View Full Version : Funniest army list

03-22-2012, 11:31 AM
Who can think of the funniest/worst army list? Try to be more creative than "oh, I'll just take 40 Chaos Spawn".

Here's mine:


6x Paladin, Apothecary, Master Crafted Warding Stave

2x Dreadknight, Teleporter, Greatsword, Psycannon, Psilencer, Hammer

1835pts, 9 models

03-22-2012, 12:33 PM
The infamous "Grot Rebel" list.

You take Grotsnik as your HQ.

Then Killa Kans/Artillery for your Heavy Support (Grots!)

6 Grot squads for Troops (More Grots!)

And, if allowed, Forgeworld Grots (i.e. Grot Tanks as FA) (GROOOTS!)

Then you give them ALL 5+ Invulnerable saves.

Something like 210+ models on the table, but all of them have invuls!

03-22-2012, 01:31 PM
Two lists from Blood Angels, because you can get some funny lists out of Blood Angels.

List 1 at 1500 - "You brought how many Dreadnoughts?!"

Librarian - Shield & Any power of your choice

3x Furioso Dreadnoughts with Blood Talons in Drop Pods

2x 5-man ASM squads (1 Meltagun each) in Drop Pods
5-man Death Company squad in a Drop Pod
1x Death Company Dreadnought with blood talons in a Drop Pod.

2x Dreadnoughts with TL Lascannon/TL Autocannon
1x Dreadnought with dual TL Autocannon

Seven Dreads, four of them assaulty blender Dreadnoughts that drop in on turn 1, three of then shooty Dreads to open up transports for the delicious troops inside to get squished. Alternative name - The Green Tide's Nightmare.

List 2 - "The Newbie's Glee"

Librarian - Same as above

1x Terminator Sanguinary Priest
1x Terminator Assault Squad - 3 LCs and 2 hammers
1x Furioso Dreadnought with Talons, Heavy Flamer, and extra armor

2x 5-man ASM squads, 1 Meltagun each, in Land Raider Godhammers
1x 5-man ASM squad with 1 Meltagun in a Land Raider Redeemer
(Multi-meltas on all LRs)

Stormraven Gunship with Extra Armor
Stormraven Gunship with Extra Armor and Hurricane Bolter sponsons

Lots of big and shiney toys, Dread and Termies go into the Stormravens obviously.

03-22-2012, 01:50 PM
1 The Parasite of Mortrex
6 X 9 Ripper swarms
3 X 9 Flying Ripper Swarms
3 X 1 Biovore Broods

Just short of a 1250 list. Now thats silly.

Cereal n' Milk
03-22-2012, 04:37 PM

Jump Pack

10 Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant Thunder Hammer
9 Thunder Hammers
10 Storm Shields
Jump Packs

Scout Squad w/Sniper Rifles x2
Missile Launcher

Scout Squad w/Sniper Rifles x3
Heavy Bolter

1495 pts

Shrike, Chaplain, and Vanguard Veterans form a 1070 point unit. 18+D6" Assault Range, Infiltrate, Re-roll to hit, Fearless...And the whole army can infiltrate/outflank.

03-22-2012, 04:44 PM
the worlds smallest 2k point list:

2 mekboys, kffs, kmbs, and all the trimmings

2 deff dreds w/ all the trimmings

The vehicle that let's you ferry steeds around the field, x2

3 battlewaggons w// the trimmings.

9 models, 2k points, 100% legal

03-22-2012, 04:49 PM

Jump Pack

10 Vanguard Veterans
Sergeant Thunder Hammer
9 Thunder Hammers
10 Storm Shields
Jump Packs

Scout Squad w/Sniper Rifles x2
Missile Launcher

Scout Squad w/Sniper Rifles x3
Heavy Bolter

1495 pts

Shrike, Chaplain, and Vanguard Veterans form a 1070 point unit. 18+D6" Assault Range, Infiltrate, Re-roll to hit, Fearless...And the whole army can infiltrate/outflank.

Out of curiosity, did they ever errata Shrike so that his ability to let a squad infiltrate actually works? Or do most people just ignore the fact that it doesn't?

03-22-2012, 04:51 PM
The infamous "Grot Rebel" list.

Wouldn't call that the funniest but the coolest! I hope to one day field such an army!

03-22-2012, 04:52 PM
No longer doable in its original form, this was a list that could be the most dangerous list ever conceived, for both players!

Codex: Witch Hunters
Inquisitor w/ max henchmen including chiurgeons, servitors (cc), crusaders, and acolytes

3x Priest w/ eviscerator

Maxed squad of repentia w/ mistress
Maxed squad of Arco flagellants

2 units of stormtroopers w/ shotguns

3 maxed units of penitent engines.

Kick in the arcos combat drugs.and watch the most hilariously uncoordinated scramble in 40k history.

03-22-2012, 05:06 PM
IG: 'Pin Them till they die'


Company Command Squad+ vox+ Master of Ordnance 85
Company Command Squad+ vox+ Master of Ordnance 85

Psyker Battle Squad (7 man)+ Chimera 125
Psyker Battle Squad (7 man)+ Chimera 125
9 Ratlings 90 :)

Infantry Platoon 1:
Platoon Command Squad + vox 35
3 Infantry Squads with 3 autocannons + 3 sniper rifles + vox 200

Mortar team 60
Special weapons squad+3 sniper rifles 50

Infantry Platoon 2:
Platoon Command Squad + vox 35
3 Infantry Squads with 3 autocannons + 3 sniper rifles + vox 200

Mortar team 60

Ordnance Battery:
Basilisk 125

Ordnance Battery:
Basilisk 125

Manticore 160

Essentiallyyou drop the leadership of dangerous units and then pound them into the ground with massed sniper rifles, artillery and mortars, I haven't tried this one out yet, but I think it would be fun.... Fire on my target would also be a boon.

03-22-2012, 05:41 PM
the worlds smallest 2k point list:

Grey Knights can beat that. Just tweaking the list I posted in the OP:


Grand Master, Grenades, MC Stave, MC Psycannon, 3 Skulls, Orbital Strike Relay, Mastery Level 2, Psybolts

3x Techmarine, Grenades, Conversion Beamer, Warding Stave, 3 Skulls, Meltabombs, Psybolts, Digital Weapons, Orbital Strike Relay

6x1 Paladin, Psybolt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner, Apothecary, MC Storm Bolter

3x Dreadknight, Greatsword, Hammer, Teleporter, Psycannon, Psilencer

That's 3462pts, and only 14 models. Just shy of 250pts per model.

03-22-2012, 05:42 PM
I don't have the codex in front if me, DL,, but I recall that this list was definitely smaller. Less than a dozen models, iirc

03-22-2012, 06:02 PM
275 Draigo

55 Paladin
55 Paladin
55 Paladin

255 Stormraven with Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannons, Hurricane Bolters, and Psybolt Ammunition
255 Stormraven with Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannons, Hurricane Bolters, and Psybolt Ammunition
255 Stormraven with Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannons, Hurricane Bolters, and Psybolt Ammunition

260 Dreadknight, Heavy incinerator, Greatsword, Personal teleporter
260 Dreadknight, Heavy incinerator, Greatsword, Personal teleporter
260 Dreadknight, Heavy incinerator, Greatsword, Personal teleporter

This is 1985, it's only ten models, and they're not even ridiculously overgeared (they're overgeared, but nothing like making a bunch of individual paladins apothecaries). I'd almost play it, just to see how it goes.


A similar, amusing 1500 point list might be Draigo, three individual paladins, three basic storm ravens, and three psyrifle dreads. It comes in 40 points short, but you can find 40 points worth of stuff to add, and it's neat 'cause it all comes down in the three storm ravens.

At 1000 points, I actually play this list:


330 5x Paladins, 2x master-crafted psycannons, master-crafted Daemonhammer

55 Paladin

205 Stormraven

135 Psy-rifle dread

Put Draigo and the big squad and the Dreadnought into the Storm Raven, put it and the single paladin in reserve. He deepstrikes and just hides or hovers near an objective. The Storm Raven deepstrikes and delivers your entire army to one spot and it all gets to shoot on the turn it arrives.

It's pretty amusing and it's a lot of fun.

Colonel Kreitz
03-22-2012, 06:32 PM
I know people out there already have these armies available, but a plain old IG infantry list has been my dream for quite a while.

Basically, you're looking at...

HQ - Command Squad

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

Infantry Platoon
Infantry Squad x5

And you still have a few points leftover for some assault weapons. Obviously, it depends on objective placement, but I suspect a list like this would be borderline unbeatable in a kill-points oriented game or in a game with only 2 objectives. You literally cannot kill them fast enough...

03-22-2012, 07:17 PM
I don't have the codex in front if me, DL,, but I recall that this list was definitely smaller. Less than a dozen models, iirc

Smaller, yes, but at a much, much lower point value. 2000, I believe. Scale the list I posted down, and you can get down to 7 models at 2000pts.

03-22-2012, 07:23 PM
Oh, oh, I see. Missed your point totals there at the end.

03-22-2012, 07:24 PM
Honestly, there is a certain point where most armies just don't know how to handle 300 stubborn infantry models.

03-22-2012, 08:07 PM
Honestly, there is a certain point where most armies just don't know how to handle 300 stubborn infantry models.

Eh, no mobility and no antitank means that a 2000 point mech army really shouldn't have much trouble. Hitting one of those units at a time with three or four squads of marines shouldn't be hard, and should ruin even fifty guys pretty quickly.

It's certainly true that, as with any good spam list, it'll have an advantage in that more rounded armies will have anti-tank stuff that's just worthless against it, but it has some pretty serious weaknesses.

It's better at 2500 points, because then you can pack some lascannons in there to open tanks.

Colonel Kreitz
03-22-2012, 08:32 PM
Well, you can also pare off a platoon and pack in several anti-tank lascannon teams, but you're right, it really becomes ridiculous at 2500.

As for beating it... Ripping through 50 Guardsmen takes a surprisingly long time. And even though they're only Guardsmen, once you include sergeants, you're looking at 30+ attacks per turn (the limit isn't really the number of Guardsmen, but rather the number of troops you can pile into the combat), which will drop a couple marines. You also have the commissar standing around with 3 power weapon attacks. Not amazing, but it's an extra 0.5 marines per turn on average. In order to really do damage, you'd have to throw in a few squads at a time and, at that point, you'll have your entire army engaging just a couple platoons.

Moreover, fragile assault units can really get worked over by that number of attacks. I (stupidly) charged in a squad of Incubi and an Archon against a 50-man infantry blob and got roundly slaughtered in just a few rounds of assault.

Anyway, I won't say that the Massive Infantry Blob (tm) list up there is amazing or unbeatable, but I think it can fight most armies to a very bloody draw. Once a platoon or two is parked on an objective, it take a lot to get it off, and it seems pretty unlikely that anyone can beat the Blob on killpoints...

03-22-2012, 08:42 PM
Well, you can also pare off a platoon and pack in several anti-tank lascannon teams, but you're right, it really becomes ridiculous at 2500.

As for beating it... Ripping through 50 Guardsmen takes a surprisingly long time. And even though they're only Guardsmen, once you include sergeants, you're looking at 30+ attacks per turn (the limit isn't really the number of Guardsmen, but rather the number of troops you can pile into the combat), which will drop a couple marines. You also have the commissar standing around with 3 power weapon attacks. Not amazing, but it's an extra 0.5 marines per turn on average. In order to really do damage, you'd have to throw in a few squads at a time and, at that point, you'll have your entire army engaging just a couple platoons.

Moreover, fragile assault units can really get worked over by that number of attacks. I (stupidly) charged in a squad of Incubi and an Archon against a 50-man infantry blob and got roundly slaughtered in just a few rounds of assault.

Anyway, I won't say that the Massive Infantry Blob (tm) list up there is amazing or unbeatable, but I think it can fight most armies to a very bloody draw. Once a platoon or two is parked on an objective, it take a lot to get it off, and it seems pretty unlikely that anyone can beat the Blob on killpoints...

So, heavy and special weapon teams are not the right way to go, because they can't join the blob and are thus pretty easy to pick off.

Similarly, the Platoon command squads can't join the blob, so you're stuck with a few easy kill points no matter how you cut it.

But, yeah--once you've fit in some tank-opening guns (you still get five lascannons per blob, which is pretty brutal) it becomes a very tough list to beat.

Colonel Kreitz
03-22-2012, 08:58 PM
So, heavy and special weapon teams are not the right way to go, because they can't join the blob and are thus pretty easy to pick off.

Similarly, the Platoon command squads can't join the blob, so you're stuck with a few easy kill points no matter how you cut it.

But, yeah--once you've fit in some tank-opening guns (you still get five lascannons per blob, which is pretty brutal) it becomes a very tough list to beat.

The platoon commands are actually the weakest points in the list, for the very reason you enumerate. I've never seen a list like this played (though I'm sure they exist and people have them), but I assume the platoon commands would be equipped with weapons like grenade launchers that let them hang back and just bombard anything closing in on the platoons.

The heavy weapon squads are also easyish kill points, but I think you can probably manage to throw a few in if you want, as long as you keep them well protected (just like with the platoon commands).

A better plan might be what you're suggesting. Throw in 5 lascannons per blob and, even after shaving off a whole platoon, you're looking at 25 lascannons. Add in orders from the commander, and you're looking at up to 10 of them being twin-linked.

That'll ruin your day...

03-22-2012, 09:25 PM
Yeah, the platoon commanders are the weak link. But anyone saying that the list can't take down tanks or heavy infantry isn't thinking fully. You can definitely take multiple lascannons and meltaguns while still being very points efficient. And even one First Rank Second Rank at rapid fire distance is going to devastate just about everything at T4 or less.

One version of the Blob I've seen basically called for multiple plasma gune, lascannons, power weapons, and commissars with power weapons. Yeah, it was expensive. And yes, it would mulch just about anything stupid enough to get near it.

Colonel Kreitz
03-22-2012, 09:29 PM
Yeah, the platoon commanders are the weak link. But anyone saying that the list can't take down tanks or heavy infantry isn't thinking fully. You can definitely take multiple lascannons and meltaguns while still being very points efficient. And even one First Rank Second Rank at rapid fire distance is going to devastate just about everything at T4 or less.

One version of the Blob I've seen basically called for multiple plasma gune, lascannons, power weapons, and commissars with power weapons. Yeah, it was expensive. And yes, it would mulch just about anything stupid enough to get near it.

Exactly. You can pack on the plasma for somewhat reasonable prices to have mobile blobs, or just throw a completely terrifying number of heavy weapons at your opponent.

I think it'd actually be a pretty powerful list. I'm guessing the only reason you never hear about it as a "power list" or as some big tournament winner is because very few people want to paint 300 guardsmen.

Of course, the other consideration is that I don't think it'd be very much fun to play. I played gun-line Guard in 3rd edition, and lining up your army and just standing there shooting gets incredibly dull incredibly quickly. And I can't imagine it's any better for your opponent.

03-22-2012, 10:22 PM
Yeah, blobs have their weaknesses. Most Grey Knight armies love blob squads, especially Purifiers.

Colonel Kreitz
03-22-2012, 11:26 PM
Yeah, blobs have their weaknesses. Most Grey Knight armies love blob squads, especially Purifiers.

Well, the beauty of IG at that point is that you choose before the game starts whether or not you want to put your squads together. So, if you're playing an army with purifiers, your 6 50-man platoons suddenly become 30 10-man squads.

It's a beautiful thing, really.

03-23-2012, 11:22 PM
Well, the beauty of IG at that point is that you choose before the game starts whether or not you want to put your squads together. So, if you're playing an army with purifiers, your 6 50-man platoons suddenly become 30 10-man squads.

It's a beautiful thing, really.

The sheer amount of space those 300 guardsmen will take up will still probably result in quite a few collateral template hits...

On topic, it's an ongoing goal of mine to one day field a list consisting of a Master of the Forge and six Dreadnoughts...

03-24-2012, 12:44 AM
And it's not like those individual guard squads are particularly scary. That many guardsmen is only really intimidating because you get locked in combat and dragged down by a billion attacks with stubborn Ld 10.

03-24-2012, 01:01 AM
Well Colonel Kreitz, if you ever need to borrow a blue and khaki platoon of Guardsmen for your list, let me know.

I'm still a fan of Inquisitor "King of the Swingers" Coteaz + 72 Orangutans. The owning player must sing "I Wanna Be Like You" from the Jungle Book as they take their turn. Not the most impressive army on paper, but I'm hoping that it will cause enough aneurysms to win tournaments by default.

burning crome
03-24-2012, 07:00 AM
Out of curiosity, did they ever errata Shrike so that his ability to let a squad infiltrate actually works? Or do most people just ignore the fact that it doesn't?

you on about the IC can't be attached to squads before the game only at deployment argument.( So squad wouldn't have infiltrate until joined so could only deploy normally) . I'm not sure if it ever got properly FAQ but it was so clear it was intended to do so that pretty much every one else ruled that you could and people eventually stopped winning about it.

03-24-2012, 07:29 AM
you on about the IC can't be attached to squads before the game only at deployment argument.( So squad wouldn't have infiltrate until joined so could only deploy normally) . I'm not sure if it ever got properly FAQ but it was so clear it was intended to do so that pretty much every one else ruled that you could and people eventually stopped winning about it.

Yeah, that's what I was talking about, and that's kinda what I figured.

Lucian Kain
03-24-2012, 07:38 AM
I'd just like to see how a list sporting 5 Orbital strike relays dropping 5-15 S6,large blasts would do against the blobs no matter how they were configured,Bipolar lists going at it.

burning crome
03-24-2012, 07:43 AM
Well Colonel Kreitz, if you ever need to borrow a blue and khaki platoon of Guardsmen for your list, let me know.

I'm still a fan of Inquisitor "King of the Swingers" Coteaz + 72 Orangutans. The owning player must sing "I Wanna Be Like You" from the Jungle Book as they take their turn. Not the most impressive army on paper, but I'm hoping that it will cause enough aneurysms to win tournaments by default.

How did you get the total of 72??? You can get coteaz and 54 of them into 2000pts so six squads of nine all toting Lascannons/metla flamers with some helpful upgrades which would be pretty nasty .

03-24-2012, 09:42 AM
A fun little GK list I run.

brother captan with orbital strike relay
brother captan with orbital strike relay

techmarine with orbital strike relay
techmarine with orbital strike relay
techmarine with orbital strike relay

grey knight strike squad with psybolt
grey knight terminator squad with psybolt

I take a battle fleet gothic strike cruiser and hang it from the cieling over the table.

03-24-2012, 07:28 PM
Two words. KROOT SPAM! *shrug* I would put forth the effort to make up a terrable tau list but then i would just get the inevitable "lol all tau lists are bad".

03-24-2012, 08:05 PM
How did you get the total of 72??? You can get coteaz and 54 of them into 2000pts so six squads of nine all toting Lascannons/metla flamers with some helpful upgrades which would be pretty nasty .

12 per squad, and six squads, multiplies out to 72 maximum in a list, for 2520pts, not counting Coteaz.

03-24-2012, 10:33 PM
I shudder to think about the sheer cost of so many space monkeys.....

The idea of 300 guardsmen is rather appealing to me, think of the close combat carnage and first rank, second rank shots! Anti-tank is the only thing it needs....

Colonel Kreitz
03-25-2012, 12:48 AM
Well Colonel Kreitz, if you ever need to borrow a blue and khaki platoon of Guardsmen for your list, let me know.

I'm still a fan of Inquisitor "King of the Swingers" Coteaz + 72 Orangutans. The owning player must sing "I Wanna Be Like You" from the Jungle Book as they take their turn. Not the most impressive army on paper, but I'm hoping that it will cause enough aneurysms to win tournaments by default.

Blue and khaki guardsmen? This sounds familiar somehow.

Boss Zargore
03-25-2012, 11:26 AM
A fun little GK list I run.

brother captan with orbital strike relay
brother captan with orbital strike relay

techmarine with orbital strike relay
techmarine with orbital strike relay
techmarine with orbital strike relay

grey knight strike squad with psybolt
grey knight terminator squad with psybolt

I take a battle fleet gothic strike cruiser and hang it from the cieling over the table.

Haha, I used to do that with my old witch hunters codex when i took the incredibly random orbital strike.

How do the five orbitals work for you? Carnage?

03-26-2012, 01:11 PM
A list I enjoyed playing from the Witch Hunters was the Penitent list. I'd play an Inquisitor Lord or Karamazov, 2 squads of Storm Troopers (needed 2 squads of ST or SoB for chapter approved Zealots), 2 squads of Arco's, 1 squad Repentia, and 6 Penitent Engines. Depending on the points limit the rest of the points would be used by Zealots and Priests. I never won a single game with that list, however, I sure did love playing the list. It was a great themed list.

03-26-2012, 08:51 PM
Someone beat me to posting the GK orbital strike list. Definitely a funny list to throw in there. You could also use Inquisitor Karamozov to get some accurate shots, at the expense of your own models.

03-26-2012, 10:29 PM
Karazmazov is indeed required to have the most entertaining time with the OSRs.

"I place down 3 large blasts on my lone Crusader. They do not deviate. The Emperor protects!"

Of course, if you DO kill your model, the enemy will almost always have to take a pinning and morale check afterward anyway...

03-27-2012, 02:28 AM
Mind if I share the funny lists?

2k CSM:

- Kharn
- Lord
+ mark of slaanesh, daemon weapon, combi-melta

- 20 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power weapon
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of tzeentch
- 20 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power weapon
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of tzeentch
- 10 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power fist
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of chaos glory
- 10 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power fist
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of chaos glory
- 10 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power fist
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of chaos glory
- 10 CSMs
+ champion with combi-melta, power fist
+ melta gun, flamer
+ icon of chaos glory

= 2000 points

2k Daemon:

- Herald of Tzeentch
+ chariot, bolt, mastery of sorcery, we are the legion
- Herald of Tzeentch
+ chariot, bolt, mastery of sorcery, we are the legion
- Herald of Tzeentch
+ chariot, bolt, mastery of sorcery, we are the legion
- Herald of Tzeentch
+ chariot, bolt, mastery of sorcery, we are the legion

- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt
- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt
- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt
- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt
- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt
- 10 Pink Horrors
+ bolt

Fast Attack

- 10 Screamers
- 10 Screamers
- 10 Screamers

= 2000 points

Space Mareens:

- Vulkan
- Master of Forge
+ combi-melta
+ servitor

- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built melta gun
+ Drop Pod
- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built meltagun
+ Drop Pod
- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built meltagun
+ Drop Pod

- Tactical Squad
+ 5 additional marines
+ meltagun, multi melta
+ sergeant with combi-flamer, combi-melta
+ Drop Pod
- Tactical Squad
+ 5 additional marines
+ meltagun, multi melta
+ sergeant with combi-flamer, combi-melta
+ Drop Pod

Fast Attack
- Attack Bike
+ multi melta
- Attack Bike
+ multi melta
- Attack Bike
+ multi melta

Heavy Support
- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built meltagun
+ Drop Pod
- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built meltagun
+ Drop Pod
- Iron Clad Dreadnought
+ dreadnought ccw with in-built heavy flamer
+ seismic hammer with in-built meltagun
+ Drop Pod

= 2000 points

Comment away... :cool:

03-27-2012, 08:44 AM
BA Dreadnought list:

HQ: Bare Bones captain
E: Libby Dread with Blood Lance in Drop Pod
E: Libby Dread with Blood Lance in Drop Pod
E: Libby Dread with Blood Lance in Drop Pod
T: 10 man Death Co
T: Death Co Dread with Blood Talons in a Drop Pod
T: Death Co Dread with Blood Talons in a Drop Pod
HS: Dread with Lascannon and ML in Drop Pod
HS: Dread with Lascannon and ML in Drop Pod
HS: Dread with Lascannon and ML in Drop Pod

Roughly 2000 points.

03-27-2012, 01:13 PM
Now the one I would like to play one day :) Special characters will be 'counts as' to fit my army.

CCS (Creed, Astropath, 4 x plasmagun) 230

Marbo 65
5 x Stormtrooper (2 x meltagun) 105
5 x Stormtrooper (2 x plasmagun) 115

infantry platoon:

Platoon Command Squad (Al'Rahem, 4 x flamer) 120
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (meltagun) 60
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (meltagun) 60
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (flamer) 55
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (flamer) 55
Chimera (h. flamer) 55

Veteran Squad (3 x meltagun) 100
Veteran Squad (3 x meltagun) 100
Penal Legion Squad 80

Valkyrie (rocket pods) 130
Vendetta 130
Vendetta 130

Leman Russ Demolisher (lascannon) 180

And it is 2000 points.
Surprising oponent expecting another IG gunline - priceless :D

03-27-2012, 10:19 PM
Silly list, but surprisingly fun to see played.

"Scouts and Dreads"

Master of the Forge with bike - 115

3x Sniper Scouts, One Missile Launcher, and camo cloaks - 100
3x Sniper Scouts, One Missile Launcher, and camo cloaks - 100
3x Sniper Scouts, One Missile Launcher, and camo cloaks - 100
3x Sniper Scouts, One Missile Launcher, and camo cloaks - 100

Dreadnought with Dual TLAC - 145
Dreadnought with Dual TLAC - 145
Dreadnought with Dual TLAC - 145

Ironclad Dreadnought with Drop Pod - 170
Ironclad Dreadnought with Drop Pod - 190
Ironclad Dreadnought with Drop Pod - 190

1500 point list if I added right. Sleepy.
Anyway, the scouts infiltrate/deploy in cover, then the pods drop where u need em (hopefully). Dakka-dreads hammer infantry and light tanks to death and ironclads break teeth. Not tactically awesome. Just funny. Silliness indeed.... but fun to watch!

03-30-2012, 06:12 PM
Now the one I would like to play one day :) Special characters will be 'counts as' to fit my army.

CCS (Creed, Astropath, 4 x plasmagun) 230

Marbo 65
5 x Stormtrooper (2 x meltagun) 105
5 x Stormtrooper (2 x plasmagun) 115

infantry platoon:

Platoon Command Squad (Al'Rahem, 4 x flamer) 120
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (meltagun) 60
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (meltagun) 60
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (flamer) 55
Chimera (h. flamer) 55
Infantry Squad (flamer) 55
Chimera (h. flamer) 55

Veteran Squad (3 x meltagun) 100
Veteran Squad (3 x meltagun) 100
Penal Legion Squad 80

Valkyrie (rocket pods) 130
Vendetta 130
Vendetta 130

Leman Russ Demolisher (lascannon) 180

And it is 2000 points.
Surprising oponent expecting another IG gunline - priceless :D

Lol. What are the chances of 8 T3 wounds surviving a turn of shooting at 2k?

03-30-2012, 06:41 PM
Karazmazov is indeed required to have the most entertaining time with the OSRs.

"I place down 3 large blasts on my lone Crusader. They do not deviate. The Emperor protects!"

Of course, if you DO kill your model, the enemy will almost always have to take a pinning and morale check afterward anyway...

Only works for Karamazov's OSR, other OSR's in the list don't benefit.

03-31-2012, 04:27 AM
Lol. What are the chances of 8 T3 wounds surviving a turn of shooting at 2k?

Those 8 T3 wounds are transported in Vendetta or Valkyrie.