View Full Version : Chaos Legions Rumor Roundup V2.0

03-22-2012, 11:31 PM
Lets try this again, with only the more trusted sources.

via the tireless The Dude (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?329951-Codex-Chaos-Legions-rumours)

14 Jan 2012 - This week saw very little apart from theDarkGeneral reiterating the following:
- Plastic Plaguebearers in the works
- Chaos set to get some faster vehicles (supporting ghost21's claim of "sort of" Landspeeders)
- Inclusion of a new Landraider varient (no clues as to which), and
- Daemon Engines taken 3-per-slot (again, no clues as to which Engines)

The one new piece of info was that Spawn packs could be increasing in max size and gaining the ability to be Marked.

22 Jan 2012 - This week theDarkGenral again brought up Legion-specific sprues, saying it looked like Power Armour and Terminator Armour would be on separate sprues.

These would include heads, shoulder pads, banners, a few weapon options (possibly chest plates?), and I assume would likely be Direct Only like the Battlewagon upgrade, but this is not confirmed.

He also said CSM would get a new box with all upgrade options (I assume he means special weapons here, as I doubt heavies would all be included)

He went on to say all Cult Marines would get new kits in the future, but implied they wouldn't be out at release (I wouldn't expect them to have that many kits in a first wave )

So the main concept was that the new CSM box could be upgraded using one of the Legion-specific sprues to make Legions troops.

This has lead to the re-posting of the unreleased Aspiring Champion Terminator upgrade bits seen at a Games Day some time ago. It is not clear if this has anything to do with what theDarkGeneral's rumours.

30 Jan 2012 - Apart from a lot of discussion about Thousand Sons and the Rubrik, nothing much happened this week. theDarkGeneral did make a post supporting reds8n's assertion that Phil Kelly is writing the book (or finishing it to be more accurate). This leaves us with two fairly strong rumous that Mat Ward is the author and another two caliming it's Phil Kelly. What the truth is remains to be seen.

07 Feb 2012 - Some interesting things occurred this week, with ghost21 posting that he "Made it up" calling all of his rumours into question. I have kept them in the summary, but highlighted them red, so as to ensure any instances of rumour reverb can be identified easily.

theDarkGeneral again claimed a Juggernaught mounted unit called Brazen Knights will appear and would also have a Fantasy equivalent. What this mean's for a possible kit is unclear.

New poster Son of Perturabo has also made some claims supporting the Legions/Renegades split, speculating on a Nov/Dec release and going against Harry by claiming it will NOT be the first 6th edition book.

75hastings69 shot down the rumours of Plastic Plague Bearers in the 6th edition starter set. Of course, that doesn't mean there won't be a full kit at some point. Time will tell.

13 Feb 2012 - Darnok recently brought some more rumours to the table regarding Chaos, saying the codex is “done and almost at the printers” whatever that means.

He also spoke of a few miniatures we can expect to see, including an Iron Warriors character with servo harness, possible new Obliterators, and plastic Plaguebearers on round bases. What with 75hastings69's recent denial of Plaguebearers in the starter set, it is possible these are a full plastic kit.

Darnok also said that painted versions of all four Cult Terminators have been sighted, but said they could have been conversions. These could have been made with the sprues other rumours have mentioned.

21 Feb 2012 - This week theDarkGeneral told us new Chaos Bikes and the New Dread have been spotted by GW Memphis staff, who claim these plastic kits have lots of bits.

They also apparently have a pdf of some sort and say it "screams death and carnage"

The bikes were confirmed as being new, not recut, and the Dread was described as a "crazy spikey combat dread"

theDarkGeneral also implied that there may be an additional heavy weapon upgrade for Chaos units, but was supposedly told it's not a Plasma Cannon

ant1clock let us know his local GW told him that the Thousand Sons kit is no longer available because they are moving to Finecast. It is unclear if this means a new, all Finecast kit, or if the existing metal components will move to FC.

27 Feb 2012 - This week saw a lot of speculation about new Thousand Sons miniatures based solely on the unique looking Thousand Sons corpse on the base of the new Finecast Thunderwolf Lord. Some believe it to foreshadow new sculpts, whilst others point out that scenic bits for other armies have appeared in kits before without new kits for those eventuating (e.g. Plaguebearers). Personnally, I don't think it means anything.

TheDarkGeneral told us that early discussions included the idea of Legion-specific “Daemonic Rider” units, such as Disc mounted Rubriks, Beast mounted Plague Marines, Seeker mounted Noise Marines, and the previously mentioned “Brazen Knights”, but went on to imply development may have stalled because of the question, “What would the other Traitor Legions get?”

theDarkGeneral also suggested that Chaos may get more Predator weapon options similar to Razorbacks (by which I think he means slightly lighter armed), revealing one of these options could be a Twin Linked Plasmagun turret with single Plasmagun sponsons.

08 Mar 2012 - Sorry for the late update here, but RL has taken it's toll again . Since my last update theDarkGeneral has dropped a few more claims into the mix.

Firstly, he says that Obliterator weapon morphs could be expanded beyond just energy weapons. InsanePsychopath pointed out that a recent piece of Black Library fiction depicted Obliterators morphing Assault Cannons (for what that's worth).

Secondly, that several special characters look to be getting varying levels of Eternal Warrior (1-3), including Abaddon, Kharn, Typhus and two more. How this will be worded is unclear, but if the Codex drops after 6th Edition, that would solve any possible problems.

Thirdly, that there will be more options for "mid-level" characters possibly able to be taken taken as 2-for-1 HQ choices, or possibly as "as a separate Elite or Fast or Troop choice that can be split off" The example he gave was a possible unit of Dark Apostles that can then split off as squad leaders. This could end up being a sort of Wolf Guard unit, it is not yet clear.

More recently, theDarkGeneral has claimed that Chaos will likely struggle to combat psykers, but Khornate characters will have ways of nullifying psychic abilities aimed at them.

He went on to say that Thousand Sons will have more basic unit upgrades and that Tzeentch could be getting a Daemon Engine of some sort.

He then supposed that Alpha Legion may force enemies to take Ld tests before they move or shoot. Some have pointed out that this ability would be cumbersome and very annoying for the enemy player, if not both players.

So, lots of interesting things to discuss there. Hopefully that will keep people form harping on about that one Thousand Sons torso in the Thunderwolf kit again

18 Mar 2012 - theDarkGeneral said recently that the Dex is finished and should be leaving the printers shortly for warehousing ahead of distribution in the next couple of months.

He went on the say there is supposedly four waves of miniature releases planned.

He also claimed some mark-specific vehicle upgrades reminicent of the 3.5 Codex may appear, such as Poisoned flamers for Nurgle, higher strength/lower AP weapons for Tzeentch, Sonic weaponry for Slaanesh and "brutal blades" for Khorne (a possble reference to the old Destroyer upgrade, maybe?)

theDarkGeneral also said that there will be definition between Raptors and "Chaos Assault Marines", with Raptors being a new cult for Night Lords and "Assault Marines" being available to all Legions with the ability to be marked. Opinion seems divided on whether this would be a good move or not.

He went on to say that HQ choicess will effect the types of units and marks available to your Army, mentioning that "IF 6th Edition returns to Percentages, the Codex will make more sense"

Squeezed into this was the claim that Daemons could be redone for both 40K and Fantasy sometime in 2013, with new Greater Daemon models being released at that time. This has led to some discussion of large plastic kits incorporating special character builds in the vein of the Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord kit, but this is all wild speculation at the moment, and not a lot is likely to become clear on that from this year.

23 Mar 2012 - theDarkGeneral has had a lot to say in recent days, so here's a wrap-up:

theDarkGeneral has said the book should allow players to field Legion-specific armies that have a uniqueness similar to older Dex's whilst simultaneously allowing fexible mixed force builds.

theDarkGeneral has clarified that HQ selections may change what units "count as" (unclear if this means FOC slot used or counting as scoring etc), wargear upgrades for squads and vehicles, access to Daemons, and possibly affect unit sizes.

theDarkGeneral has claimed that there could be many more flying options in this book, including "Chosen with Jump Packs (expensive), Possessed with Wings (kinda expensive), Chaos Assault Marines (average), and Raptors". He also implied Cult troops could possibly get access to Jump Packs changing their FOC slot, but that part of his post could easily have been wishful thinking, especially given he also said there could be some tough choices, with most units unable to move FOC slots. He did mention he had heard it may be possible for certain units under certain conditions to occupy 2 different FOC slots simultaneously, but was dubious about this.

He has gone on to say that Chosen and Possessed could be recieving the most significant overhaul in the book. There is a chance HQ characters could take a unit of Chosen as a bodyguard as an upgrade, thereby not taking up an Elites slot.

Possessed will be more viable, losing the "game costing randomness" curretly on offer. theDarkGeneral claims they could become like the Ogre Kingdoms Maneaters, picking abilities from a list before the game. theDarkGeneral has also suggested a character may allow one or more units of Possessed to be taken as Troops.

According to theDarkGeneral, Berserkers could see their Rage rule return to the old Ld test system, where a failure results in Rage as we know it. He also said that 2 ideas for Chain Axes have been floated. One being simply giving them Rending, the other being +1 Strength. It is unclear which, if any of these ideas will make the cut.

theDarkGeneral has implied Alpha Legion may be able to pass on their Infiltration abilities to their transports.

theDarkGeneral claims Lash of Submission may get downgraded in line with the Daemons Codex version and that a suite of vehicle-mounted sonic weapons were at some point play-tested for Dreads and Preadators, adding there could also possibly be a new heavier sonic weapon with some extra tank-busting capability.

theDarkGeneral has also suggested there may be one or more large Apocalypse sized released for Chaos in the near future too, possibly including some kind of Autocannon-toting flyer, although what this may be is unlcear.

There was also some suggestion from theDarkGeneral that the Havoc Launcher may be upgraded to two shots.

03-23-2012, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the summary! I personally would be stoked with a new Chaos release and Necron second wave before 6e. It would be like Tzeentch to appear before a major change in the 40K game.

hammer hades
03-23-2012, 01:30 AM
Any news on the models themselves?

03-23-2012, 01:42 AM
Conclusion: theDarkGeneral is Alpharius/Omegon.

03-23-2012, 02:27 AM
The Dude is doing a great job in the warseer forum keeping the chaos players updated :)

hammer hades
03-23-2012, 02:30 AM
TheDarkGenral has been the person who has posted the most info on chaos, but what has he been right about earlier? Would you say he is trustworthy? Also, many of ghost21's rumors have similar to these ones, so thats something to think about...

03-23-2012, 02:36 AM
Iron Warrior Character :O... Servo Harness, Tzeentch Daemon Engines, Old Khorne esque Rules... Raptors.. Awesome Possessed, I am a happy chappy tbh. Is this likely to be the next codex out? Or is everyone wish listing/loving on Chaos

Whatever is the truth I hope these rumours are true xD

Night Haunter
03-23-2012, 07:00 AM
I can hardly wait!

03-23-2012, 07:28 AM
Looks like I am getting my Chaos Army back together! I have so many bikes, I hope they can be awesome in this next book.

03-23-2012, 08:41 AM
I sadly don't put much stock into dark general. If he proves me wrong and it turns out everything he had to say was true, I'd be willing to eat my words. But as it stands I question how accurate he is.

Big Jim
03-23-2012, 10:18 AM
True or not I am stoked that the Chaos Marine Codex is getting a much needed update!

Brother Glacius
03-23-2012, 10:32 AM
***** I hope it is a good book. However, I'm torn with keeping my chaos or selling them. Damn double edged sword. If the book is cool, then lots of temptation to keep the army. But if it isn't then the value of chaos won't be that much. So the better the army, the more money, but harder to let go. Suppose its better than having a poor army that won't get played and won't be worth much. :)

***** Brother G.

03-23-2012, 10:47 AM
I personal know TheDarkGeneral and he knows whats going on GW wise, I will not say much but what he says is correct.

03-23-2012, 12:43 PM
I personal know TheDarkGeneral and he knows whats going on GW wise, I will not say much but what he says is correct.

Ok but just understand his words can be mistrusted by persons like us who don´t know him that way...

Big Jim
03-23-2012, 01:00 PM
I personal know TheDarkGeneral and he knows whats going on GW wise, I will not say much but what he says is correct.

That's cool and I do hope his rumors pan out cause Chaos will be good again.

03-23-2012, 01:15 PM
Options. As long as the new codex offers up options (unlike the current one). And also make a mono-god army build viable, please, cos my Nurgle marines need some love. (And heavy weapons.)

Add that and a potential interesting and intelligent rulse design for 6th Ed and I might start playing 40K again.:)

03-23-2012, 01:54 PM
Personally, none of this seems really groundbreaking. It's not what I'd expect after seeing what's been done with Grey Knights and Dark Eldar. It seems really... meh.

Special marks for vehicles... more jump pack options.. characters that seem copy-pasted from the Space Marine Codex in terms of changing how units work... I'm not reading anything in here that really screams Chaos. No new vehicles or new models. Just some updates that seem very in line with a larger version of a Codex we already have.

In all honesty, I hope the final result is a lot more radical and a lot more Chaos, and it seems like most of these 'rumors' not only seem suspiciously timed and spaced out, but there's no other sources backing them up.

My gut is telling me that either Chaos is right around the corner, or it's very far off.

03-23-2012, 03:08 PM
No new vehicles or new models. Just some updates that seem very in line with a larger version of a Codex we already have.

You must have missed the bit in there about a potential new daemon engine.

Also, they're supposedly going to get dreadnoughts that don't suck, with a long-overdue new model kit.

03-23-2012, 04:15 PM
I have no room in my life, gaming closet, or wallet for yet another army, but man does this sound interesting. I guess this is how GW gets us...


03-23-2012, 06:22 PM
I'm liking the sound of the return of cult flavor and particularly geeked about the rumor of some anti-vehicle sonic weaponry. I think this codex could very well mean that the all-sonic army comes off the shelf, where it has languished for far too long.:)

03-24-2012, 09:25 AM
I know two people who will be excited to see a new Chaos book of some sort. Other than myself, of course. :D

03-24-2012, 03:47 PM
i wish the rumors would come with pictures or codex pictures.

Render Noir
03-24-2012, 05:37 PM
i wish the rumors would come with pictures or codex pictures.

The pictures usually show up as we get closer.

It seems this codex rumors are all about a redo of the 3.5 Codex unlike the Necron codex was all about all the new units. Granted CSM are more established and hopefully that means the cool units from the old codex won't get nerfed so we are forced to buy the new models.

03-25-2012, 11:07 AM
I hope for a Dark Eldar style release wave with PLENTY of new stuff to convert the Hell out of. Lease let GW not screw up Chaos again...

03-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Blood for the Blood God!

Kharn for Eternal Warrior!

03-26-2012, 06:04 AM
If kharn is to get EW, then there should be faq for 6th ed that would give a whole lot more races named HQs EW aswell :P

03-26-2012, 10:23 AM
I'm still waiting to find out if the daemon packs will be generic daemons, like in the current CSM 'dex, or proper daemons...

It's not a make or break deal for me, but I'm really, really hoping we get daemonettes which are actually daemonettes, etc.

heretic marine
03-26-2012, 04:03 PM
If kharn is to get EW, then there should be faq for 6th ed that would give a whole lot more races named HQs EW aswell :P

no! Chaos gets waaaaaay OP and makes every one want to buy it, lol :D
