View Full Version : Thousand Sons Kit Question

03-23-2012, 09:41 AM
Out of curiosity, as far as the Thousand Sons kit goes (the one that's like $41), are all the models in there metal or are they plastic? I can't tell from the GW website.

I know the rumor is that they're being pulled so that would lead me to believe that they are all metal. Thanks!

*Edit - Nevermind. It seems I finally came across some other posts that say they are plastic marines with metal bits for conversion. Seems like a nightmare. Surprised they didn't come out with Finecast (though I guess their limited use limits their popularity).

03-23-2012, 10:53 AM
IIRC, there are a mixture of plastic and metal parts.

Legs, torsos, backpacks, some arms and some guns are plastic.

Tabards, guns, shoulder pads, heads, some arms and some guns are metal.

The whole sorcerer is metal.

I hope that helps.


03-23-2012, 12:28 PM
It would honestly be better to wait before getting some. Plastic/metal hybrid kits are not at all fun to assemble

03-23-2012, 01:44 PM
Yeah, a bit part of me would rather wait before trying to get any of them, especially if there is any chance they go plastic (though odds are they will probably be Fine Cast like the Plague Marines). Of course the other worry is that they'll go the way of the Necron Spyders and Wraiths (I know, they're getting new models but in the mean time I find myself lacking the models and not wanting to pay 2-3x's the price of what they used to be).