View Full Version : i need ideas!!!!

commissar camenzuli
03-18-2012, 04:33 PM
has anyone got any ideas for a 500pts imperial guard army???? please help!!!!!

03-18-2012, 06:53 PM
Lord Commisar cammo cloak (give's the whole blob stealth) melta bombs

Infantry platoom

command 4 flamers chimera

sgt pwr wpn, grenade launcher auto cannon x2

sgt pwr wpn grenade launcher missle launcher

Penal legion

Good start stuborn blob of 30 guys with stealth with decnt mid range fire power and templates against hordes, two mobile scoring units (penal legionares can out flank) . Thoughts

03-18-2012, 07:03 PM
primas psker

2 vet squads in chimera

hell hound

aggressive lot of fire power 3 light tanks plus psyhic powers

03-18-2012, 07:04 PM
CCS with 4 Plasma Rifles, Krak Grenades, and Carapace Armor mounted in Chimera with Heavy Flamer = 190

10 Vets with 7 Shotguns and 3 Meltaguns in a Chimera with Heavy Flamer = 155

10 Vets with 7 Shotguns and 3 Meltaguns in a Chimera with Heavy Flamer = 155

They are good at everything but combat.

commissar camenzuli
03-19-2012, 04:22 PM
thanks so far but any ideas on a list containing a vendetta???

03-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Company Command Squad (4 x meltagun) 90
Veteran Squad (3 x flamer, chimera) 140
Veteran Squad (3 x flamer, chimera) 140
Vendetta 130

Small, elite army. Everything is packed in transports so it will not be a problem to get close enough for using meltas and flamers. I'm not sure if it will work fine (not much bodies as for Imperial Guard) but it has very strong anti-armour firepower and some templates to deal with Tyranids or Orks.

03-21-2012, 05:54 PM
I played in a 500 pt. tournament and had a pretty mean list. We were only required to take 1 Troops choice though, so you would have to take Veteran squads instead if 2 are required.

Company Command Squad - gives orders to lascannon squad and to selves
4x Sniper Rifles


Command squad - rides in Valkyrie
4x flamers


Grenade launcher

Heavy Weapons Squad - Gets orders from Command Squad
3x lascannons

Fast Attack

Valkyrie - Carries flamer squad
Rocket Pods

You could modify this list to have a Vendetta by switching out the Valkyrie and changing the Lascannon squad to have Heavy Bolters or Autocannons.