gamers deal with it. This is not a negative around my local gaming store becuase we have a few really dedicated campaign gamers but we would still like a book that had further details and ideas.

I would also like to see a Kill-Team only book. This book with be filled with ideas for sceneiors/ missions and even possibly ideas for campaign. New and better written Mutable and Immutable Laws. I would also like to see the book have 1 entire page dedicated to each of the codexs. The page could have background, a special mission and Kill Team Special Rules for each army. Ideas could include some of GW establihsed White Dwarf articles on armies like Tyranids who get to break 1 Mutbale Law for free (with thier opponent getting no benefit for this).

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-19-2009, 03:05 PM
Well, me and my gaming group have been working on our own expansion for 40k, which is aquatic based. All the models are converted..but it has stuff like aquatic imperial guard, submarine necrons, fish/jellyfish-like tyranids, ork pirates ect... So that is pretty much what we wanted to see.

Official capacity, id like to see Epic and BFG made into "expansions" and given new support ect.

09-19-2009, 03:58 PM
Since GW have been dancing around it and handing off opportunities for it to Forgeworld how about a new and improved Lost & the Damned?

If not that then the Stunties really deserve a well thought through IG Codex.

09-19-2009, 04:40 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with the need for Expansions to WHFB. I mean, why is there not a siege expansion?

As for 40k... I'd love to see a supported tactical expansion that allowed for growth of your combat squad, ala Warbands in fantasy. We most likely won't ever get it, but I think it'd be fun.

09-19-2009, 06:43 PM
I would like a book about soft targets such as Imperial citizens, Tau colonists, Nid spawn swarms, supply convoys for any army, etc...
They could be mobile objectives that can be destroyed or actually have some game value more than that
It would add an extra level to game play, making it more like the action in some of the fluff.
How much fun would it be to decimate the cowering civilians your opponent was trying to protect?
I've tried home rules for this but an official book with supporting miniatures would be fun (doubt it would happen as GW would be shy of saying "go on kill the women and children, thats how you win" to little 12 year olds)

09-19-2009, 06:44 PM
I think trench/seige warfare would be kind of cool... although I agree that A) Epic and BFG are already great systems that deserve more play and B) Fantasy could use an expansion. I think Naval warfare actually fits more here than anywhere else.

09-19-2009, 07:05 PM
A boarding actions expansion, kinda like Space Hulk but more grounded in 40K and with all armies. Sisters of Battle boarding Tau transports, Chaos Space Marines trying to capture Imperial warships, Orks attacking Eldar on their wraithships...

And there's always that old idea of Marines boarding hulks in space that happen to be Tyranid infested.

09-19-2009, 09:45 PM
I like the boarding action idea. Back home, we did just that. We had a 4x4 board with cardboard walls for the hallways, and played all infantry and walkers and a few other custom rules. It was really cool, and great for smaller games of 750-1000pts.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-19-2009, 10:02 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with the need for Expansions to WHFB. I mean, why is there not a siege expansion?

As for 40k... I'd love to see a supported tactical expansion that allowed for growth of your combat squad, ala Warbands in fantasy. We most likely won't ever get it, but I think it'd be fun.

There actually WAS a siege expansion for fantasy AND 40k, in a single book a very very lonnnnng time ago...

09-19-2009, 11:21 PM
A boarding actions expansion, kinda like Space Hulk but more grounded in 40K and with all armies. Sisters of Battle boarding Tau transports, Chaos Space Marines trying to capture Imperial warships, Orks attacking Eldar on their wraithships...

And there's always that old idea of Marines boarding hulks in space that happen to be Tyranid infested.

I Like it. Seems pretty do-able too.

09-20-2009, 12:17 AM
Are siege rules not in the back of the warhammer rulebook? They were last edition I'm almost certain.

09-20-2009, 02:14 AM
There aren't any current siege rules though it might be possible to find some in an obscure corner of GW.com.

Thanks for all your responses guys (wasn't expectecting so many) and keep 'em coming

09-20-2009, 08:46 AM
What I would like to see is more support for 40k campaigns.

I know that now we have Planetary Empires for the ability to link games, but I would like to see something like exists in blood bowl, where units and characters can track thier actions (ie kills and wounds, etc) and "earn" promtions through thier valor.

Would be nice to have that random guy in yuor kill team survive long enough to earn a name, then be promoted to the first company, then become a commander, all the while earning new abilities and skills based on what he has done and who he has faught.

The West Coast Knight
09-20-2009, 09:10 AM
A lot of these sugestion are good but could be worked out using the standard rules as they are written.

The one I do think could use its own expansion and terrain is the Trench warfare idea.
Or if you like siege 40k.

Imagine wonderfully sculpted add on tiles for the Realm of Battle gameboard with special rules for mine fields or tunnelers.
How about rules for attacking the walled city and special equipment for breaching them.
I think this could be great and would provide GW with another venue to make and sell me terrain.

09-20-2009, 01:19 PM
I would like a book about soft targets such as Imperial citizens, Tau colonists, Nid spawn swarms, supply convoys for any army, etc...
They could be mobile objectives that can be destroyed or actually have some game value more than that
It would add an extra level to game play, making it more like the action in some of the fluff.
How much fun would it be to decimate the cowering civilians your opponent was trying to protect?
I've tried home rules for this but an official book with supporting miniatures would be fun (doubt it would happen as GW would be shy of saying "go on kill the women and children, thats how you win" to little 12 year olds)

YES!! Glad to find someone else who wants to see Imperial civilians!! :)

09-20-2009, 03:38 PM
Codex: Mole people!!

09-25-2009, 12:20 PM
Mole people? WTF

09-25-2009, 01:34 PM
YES!! Glad to find someone else who wants to see Imperial civilians!! :)

The city-fight landscape seems pretty empty somehow...

09-25-2009, 02:31 PM
Pffft... all they did for Codex Mole People was take the Fish People army book and stick it in space with lasers on.

09-26-2009, 08:33 AM
I like the boarding action idea. Back home, we did just that. We had a 4x4 board with cardboard walls for the hallways, and played all infantry and walkers and a few other custom rules. It was really cool, and great for smaller games of 750-1000pts.

Could you post your rules? (or PM me with em)? That sounds like hella fun!

09-26-2009, 05:34 PM
A mission pack for 750 or less points games, similar to Combat Patrol.

09-26-2009, 09:41 PM
There was talk awhile back, from Jervis as I recall, of an expansion book containing just a bunch of new missions including race-specific missions. That would be cool, I think. I would also like to see an expansion that includes a series of battlefield modifications, like weather and environment. For example, instead of night fighting being only on the first turn, have a roll each turn to see if dawn has broken or randomly determine if the fight takes place entirely at night or on a battlefield perpetually in darkness. Perhaps a battlefield where a hurricane or similarly powerful disturbance makes long range shots less accurate. A howling gale that interferes with artillery, long range fire, and incoming aircraft.

There would have to be limits on this, though. As cool as a corrosive atmosphere or airless moon might be, the rules to represent this would harshly affect many armies. However, adding in something like the old Tyrannid <expletive deleted> you chart or a pre-battle barrage or virus bombing would make things interesting. The possibility of any model hosting a vicious alien organism or suddenly rotting into a pile of goo before marching onto the field of honor adds a bit more chance to the game. Those type of things would be akin to a special scenario. I love the game but I am getting a little bored sometimes with the three basic missions.

For Halloween I want to make a large cemetery to place on my table. If I can get it done and folks want to play it, I have an idea for a zombie movie theme for a game. During the battle, there is a chance that a bunch of Plague Zombies can be released into the fray. You wind up fighting your opponent and both of the players fighting the zombies.