View Full Version : The tragic tale of how i get repeatedly beaten at 40K by my girlfriend.

03-21-2012, 04:26 AM
This depressing tale goes pretty much as the title suggests. I've not been playing for too long, but have been going to down to my local games workshop with some regularity and playing some beginner games. These have generally been going well and i have not lost yet, despite challenging far more experienced players. So this is all good, where it starts to turn bad is when i decided to challenge my girlfriend to a game one night. She is really supportive about the hobby and everything but i really dont think 40K is her thing per se. Before meeting me i really dont think she had a clue what 40K was, and had certainly never played(unless she is lying and was some kind of prodigy, and is having a massive laugh at how clueless i am). I thought i may as well try and see what it would be like between us. So, i have a fairly large Space Marine force so to keep it simple we did Tac Squad vs Tac Squad to get into the dynamics of basic play and BOOM. I was wiped out by turn 5. I kid you not, there have never been more sixes rolled in history. She is a machine. These games became a nightly thing and so did her incredible form. The best result i have managed so far is one draw! I very rapidly decided to change the format. I thought, ok, in an objective game hopefully i can neutralize all this flukey rolling with tactical adeptness. No again. I am still to this day loosing. Even when i tried cheating (well, giving myself a greater points advantage courtesy of an extra Nobz squad) she still beat me. I think i may have discovered the Emperors daughter. She plays incredibly! It isn't just great rolling, she has a plethora of skills. This is honestly not a joke. So this week we are going to go and play at Games Workshop and put this extraordinary form to a greater test.

I know most people are going to say that this must just be down to the fact that i suck, and although that may be partly true, it doesn't account for what is happening. She is indeed a very gifted player. I thought i'd share this because it isn't really a depressing tale. I think it speaks well of Warhammer that someone can come to the game with little experience and be pretty competitive. Also that it isn't just about who has been into the game for the longest is a guaranteed winner, but I know this is a case a lot of the time. Plus we had a great laugh playing, especially on her part at how perplexed i am. So let this serve as a warning to those 40k'ers with girlfriends, challenge them at your peril!

Anyway, hope this amused you all sufficiently.

03-21-2012, 05:18 AM
Wht a heartwarming story.:) Don't feel bad, if I had a boyfriend I'd be emasculating him on the battlefield as well.

03-21-2012, 05:45 AM
Count yourself a lucky fella matey. The mere mention of 40k and the wife goes into a self induced coma. I have had to resort into investing in the future and breeding my own home gaming partners. Still a little young yet but the 4 year old has started painting models I bought for her from eBay.

03-21-2012, 06:07 AM
Count yourself lucky, amigo.

Best I've ever done w/a girlfriend & 40k is polite disinterest. There were a few where gaming was the "unspoken dark secret." The things you put up with sometimes...

Though now I'm married, and fortunate that my wife is supportive, if disinterested in the entire hobby.

03-21-2012, 06:35 AM

I have the opposite problem. I end up trashing my wife, without trying. I take a weak list vs what I know she'll have, destruction. And if I let her win, by the gods I'd end up worse than emasculated, heh.

03-21-2012, 06:52 AM
My wife used to play a S.O.B. army in 3rd/4th ed. She played a total of 4-5 games against me. I think she won once or twice too. But she couldn't stand losing any models. It's this same reason she doesn't like chess or checkers very much. If a game involves losing pieces/models, she usually doesn't like it. To her, acceptable losses aren't.

03-21-2012, 07:09 AM
I got my wife to paint one model, then never again. Totally not her thing. I try to invite her to play but she has no interest. I think you should take heart they you have someone who you can play regularly and is forcing you to be a better player.

03-21-2012, 07:51 AM
Well, neither my ex wife, nor my second wife have any interest in 40k. In fact, my ex was VIOLENTLY opposed to me ever playing the game, but we somehow managed to produce 3 great sons who are great gamers! When we are all together my Guard have the choice of facing off against Ultramarines, Speedfreekz, or a Tyranid splinter fleet. Good times,,,,:D

03-21-2012, 08:16 AM
My wife HATES 40k...though she loves fantasy. If you think losing is that bad, my wife beat me in a tourny and I had to take the slayer oath. I ended up with a bright orange beard...in front of the entire gaming group and the worst part was my mom was the one that dyed my beard :eek:


morale of the story..be grateful she doesnt rub it in when she kicks your ***.

03-21-2012, 08:18 AM
My wife HATES 40k...though she loves fantasy. If you think losing is that bad, my wife beat me in a tourny and I had to take the slayer oath. I ended up with a bright orange beard...in front of the entire gaming group and the worst part was my mom was the one that dyed my beard :eek:


morale of the story..be grateful she doesnt rub it in when she kicks your ***.

Dude, just awesome........what happens if she lost? Would you force her to wear an orange beard?

03-21-2012, 09:17 AM
I got my wife to paint one model, then never again. Totally not her thing. I try to invite her to play but she has no interest. I think you should take heart they you have someone who you can play regularly and is forcing you to be a better player.

This one is strangely familiar. Although she has picked some of the lingo via constant osmosis of me talking with gaming buddies she still is not interested

03-21-2012, 09:47 AM
thats awesome that your girlfriend plays 40k i wish my fiance would get into it but i guess after reading some posters situations i should be lucky she supports my hobby and she even helps me paint my armies, she also recently bought me a black hoodie with an aquila on it, and a dark blue inquisition shirt

Edit: we also have a not so soon to be gamer(10 week old) but the day will come mark my words!!!! lol

and i feel the need to mention she loves star wars and lord of the rings

03-21-2012, 10:19 AM
My girlfriend is the one who actually got me into the game. Before meeting her, I hadn't looked at 40k as more than just something neat other people do. ;)

Now, we're building opposing armies together... Necrons for me, and Chaos Space Marines for her ;)

03-21-2012, 10:58 AM
I'm lucky enough to not only have a girlfriend that plays 40k, but Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Hordes/Warmachine, and Malifaux too... and on top of that, she works for the largest game store in the area. Does she beat me at my own game(s)? Not yet... but I'm sure the day will come, and I look forward to it! :)

03-21-2012, 11:09 AM
I've had girlfriends interested in the painting aspect but never in the actual game itself. I even had one who really loved the chaos daemons, and the grosser the model the better. That should have been a sign...

03-21-2012, 12:09 PM
My wife is a gamer, but not a wargamer. We've been in loads of tabletop role playing games together. I consider myself lucky that she supports my interest in the hobby, even though she's not into it herself.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: one of the foundations of a lasting relationship is that you take an interest in eachother's geekness. You may not be into what your SO is into, but one of the best ways to show you love them is to at least try to appreciate it.

03-21-2012, 12:43 PM
I've had a few exes that have gotten into the game at my behest and one that was already playing when we got together.

My first loved painting and was actually really excited to play the game too. She bought a ton of Daemons and refused to play until she was fully painted... We finally got our first 500 point game in and she would be absolutely pissed every time she lost a model... It wasn't long that we realized the game wasnt for her, and Daemons especiallys werent her thing because she couldn't handle losing models.

My next one had started Space Wolves right after we got together, he wasnt exactly a strong painter or player but he was enthusiastic enough to be enjoying something nerdy that I was enjoying, and thats what counted... Eventually the relationship came to a close and he wanted nothing to do with the game anymore... So I ended up with some free Space wolves out of the deal.

The other person was someone I happened to hook up with at a local con, a full range sci-fi con with no 40k on the first day but full events the 2nd and 3rd. I didnt even know he played 40k but after a night of drinking and ending up at my place making bad decisions we headed back to the con together. After arriving we headed our seperate ways... It wasnt until pairings were called that we ended up across the table from eachother that we realized that we were 40k players. Douche ended up tabling my 4th edition Necron list with his leafblower... And that was the end of that.

03-21-2012, 12:47 PM
My wife plays Malifaux with me. I made the mistake of letting her win the first game. Typically I do this because then she might play again, but in this instance, it made her read near every strategy article that exists for her army.

She not routinely lays the beat down when we play. In our most recent match, she wiped my Arcanists before I could wound (not kill, wound) one of her guild models. It was ugly.

And then, oh yeah, she talks a serious, serious amount of smack. Like, we're talking Rucker Park levels.

It used to be fun...but now it's just demoralizing.

03-21-2012, 12:58 PM
My wife refuses to play any game involving tactics or strategy with me, not even checkers or Risk.

The closest I can manage with her is Monopoly, and only with help from my kids.

03-21-2012, 02:08 PM
Lucky guy! The closet my wife gets is trying to feed the cat my dark eldar wyches. She wants to film a video where he stomps through them like a monstrous creature. The wyches are yet to agree to the terms...

Other than that its just a hobby that shes not interested in.

03-21-2012, 03:07 PM
Maybe she is no girl at all? Did you ever take a look?


03-21-2012, 03:25 PM
My wife got me Black Reach for the Christmas we were engaged. She gets me models on special occasions from a wish list. She lets me go to the LGS every now and then. Once the kiddies get older, I'm sure I'll make it more often.

Other than that, it's just something she just will not understand, even though she plays puzzle games on her iPad and watches cop dramas and the Office all day.

Chris Copeland
03-21-2012, 03:28 PM
I'm sorry: I am completely out of my depth on this one. I've been married most of twenty years and my wife won't have anything to do with my hobby or anything science fiction/fantasy related. She won't:

go into a game store
watch Star Trek
watch Lord of the Rings
read science fiction or fantasy
play wargames
paint minis
in general, have anything to do with SF or fantasy anything!

... so I don't really have a lot to say about your girlfriend beating you at 40K. It's completely outside of my experience. However, I am the chess instructor at my school and I tell my students the same thing every year: "The chess board doesn't care who you are. It doesn't care how old you are. Chess is all about strategy." I think most of what I tell my students applies to this thread. I am in no way surprised that a woman is good at 40K: it's just a strategy game. It is surprising how quickly she picked it up... fair enough: now go forth and figure out how to beat her!

Cheers! Copeland

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-21-2012, 04:38 PM
I always found it more of a turn-ON when a girl beats me at a game. Sue me, I find being strategically and tactically beaten by a female to be super hot. Maybe I'm secretly a masochist.

Lady Fenris
03-21-2012, 05:01 PM
Heh, my first boyfriend couldn't stand the game at all. He hated it irrationally. Now, all I have to worry about is my boyfriend getting sulky when I table him. XD

Last tournament we played in together i tabled his Descent of Angels BA list with my Space Puppies. He was so sad that I ended up going and buying him a shirt to make up for it.

03-21-2012, 05:22 PM
I can't get my wife into gaming. She just doesn't have the mind for it.

03-21-2012, 05:33 PM
My wife isn't into 40K, but she does put up with me talking about it far too often! She's more into console gaming, and prefers survival horror to strategy titles, and is a fan of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. She does like some of the models GW make though(especially Vampire Counts). Our daughter, on the other hand, is into games & minatures, and keeps asking if she can have some of my Space Marine models "that you're not using" to add to her collection! :)

03-21-2012, 05:59 PM
she must be a pretty cool person :D

Lord Nefarius
03-21-2012, 06:03 PM
my wife paints my miniatures better than me. nomatter what tactics i use the dicegods prefer her. she plays the purest list of codex creeps and any statistic about average rolls looses it's truth...
... and yet she refuses to get an army,too ...
what should i do?

03-21-2012, 06:13 PM
Heh, my first boyfriend couldn't stand the game at all. He hated it irrationally. Now, all I have to worry about is my boyfriend getting sulky when I table him. XD

Last tournament we played in together i tabled his Descent of Angels BA list with my Space Puppies. He was so sad that I ended up going and buying him a shirt to make up for it.

lol, that is a lot funnier when you accidentally read shirt as skirt :P

03-21-2012, 07:36 PM
The first step is admitting that your girlfriend is secretly a dude, and you are playing her/him on VASSAL. :p

03-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Ive never gotten my girlfriend to play a game or even listen to what it is. She has no problem with it by any means, but she just laughs and mostly ignores it. If I ever did play her I think Id win, but if I lost, it would be very very shameful indeed...

Colonel Falkenberg
03-21-2012, 08:37 PM
I've tried to get my wife to play. She just smiles, pats me on the head and tells me to have fun playing with my plastic man dollies. "sigh"

03-21-2012, 08:58 PM
I've never been able to get a girlfriend/wife to play. Da Gwen!mom tried Heroclix (being that she IS a fanatical DC fangirl) but never didn't really get into that.

Now da Gwen herself, she has tried her hand at painting (normally not so well but applied a bunch of brown/earth tones to a marine and did a frighteningly passable plague marine) so maybe in a year of so she'll be ready to play.

03-21-2012, 09:48 PM
My wife is an interesting one. She is a professional artist (oil paintings and such) and she loves the aesthetic of the Dark Eldar. She's painted some amazing stuff, which really makes me jealous. I'm studying biochemistry (working on a PhD, just a little proud of it), and, as I always tell my professors, if I could draw I would've majored in art.

Essentially, the wife loves to paint my "Guys" with me, but hates playing. She's played a couple of games, but she thinks rolling all the dice is stupid. I'm okay with that, though, because she's super supportive. She has never once complained about the amount of time or money that goes into 40k.

03-22-2012, 12:28 AM
Wife has zero interest in the hobby at all, either playing or painting. She's pretty creative, I thought I could get her painting. No such luck.

03-22-2012, 02:46 AM
lol i wish my girlfriend was a little bit more interested in 40k so i could play her but we would propbably kill each other if we played :D

Filthy Sanchez
03-22-2012, 08:42 AM
Be glad she plays with you. While my wife doesn't give me grief for my hobby, she has expressed on many occasions that she has no interest in playing a "game of monsters." (I play nids)

03-22-2012, 11:02 AM
I remember the first time I played my now girlfriend for almost 3 years now. Instead of doing the normal teaching game where you show the person the ropes and try to make it close and even let them win....I forgot myself and my competitiveness took over and wiped her out. But thankfully she was still hooked and still plays to this day (loves conversions most of all); and is even doing pretty well these days. Has beaten me a few times now; even done so in a tournament that then helped get her 3 place (has done that twice now, placing in a tourney that is:) ).

We even have another game coming up tomorrow...:)