View Full Version : 2500 Competitive Hybrid Necrons

03-18-2012, 05:39 PM

Overlord : 130
- Warscythe
- Mindshackle Scarabs
- Sempiternal Weave

Command Barge : 80
- Tesla Cannon

Overlord : 165
- Warscythe
- Mindshackle Scarabs
- Phaeron
- Resurrection Orb

Court 1

Lord : 90
- Warscythe
- Mindshackle Scarabs
- Resurrection Orb

Harbinger of Destruction : 65
- Solar Pulse
- Gaze of Flame

Harbingers of Destruction x4 : 140

Court 2

Lord : 90
- Warscythe
- Mindshackle Scarabs
- Resurrection Orb

Harbinger of Destruction : 65
- Solar Pulse
- Gaze of Flame

Harbinger of Despair : 70
- Veil of Darkness
- Nightmare Shroud


Triarch Stalker : 150

Triarch Stalker : 150


Immortals x10 : 170
-Tesla Carbines

Immortals x10 : 170
-Tesla Carbines

Immortals x10 : 170
- Gauss Blasters

Warriors x20 : 260

Ghost Ark : 115

Fast Attack

Scarab Swarm x10 : 150

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge : 90
- Tesla Cannon

Annihilation Barge : 90
- Tesla Cannon

Annihilation Barge : 90
- Tesla Cannon


Unit Explanations
The Barge Lord zooms around the battlefield and performs sweep attacks on hard targets. He can also hop out and charge as needed. Very fast, durable, and deadly. Great for harassment, tying up backfielders, and contesting objectives.

The Support Overlord attaches to the unit of Warriors. He improves their durability and provides a massive boost to their offensive power at range and in assault. They can stack up a lot of wounds or suppress pretty much any vehicle, especially at rapid fire range, and can charge afterward as well.

The unit of 4 Lanceteks hijack the Ghost Ark and follow the Warriors around to support them and blast at hard targets.

Each unit of Tesla Immortals gets a Lord and a Pulsetek. These models improve the durability of the unit and boost their ranged and assault strength. The double Solar Pulses reduce the range of enemy weapons to 2d6x3 for 2 turns of my choice.

The Veiltek attaches to the Gauss Immortals. This unit is used as a mobile gap-filler that can deep strike where they are needed and shoot up a squad or suppress a vehicle as well as claim an objective anywhere on the board. For a measley 10 extra points, they can also force a morale check on an enemy unit each turn, adding further disruption.

The Stalkers mark important targets with their targetting relay ability so my Warriors, Immortals, and Lanceteks can apply some serious twin-linked firepower concentration. They deter many units from getting too close with their double Multi-Melta / Heavy Flamer and can tie up enemy assaulters.

The Scarabs destroy any vehicle they touch and can also be used for bubble wrap or tarpitting.

The triple Annihilation Barges add a bunch of extra AV 13 and firepower for very cheap.

Comments please!

03-19-2012, 11:10 AM
I was under the impression that each Cryptek type could only be taken once per Royal Court. Other than that this looks like a fun army to play with.

03-19-2012, 12:29 PM
Only the additional wargear, i.e. Solar Pulse, Veil, ..etc. But you could have 10 Destruction crypteks if you so choose.

03-19-2012, 01:22 PM
Ahh, good to know :-) (in case you couldn't tell, I'm new... still learning the rules) ;)

Render Noir
03-21-2012, 05:10 PM
Remember the annihilation barges are already twin linked so they do not get the benefit of the target relay on the stalker.

Like the combo of Phaeron with Gauss Blasters plus twin linked.

I think the whole switching the Crypteks into the ghost ark is too points spendy for the effect. I would use the points on Wraiths since they so good and you don't have a lot of counter assault.