View Full Version : Ordo Xenos Inquisitors

03-21-2012, 06:09 PM
Just a random thought but if Ordos Xeno Inquisitors are not adverse to using the enemy's weapons against them then it it technically possible for one to use a XV9 battlesuit o.O?

03-21-2012, 07:08 PM
Since 40k runs on the rule of awesome I don't see why not.
You could argue Tau physiology is too drastically different (less fingers, different legs, shorter with different sensory inputs) but I think if an inquisitor can fit into tactical dreadnaught armor and convince everyone his armored wristbands give him a 3+ save he can ride around in a robot suit.

03-21-2012, 08:41 PM
(S)He would be see as a VERY radical inquisitor, but if they could get the suit converted to fit them perfectly then they could probably get away with it.

This would make a great NPC for Deathwatch.

03-21-2012, 11:06 PM
I think the IoM easily has the tech to be able to modify a battle suit for humans, but I think the biggest issue will be theological on the part of the AdMech.

=I=s might have their own tamed cogboy, but they are still loyal to Mars first and foremost, and as such, would regard Tau technology as blasphemes and would not make the modifications to allow humans to use them.

However, if you are really determined to have an =I= in a Tau battle suit, I would suggest that the best way to write the fluff for it is to suggest that the Tau themselves modified a few battle suits to make with humans. Remember that the Tau accept all who convert to the greater good, and they field human auxiliaries as infantry sometimes.

It would not be too much of a stretch to go from there to suggestion that a few particularly trusted and skilled humans have been allowed to use battle suits that have be specifically modified for humans.

If a xenos =I= happened to get his/her hands on such a suit, they may well be willing to use it.

03-22-2012, 03:56 AM
I doubt a human would work in a tau battlesuit. Just look at the body structure of the tau... They have different appendage structures and their physiology is different. Also, they probably wouldn't convert battlesuit for gue'vasa to use since they don't consider them part of the fire caste. Romans didn't allow their auxiliaries the same equipment and status.

03-22-2012, 05:54 AM
I doubt a human would work in a tau battlesuit. Just look at the body structure of the tau... They have different appendage structures and their physiology is different. Also, they probably wouldn't convert battlesuit for gue'vasa to use since they don't consider them part of the fire caste. Romans didn't allow their auxiliaries the same equipment and status.

They would probably not equip gue'vasa units en mass with battlesuits, but that does not rule out a few custom made/modified examples for particularly devolted and talented individual human officers.

Tau and human may different somewhat in physiology, but humans are pretty much the closest to them of all he auxiliaries they employ. The idea of a human battlesuit is certainly a lot more realistic than a krut or vespid battlesuit.

03-22-2012, 05:21 PM
I seem to remember....

Kill Squad novel by Gav Thorpe

One of the squad goes xenophilimaniac. He tries to get into a crisis suit. The suit has this rods that try to insert into the sides of his head and he is electrocuted.

03-22-2012, 08:40 PM
I seem to remember....

Kill Squad novel by Gav Thorpe

One of the squad goes xenophilimaniac. He tries to get into a crisis suit. The suit has this rods that try to insert into the sides of his head and he is electrocuted.

The Tau must have intercepted a re-run of Robocop and thought the anti-theft measures in the commericals was a great idea.

03-22-2012, 08:44 PM
plawolf is right that was in that novel. The individual suits are fitted with a feature that allows only that warrior to pilot the suit. Of course if an Inquisitor got a hold of it and modified it why not bypass that right. I think it is possible and would be a neat game element.

03-23-2012, 05:32 PM
I could see a radical inquisitor using a tau exo suit kinda like how space marines use dreadnoughts. I mean Ravenor was in a armoured support chair so its too far fetched. Would be a cool conversion take a battlesuit and modify the pelvis area so you can fit sentinel/dreadnought leg:D. Maybe (s)he made a deal to the tau water caste for there tech and chance to study there species or just siding with them.

03-24-2012, 01:10 AM
plawolf is right that was in that novel. The individual suits are fitted with a feature that allows only that warrior to pilot the suit. Of course if an Inquisitor got a hold of it and modified it why not bypass that right. I think it is possible and would be a neat game element.

It was mjasghar who added the bit about battlesuit security features, not I. Cannot claim credit for that one. ;)

03-25-2012, 04:58 AM
Maybe for someone like Bronislaw they could bring a suit to the nearest craftworld and have their Eldar buddies fix it right up for them?

Alternatively I'm sure a xenos inquisitor would have no problem swapping even the smallest bit of Necron tech with a cog boy for the favor of getting a suit retrofitted. (there's a few radicals from Mars who would be open to the idea if the adepts in Hammer & Anvil were any indication)

03-25-2012, 05:33 AM
I think the IoM easily has the tech to be able to modify a battle suit for humans, but I think the biggest issue will be theological on the part of the AdMech.

=I=s might have their own tamed cogboy, but they are still loyal to Mars first and foremost, and as such, would regard Tau technology as blasphemes and would not make the modifications to allow humans to use them.

However, if you are really determined to have an =I= in a Tau battle suit, I would suggest that the best way to write the fluff for it is to suggest that the Tau themselves modified a few battle suits to make with humans. Remember that the Tau accept all who convert to the greater good, and they field human auxiliaries as infantry sometimes.

It would not be too much of a stretch to go from there to suggestion that a few particularly trusted and skilled humans have been allowed to use battle suits that have be specifically modified for humans.

If a xenos =I= happened to get his/her hands on such a suit, they may well be willing to use it.

Nothing as large as the Imperium is monolithic. Techpriests are loyal to the machine god and tend to make obeisance to Mars. It is not difficult to find yourself outside the power structures of the traditional Ad Mech and facing the secutors. Inquisitors can help with that, as can weird fringe cults.
Another reason a techpriest would do it is the standing modus of purifying alien machine spirits.

While the Tau accept everyone into the Greater Good equality isn't a big virtue for them. This may change in the next codex (gogo gadget Kroot Crisis Suit).

heretic marine
03-25-2012, 06:04 PM
I have to say it would be really cool:D