View Full Version : Sitting on the 40K Fence

03-22-2012, 08:19 AM
Hey guys, I've found myself sitting on the fence with regards to Warhammer 40K lately.

I've sold off pretty much everything because I haven't been happy with my armies or their place in the game.
Been playing loads of Super Dungeon Explore and painting a High Elf army for fantasy. Generally I've been a whole lot happier in the hobby since.

Was wondering if anyone else is feeling the same and if you're eagerly awaiting for 6th edition to somehow fix everything. :rolleyes:

03-22-2012, 08:25 AM
I'm much in the same place - compounded by the fact that my LGS is in the process of relocating since December...

I'm anxiously awaiting 6th to see if it injects some life into my 40k gaming. In the meantime, I have other hobbies to occupy my time.

03-22-2012, 08:34 AM
I just started WFB not to long ago due to 40k becoming a little stale. It's still good fun every now and then, but I'll admit it's nice to mix it up.

I'm cautiously optimistic of 6th edition, with any luck it might make the local 40k crowd a little more active again! ^_^

Filthy Sanchez
03-22-2012, 08:36 AM
I'm in a similar place. I have a Tau and a Nid army and as both armys are kind of in the crapper at the moment, I've lost interest in 40k. I tried WM/H, wasn't my bag. Thinking of starting a MEQ army to see if it sparks my interest again.

03-22-2012, 08:48 AM
I completely agree, I have my templars and dark eldar, both of which I only started withing the last year or so but I can hardly even get up to painting them these days.

03-22-2012, 09:25 AM
I also began to feel that way about a year and a half ago for much the same reasons as you, OP. I wasn't happy with how 5th ed was panning out, and didn't like the 5th ed codices (as I termed them, the "no-fun zone" armies). The marine saturation began to get to me, and the Ork codex update from 4th left a pretty sour taste in my mouth. So I stopped playing 40k, finished my last project for it, and then began working on non-GW stuff. I got into other non-GW games and my hobby enjoyment is at an all-time high again.

03-22-2012, 09:28 AM
I'm in a similar place. I have a Tau and a Nid army and as both armys are kind of in the crapper at the moment, I've lost interest in 40k. I tried WM/H, wasn't my bag. Thinking of starting a MEQ army to see if it sparks my interest again.

Sure they're not Top-Tier Codexes by any means, but that doesn't mean you can't play. If anything, get them painted and make your opponent quake in their stinky, untied, falling-apart shoes by the mere sight of them!

We all know that painted models fight better than unpainted ones!

03-22-2012, 10:26 AM
I'm on the fence right now. I'm quietly opptimistic about sixth edition. Im helping a friend try to find a army hes happy with. It has sparked my modeling side. Im building a multi level city of death board using 2x2 mdf to make it modular. Its going tio have four different levels. Most of the buildings will start four inches high, leaving a six inch wide series of alleys. There will be bridges over these alleys to connect the main levels. There is going to be many levels and bridges from different buildings ending with top floor landing pads. I want to make the battle field more 3 dimensional. See im getting my passion back.

03-22-2012, 10:32 AM
I'm not on the fence. I still love 40K, and I'm looking forward to 6th Ed. 5th was a definite improvement over 4th, but it still had some problems. I hope 6th fixes some of those, but I never thought the game was "broken" or unplayable.

03-22-2012, 12:03 PM
I don't really play 40K for the game (it's fun, but I'd rather be on the Xbox or tabletop roleplaying). I love the painting and modelling, and 40K models are the ones I like the best - I may get tired of them in a bit when I run out of armies to collect and paint up, but that's at least a decade away, so it's not happening any time soon.

Spectral Dragon
03-22-2012, 12:06 PM
Honestly I'm one of those guys who loves 40k. That said, I know where you are coming from. Everyone has different tastes.

Just because it's the most popular and well to do game out there doesn't mean you have to like it. I suggest gathering some friends and seeing if you can get into another game.

Mr. Furious
03-22-2012, 12:45 PM
There is certainly no shortage of good tabletop wargames out there. Try some of them to tide you over until 6th Edition WH40K arrives.

03-22-2012, 01:08 PM
There's a lot of 40K lethargy right now. This is typical at the end of an edition, but I think it's compounded by the state of the game. The "Marines in Boxes" edition that is 5th is, honestly, boring. The fact that EVERY Xenos codex is inferior to EVERY Marine codex is, to say the least, disappointing and creates redundant, stale games where you see a thousand Rhino chassis game after game. I'm hopeful 6th fixes this (somehow) or else it could really jeopardize the health of the game and the community.

03-22-2012, 09:59 PM
Same here. I love my Space Wolves for painting and modelling, but for Game play against some of my local power players, it's gotten pretty miserable. I gave Warmahordes a go, and I'm digging it. It's apples to oranges in comparison, but at least it gives me a chance to step away for a bit and see what happens with 40k.

03-23-2012, 01:12 PM
Haven't played since 2nd Ed after they dumbed the rules down for children so badly.

Still collect cos I love the 40K fluff and quality of the sculpts, but typically play with other company's rules as they are better imo.

03-23-2012, 04:06 PM
The fact that EVERY Xenos codex is inferior to EVERY Marine codex is, to say the least, disappointin

Umm... Hyperbole much?

In response, I bid Dark Eldar (highly competitive, multiple-build army with some very powerful units) as well as Necrons (many complex, highly efficient, and survivable units).

Both armies are undeniably higher-skill to use than Marines... but hasn't that always been the point of Xenos?

There's a lot of 40K lethargy right now.

Because there have been very few releases for 40K relative to Fantasy throughout 2011? GK and Necrons, and a couple of late releases for SW and 'Nids. NOTHING else of value in fifteen months! Compare that to the sheer colume of stuff released to Fantasy (several armies, numerousl large, impressive kits, as well as a massive hard-backed uber-tome of gamey fun in Storm Of Magic).

Yup, it's been a dry year or so for 40K.

03-23-2012, 04:26 PM
I was feeling a bit burnt out on 40k but it had less to do with the rules and more my armies. I grew tired of my Space Sharks, my tyranids are in a very bad place along with my Sisters of Battle and my new Ork Army grew boring quickly. However playing with guys who just play for fun, along with the new Hive tyrant kit has me feeling it a lot more again. I want to almost exclusively work on my tyranids and build a list that includes my favorite old Carnifex.

03-24-2012, 12:38 AM
Same here. I love my Space Wolves for painting and modelling, but for Game play against some of my local power players, it's gotten pretty miserable. I gave Warmahordes a go, and I'm digging it. It's apples to oranges in comparison, but at least it gives me a chance to step away for a bit and see what happens with 40k.

Space Wolves are miserable? As a Nid player, I don't feel your pain.

Seriously though, I'm playing more 40k than ever, but I probably still play way less than most players and I think that helps to keep the game from getting old.

03-24-2012, 02:11 AM
I'm at the point that I'm done with 5th edition. Every game is literally draining and gets me tired. I love 40k however 6th edition is going to be the make it or break it for me. Till then I've been playing warmahordes. Honestly I hope 6th revitalizes my love for 40k...however the rate of negative change in GW has made me think otherwise and not be overly optimistic.

03-25-2012, 04:56 PM
Not on the fence but still passionately anticipating v6. I believe the leaked ruleset is an early draft version of the real ruleset and I'm geeked as hell with how well these rules will go over. I know there'll be changes from this draft but it'll be leagues better than v5.

KrewL RaiN
03-25-2012, 05:07 PM
Parking lot cover hammer 40K has gotten stale as hell. I have been more into the hobby side then the gaming side, but I am looking forward to 6th. Tired of always fighting Marines too... and I seriously want to headesk every time all my monstrous and rending wounds are all allocated off on one model.

Guess I would count myself kinda on the fence, due to the headaches I get when I even want to play my Tyranids. I wouldn't sell my armies though, due to loving the hobby.

03-25-2012, 05:32 PM
Played my first game in 4+ months on R&R from Afghanistan. First time I actually managed to spank Grey Knights, and did so comprehensively.

Forgotten how much I enjoy playing this game, no need for me to get splinters in my arse from sitting on some rickety old fence...