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View Full Version : Need help with my vampire counts.

White Tiger88
03-22-2012, 04:02 AM
Ok so i now have way to many vampire count models that i will in all honesty never field........Thus i was hoping if i provide a list could people help me come with a solid 2k list and a solid 3k list so i can move the rest of the models to my sales thread?

Vampire on foot x3
Mounted Vampire x1
Vampire on Abyssal Terror x1
4 Necromancers
1 Heinrich Kemmler
1 Count Mannfred (mounted)
1 krell, lord of undeath
1 Wight King BSB
2 Wight Kings
3 Tomb banshee's
3 Cairn Wraiths
1 Coven Throne

40 Skeletons with Spears
40 Skeletons with Hand weapon/Shield
40 Ghouls
300 Zombies
18 Dire Wolves

Special units
3 Corpse Carts
40 Graveguard (Great Weapons)
9 Spirit Hosts
5 Hexwraiths
3 Vargheists

Rare units
1 Varghulf
10 Blood Knights (REALLY want to use these guys)
1 Black Coach
1 Terrorgheists

Well i am really wanting to run my Blood Knights since i love the models and there amazingly scary on the charge! So any help would be great here.....I have honestly hit the wall on what is good and what isn't in this edition =/ (the fact i suck at rolling magic doesn't help):mad:

White Tiger88
03-23-2012, 09:47 PM

03-25-2012, 12:32 PM
I'd recomend you start by putting together some sort of list yourself first. It would be easier for people to give you some advice if you have at least a basic list instead of just an inventory of your models.

03-25-2012, 12:39 PM
You should keep it all. It is good to have options.

White Tiger88
03-26-2012, 12:14 AM
You should keep it all. It is good to have options.

True but i really don't get to play any games over 2.5k............:(

03-26-2012, 09:58 PM
True but i really don't get to play any games over 2.5k............:(

I believe he meant that you could change your list from day to day. It can get a little boring playing the same bloody list over and over again.

03-27-2012, 04:48 AM
The only models I'd say to scrap would be the skeletons with spears and *some* of the zombies. No one needs 300 unless you are playing a ridiculously high-pointed game.

As for a list, I'd recommend coming up with a primer list that uses models/units you really want to play with and then people can work with that.

White Tiger88
03-27-2012, 10:54 PM
Well here is some what of the list i was thinking i really like my Blood Knight's so i am trying to build around them.

Elz Von'Zanith-503 (blood knights)
lvl 4/Barded Nightmare/H-armour/Shield/Dragon Helm/Talisman of Preservation/Ogre Blade/Red Fury

Saya Von'Zanith-184
lvl 2/Aura of Dark Majesty/H-Armor/Enchanted Shield/Biting Blade

Uncle Larry Von'Zanith(Konrad)-160

lvl1\Other Tricksters Shard\Tormentor sword

80 Zombies-250

80 Zombies-250

16 Dire Wolves-128

10 BlackKnights-340
Command\barding\Lances\Banner of the barrows

1 Spirithost-45

9 Blood Knights-545
BsB/Musicain/Flag of Blood Keep