View Full Version : Cryx v Khador bbox points difference.

03-21-2012, 11:40 AM
So we finally made the plunge. It's going to be Cryx and Khador as our armies and we bought the battle boxes.
I however noticed after doing some math that the Cryx box has 14 points of Models whilst the Khador one has just 11.
Were both new to the game and unsure if this points difference will be a handicap to Khador enough to cause them problems. Or is the match up even enough. If so cool, but if not what should we purchase to even things up a little. I was thinking either a manhunter or wardog.

Over to you :)

03-21-2012, 11:58 AM
The battleboxes are not designed to be equal in points but balanced in play. The Cryx box is 14 points but it's because she has 3 light warjacks and the Slayer is quite fragile for a warjack. The Khador box has two heavy warjacks, and if you can kill off the Slayer, the Cryx force will have a hard time taking down two ARM 20 warjacks - even with her spells.

In short, the Warmachine boxes are well-balanced against each other. You should note, however, that the Hordes boxes are not designed to be as balanced against the Warmachine ones, but are balanced against the other Hordes boxes.

03-21-2012, 03:52 PM
As said the boxes are pretty balanced, though for the most part any disparity would be due to the casters rather than the jacks. If once you guys get the hang of the game you notice the Cryx guy winning more, it may have more to do with PSorscha being a good while PDeneghra is an excellent.

03-21-2012, 04:39 PM
For more balanced games, you can drop one of the bone jacks from the cryx side, we have found this a bit more even at times

03-21-2012, 05:31 PM
Upon getting the Khador battle box myself, it is a relatively simple force to pick up and play with. Make sure to remember Sorscha's ability of assassinating enemy warcasters, though I've never played against a Deneghra. By adding some widowmakers i think that adds up to 15pts exactly which would be a very good start for a Khador army.

03-21-2012, 07:20 PM
Personally, I have found the Khador vs Cryx matchup to be a little in the favor of the Cryx player, but not because of points.

As Swifter66 pointed out, it's more about the casters than the contents.

Once the Cryx player finds Crippling Grasp, the Khador player is basically down one jack, forcing the Khador player into a defensive role, or moving forward with a third of their units.

Makes it a little one-dimensional, in my opinion.

That being said, once you move past battle box limits, it is far more even...

03-21-2012, 09:27 PM
It also depends if you are able to use feats. Feats tend to be devastating at battle box level. I recommend playing without them. Of course, if you do, the Menoth box is a bit underwhelming.


03-21-2012, 11:24 PM
If you want to even things up a bit, definitely go with a box of Widowmakers for the Khador. They are pretty useful in all point levels and work well with most warcasters.

My first battlebox game was Cryx (me) vs. Khador (the guy teaching me how to play). I pretty well got stomped.

I would be in agreement that the two battleboxes are fairly even, given the point discrepancy. As was said before, the Khador 'jacks are just so much tougher to crack than anything the Cryx side has (without debuffs). However, the Cryx out maneuvers and outnumbers the Khador force, so it really does even out. That and pDenny is a beast once you get the hang of how to use here.

As a side note, the Widowmakers can make a light jack nearly useless in one round of shooting.

03-22-2012, 10:25 AM
The Cryx battlebox is definitely difficult to deal with, but the thing about it is baiting the arcnodes. Usually Killbox isn't scenario based or anything, so just try to draw the arc nodes back, keep 1 jack more forward than the other and try and put your opponent in a situation where they have to sacrifice an arc node to try to get a spell off with it. While I generally approve of charging forward at the beginning of a game, in battlebox levels against pDenny that might not be the best choice.