View Full Version : Dark Eldar Help?

03-21-2012, 06:04 PM
I am a complete newbie to 40k and I'd like to get some advice as to what to get for Dark Eldar. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of a Kabal (shooting) based army.
Thanks :)

Lord Nefarius
03-21-2012, 06:07 PM
if you're starting from zero get 3-4 boxes of kabal warriros to make trueborn, warriors and convert duke sliscus. and get 3-4 venoms and 3-4 raiders. maybe also 2 ravagers.
and of course dependant on how much money you want to spend in what time...

03-21-2012, 06:56 PM
you may want to pick up one of the battle force or mega force sets. In all honesty, its really not a bad buy as you get a good mix of stuff you will prob use.

if you are playing at the 2k level you will eventually end up wanting at least 2 ravagers, and i def agree you cant go wrong with 3 - 4 boxes of warriors and as many vehicles as you can snag.

03-21-2012, 07:05 PM
As the above had said, there's no way to go wrong with Warriors and Trueborn. It's also a safe bet to get some Raiders and Venoms, as you'll likely be using both (unless you're going Venom spam).

For the rest of it, it depends a lot on what kind of Kabal you want to run. Do you want a Kabal augmented by tough units like an Archon with Incubi, and an assault support of Wyches or even Wracks? Or do you want a Kabal that's purely shooting, with a cheap Haemonculus for HQ and lots of Warriors, Trueborn and Ravagers or Razorwings? A lot of this is personal preference.

From what I know, the battleforce is a pretty good buy to start off with as well.

03-21-2012, 07:26 PM
So are you asking for the Dark Eldar among us to help?

Or are you asking for advice about Dark Eldar?


03-21-2012, 09:32 PM
Just to echo a bit of what has already been said, but it bears repeating. Venoms and plenty of them.

I haven't settled on an HQ yet. I like Lady Malys' redeployment as being in the right position at the start of the game is important to a good alpha strike.

I like the succubus as a low point option that lets me spend the points elsewhere since I tend to play 1500 point games.

An Archon can get a bit pricey for the games I play but shadow field/huskblade makes him pretty mean.

Lelith can be a beast in CC, but she's a bit too expensive for my taste.

I haven't tried any of the other options yet.