View Full Version : Basing for Noobs... textured paint

03-19-2012, 05:01 AM
In previous efforts my basing consisted of painting my bases gretchin green...
Now I am going to try harder :D

My proposed method is this:

Make textured paint by adding gritty-cat-litter or modeling sand (like on nearly all the GW 'eavy metal bases)
Paint this on to to the bases
High-light/wash as required
Apply those clumpy bits of grass etc

My main query involves the textured paint...
Will the texturing stay stuck to base if only paint is used to apply it to the base?

03-19-2012, 05:16 AM
You can do that method but I do not think it's your best option.
I would offer up mixing the sand etc with pva glue, applying that to the base and painting when dry. It will be more durable.

My personal preference for textured basing is fine filler slapped onto the base and left to dry. it gives you a nice enough rocky feel and is easliyl painted up.
I have some examples of this very easy method here http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=20178

Have fun with your basing buddy.

03-19-2012, 06:54 AM
I really struggled with basing up until I painted my Son's 'nids. I think the key to getting it right for standard basing is ensuring you have enough contrast in your basing material to allow whatever higlighting you do to contrast with the shadow areas. This can be done with either the bespoke basing sands which I believe are uniformly large grains of sand or by making a range of fine, medium and large grains to create a nice mix.


I wrote an article about red planet basing (http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/red-planet-basing.html) which uses a mixed range of builders sharp sand seived using my quick and easy sand sieve (http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/quick-and-easy-sand-sieve.html)


Alternatively I've seen some awesome results from model train ballast, which you can get in grey, red, black and white and if you mix grey with a little bit of red and white and then just wash with Badab Black you get the most fantastic and easy urban rubble.

03-19-2012, 04:43 PM
A really easy method is to apply PVA to your base, dunk into some fine builders sand, let it dry, wash with flesh wash, let that dry then dry brush with elf flesh. It's really simple and looks pretty good. Only problem is finding flesh wash but I reckon any dark brown ink would do it.

03-19-2012, 05:04 PM
I've gone a little OTT on basing recently.

I glue sand to the base, then wait for it to dry, then ink or wash it, then overbrush it, then drybrush it lighter still. For a long time my bases were bubonic brown with bleached bone drybrushed fo that sandy feel.

My sand mix has small rocks in it too. Sometimes I pick out the rocks in grey. Sometimes i stick bits of cut-up card (normally from train tickets) to the base to as flagstones.

Sometimes static grass in patches. Sometimes maimed helmets, skulls and dismembered arms or spare weapons/ammo added and painted.

And most recently, for a display forest base, really fine twigs from the garden, cut, glued, painted, with little circles where I have trimmed some plastic stuck on and painted to look like flowers.

KrewL RaiN
03-19-2012, 05:25 PM
Stick with the glue/sand combo for basing. It's very easy and extremely affordable if you don't use GW basing stuff.

Dollar stores are a basing goldmine. You can get a few different textures/sizes of decor sand/stones for cheep.