View Full Version : 9 Valks

09-19-2009, 11:27 AM
9 Valks really?
Ok how would you deal with this:
2 command sq's loaded with meltas
6 vetran sq's W/meltas
6 valks
3 vendettas

I got Blood Angels, Orks (mostly boyz), Tau, Chaos (Black Legion), Necrons(monilith and pylon heavy)
any suggestions along these army types would be helpfull. Thx

(yes J in Kalsu this is cuz of our talk earlier;) )

09-19-2009, 01:11 PM

09-19-2009, 01:20 PM
6 squads of 10 grey hunters in droppods with 2 meltaguns each.

means 4 meltaguns dop enxt to each squadron and kill around 70% of his army initially.

09-19-2009, 01:52 PM
holy crap, he must have spent a fortune getting all those valks/vendettas!

That point aside, as a fan of the air cav list I can honestly tell you that it DOES have some serious drawbacks. First of all, how many POINTS is that list?! its gotta be at least 2000-2500. That gives you a lot of room to bring some nasty to the table.

Melta, obviously, is great. Mount up your squads and get close to him. Dont worry, with 9 FLYERS on the board, there wont be alot of room for him to run away. seriously, on a 6x4 board, hes not going to have much wiggle room to stay away from meltas or powerclaws or powerfists or...

Also, all you gotta do is GLANCE them. Take some auto cannons or hunter killer missles or something. Just shoot the damn things. Once you've got them glanced or shaken, youve just seriously cut down on his fire power. Think of it this way: what do you do when you see 3 fireprisms? they're big, scary and put out a lot of fire...but all you gotta do is stop it from shooting until you can get close for the kill.

So, to summurize:

1 - take some long range, high volume anti-tank power (auto cannons, lootas, las cannons) to cover you while you get close.

2 - use his size against him. he wont have space to really get away, and eventually you'll get a shot at his rear armor.

3 - charge 'em. with a luck powerfist/claw hit or two, you stand a good chance at knocking one out of the sky.

good luck.

09-19-2009, 02:03 PM
Air Cav is like Mechdar, only every vehicle is squadron'd together.

They have supreme mobility and a crap ton of firepower, but it's just 9 AV12 skimmers that get blown up on an immobilized roll.

Orks have Lootas, CSM have Oblits and meltas, Necrons have prayers (lol)

09-19-2009, 09:43 PM
Necrons still have hope, at least against this list. Glancing 6's kill vehicles in squadrons.

09-20-2009, 03:18 AM
Yep, for example 4 x 10 Necron Warriors pumping out 4 x 20 Gauss shot should have a pretty decent chance of shake/stun or even immobilize (destroy) the Valks. Just keep away from CC.

09-20-2009, 06:59 AM
Ok thx for all the advice. I gotta remember that about squadrons that all I really gotta do is immobilise them to destroy members of the group.
Long range fire power......mmmm I suppose i could adapt my Blood Angels list for that. orks i'll need to pick up those looters. Have to get those necrons prying (lol), i'll need some oblites too. course i got each of my chaos sq.'s already equiped with aotucannons that should help.

thats true he really won't have much room to move around, in fact he'll probable have to just keep moving each sq. around in a rotation. so if i spread out just enough to still be able to coordinate fire into squadrons....could help.
I'm figureing on using mostly infantry to negate the amount of damage those meltas will do.
Got plenty of JP's for my Angels, bikers for the orks, destroyers for necrons, chaos is laking
The list comes out to 2,000 maybe a lil less if i remember right.

And yeah this valk list of his ain't much to him. He's got like 13 super heavy tanks and only 4 are plastic, the rest from forgeworld. A Reaver and 3 warhounds. But i'll ask that question later. At least then I got my own Reaver and Warhound to help with that.

09-20-2009, 07:23 AM
From the Tau perspective, twin-linked fusion blaster teams with targeting arrays can deepstrike into his rear and drop a squadron each almost guaranteed. Or give them a fusion blaster and missile pod for added fun. The best part is a team like this will cost between 160-170 points each. This isn't counting the other 1000+ points in your army.