View Full Version : Exorcists!

03-19-2012, 12:23 AM
I recently played a few great games against SoB with my Grey Knights. One player uses the old GW model and the other uses the FW variant. Question one, where does the GW one draw line of sight from, and if it is the barrel,(pipes of the organ) can I draw line of sight back if the whole tank is behind a wall giving only the pipes LOS?
Question two, in the fluff of page 95 it says the Exorcists is an artillery piece, can it still move and shoot?
Last one, what is the arc of the weapon if the barrels if they point straight up?

03-19-2012, 03:31 AM
1/. Line of sight is drawn from the barrel usually. So, I would say yes, although I fully admit fluff-wise the targeter cannot see directly the target.
2/. Artillery rule only affects non-tank mounted weapons so it can move and fire
3/. I would pressume that the missiles path would be hyperbolic and so would have a 360° arc

03-19-2012, 03:41 AM
Can't find my WD with the rules for it in, so will only answer the questions I know for certain.

LOS for vehicles is drawn from the weapon's mounting point, not the barrel. Therefore LOS will be drawn from the base of the pipes. Range however is measured from the barrels... Don't think you'd get much of a difference/advantage there though.

How it is described in the fluff is fairly irrelevent. A SM whirlwind and an IG Bassillisk are both artillary pieces in the fluff as well, but all three are tanks and follow the normal rules for vehicles. therefore you CAN move and shoot the Exorcist Launcher, so long as you don't move over combat speed and so long as you aren't firing it as an ORdnance Barrage. (Can't remember if it is Ordnance, though I imagine it must be a barrage weapon, so that last point might be moot)

I would say that as a static mounted weapon it would fire in the vehicle's front arc. Then again, check with your opponant before the game begins. I certainly wouldn't argue against it being able to fire all round, especially given that the FW model is essentially on a turret.

03-19-2012, 04:21 AM
The problem is either:

The rules (for not defining all weapon arcs)
The model (for being ambiguious)

In terms of the rules, if it looks like it can pivot then it can is a good cover all and makes things quite simple and more realistic and means that new models can be introduced without having to define new rules for them.
In terms of the model (non-FW one), it is unclear how the model actually fires. I can't think of another model where this is so ambigious. In all other cases it is clear how the projectile gets to target by the turret/hull mount/sponson swings to target and fires.
With the organ being verticle it means that all directionality must be imposed in-flight cruise-missile-esque and in which case it doesn't need to face the target but its firing arc. Since all of that is pure speculation, it must come down to a discussion of the fluff-wise with your opponent.

03-19-2012, 09:20 AM
At work so i dont have the rules on me but im pretty sure the answers are in the sob faq.
The weapon has a 360 firing arc and measurements are done from the base if it.
Personally i usually measure from the servitor which siys pretty much dead center of the pipes.
fluff wise they shot straight up and then gain direction in flight much as someone above said. This would probably explain the d6 shots because it probably fires a bunch of missles and then only a few gain proper target aquisition and the rest scatter off to no where.

03-19-2012, 10:04 AM
Yeah, this one has been a bit contentious for a while now. If you lean over the pipe organ assembly, you can see that the servitor is positioned over the actual weapons, which are all pointed straight up and not not appear to be feeding into the Organ. I have always assumed that the Organs really are musical instruments and the missiles are keyed to fire with them at certain moments. The LOS is probably best drawn from either the servitor or the Organist, with the understanding that for whatever reason you can see through the pipes according to the FAQ. This also gives your opponent a clear understanding regarding whether or not they are in LOS, as they can usually see either model from the front and can roughly measure the height of those models from behind the pipes as well.