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View Full Version : Cherub's fantasy stuff

03-22-2012, 06:54 PM
As it's time for me to start painting again, I have decided to make a larger effort to post what I do. Right now I am really into painting fantasy for some reason(probably because its all i play right now). Right now I'm going through my fantasy terrain collection and starting finishing all of it. First up is the new deathkneel watch I painted for my flgs.


Right now I'm working on a personalized fulcrum for my chaos army. It's based on the floating rocks from several pictures from around the fantasy books and BotB. I will try to talk the taker of pictures to take out her camera tonight and take some wip pictures for you all. As I have a very extensive terrain collection that is about half done if there is any terrain pieces that you want to see that I have already done feel free to ask and I will take photos of them and post them. :p

Night Haunter
03-23-2012, 06:50 AM
Looks great!

03-24-2012, 08:59 PM
Loving the multi colored bricks. Adds a sense of realism to the building rather than them all being uniform.

Dont much care for the red flames or skulls on the roof though. It looks undone, rather than worn off, which is the effect I think you were going for....

In all, a nicely done model though.

03-25-2012, 12:55 AM
Loving it! I'm not fully on board with the pink eyes though. Scenery has always been some of my favorite parts of the hobby.


03-26-2012, 03:27 PM
Looking great! Especially the "worn" effect on the flames on the top!