View Full Version : They have interwebs there??...

03-23-2012, 09:47 AM
Hey all! Not my first post but I thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Josh, you can find me:

Google+ : Josh Hearon
gmail: [email protected]
Deviant Art: http://o0holdfast0o.deviantart.com/
Web: www.solidgroundcoffee.com (just a teaser atm)

I own a Coffee House/Game store (xboxs, wargaming, tables and caffeine... can't go wrong), a 24hour Gym, and a paintball field- all in the TINY town of Booker Texas (79005 google it... you'll get lost). Originally I am from Houston, and somehow found my way to this backwater planet and decided to terraform! I have traveled plenty- UK, Mexico, New Zealand, Japan and Philippines. I am a long time gamer and artist- very short time spent on mini-wargaming (just found it about a year ago- catch the basic story here: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=19919&page=20 )

I currently have 4000pts of Tau, 2500pts Grey Knights, 1850pts Blood Angels. Also I play The Dreamer in Malifaux, Dwarfs in Bloodbowl, actually like Dreadfleet...... you get the picture!
