View Full Version : The CowBoyz

03-20-2012, 10:35 AM

I thought I'd post up here in the attempt to get some helpful comments from the comforts of my own chair!
I've literally not painted or played warhammer in 6 to 8 years. (Other than very recently, you understand)
Since I had spacemarines before I stopped, I decided that I'd go from the clinical battle protocals of the astartes, to the violent and unpredictable green horde of Orks.

I've started off by getting two boxes of Boyz, and two boxes of Gretchins, aiming for the whole 'Green Tide' tactic, and also giving me a large number of men to paint badly and practice on.

The Boyz have recieved blue cloth, and the grots have gotten a reddy orange.
An unexpected turn of events caused the blue clothing the Boyz have got to appear like denim, and as such they've been dubbed as Cowboy orks, or Cowboyz!

So, without further ado, below are two links for the army. The images are quite large (800x600) so I've provided links instead of images, but each link is an image of the unit, with an overall photo, and close ups of things I thought could do with close-ups.

Note: All models shown are WIP
A squad of 20 Gretchin, one Runtherd w/ Grotprod and Squig, and one Runtherd with grabber and whip.
Click 'Ere. ('http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/48/grotswip.jpg')

Orks with Choppy Bitz:
A squad of 9 Boyz with choppas and sluggas, one Boy with Rokkit launcha, and a Nob with Power klaw.
Click 'Ere Too! ('http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/2202/choppaswip.jpg')

Orks with Shooty Bitz:
A squad of 9 Boyz with Shootas, one Boy with a Bigga Shoota, and a Nob with a Big Choppa.
Image to come soon.

I appologise for all the bad photos, but I'm taking them with a phone.
Hope you enjoy!
- Vralka

03-21-2012, 10:23 AM
Good solid start. Lacking anything that makes them cow boyz though. I'd hope for at least a Stetson or some of the jackets to look like they are leather :P

Keep it up... only another 80 models to go before you get to a green tide! and 160 you can fit in your 6 troops choices ;)

03-21-2012, 12:31 PM
I love the green tide type armys. I run the full 180 boys in 2000 point games. There is nothing like pulling handfuls of boys off the table every turn and still overwelming enemy.