View Full Version : Where to get cheap toys for conversion project

03-16-2012, 04:19 PM
So I have a huge "counts as" project coming up. I've seen pics of the new "Space Skaven" (actual name is "Veer Myn" apparently) that Mantic Games is coming out with. Gotten the bug to do some sort of counts as project, making them a Hrud army, and using the rules for Dark Eldar to represent them.


Just so you know - I don't particularly care about whatever negative opinion you might have about Mantic Games, or "counts as" armies in general. I'm doing this because I think I will enjoy the conversion challenge, and I like the models. I really haven't been inspired by 40k lately (neither it's models or it's background) so this is kind of a unique drive for me.

Anyhow, like I mentioned, I am using Dark Eldar rules to represent my space rats - regular warriors for DE Cabalites, Rat Ogres for Grotesques, stuff like that. Of course I will need some skimmers, which brings me to my question.

I'm a reasonably skilled guy at conversions and sculpting (bragging a little - my apologies) but I want something to start with before I tackle a bunch of vehicles. To do that, I need a cheap source of toys. Where would be the best/cheapest place to get stuff like that? I don't normally go to thrift stores - would that be a good place? Should I stick to ebay? I am mostly looking for "vehicle" toys (GI Joes or whatever) that might have at least some cool engines or turbines I could use.

03-16-2012, 04:26 PM
Look for lots that have just a couple of pictures and wehre everything isn't laid out. Some of those go for the lowest prices because many people don't like to bid on things they can't see well. You'll likely find some gems in those types of lots, especially if they are Joe, Star Wars or mixed. Chap Mei is a chinese company that makes a bunch of action figure scale vehicles with cool looking bits and parts, and are relatively cheap and you can find those at places like TRU, CVS, Big Lots under the names "bla bla bla Force" (soldier force, police force, etc)

03-16-2012, 09:13 PM
As I think about it, what I really need are Star Wars episode 1 Pod Racer toys. Each pod racer comes with 2 engines, so that's like getting the engines for 2 Hrud skimmers for the project. I really need toys for some of the non-main characters' racers though. Anakin and Sebulba's racers were cool, but there's a bunch of other little side racers that had really cool looking engines.

Anyone know of a good source of cheap Star Wars Pod Racers? Preferably ones that are not just the "main" ones?

03-16-2012, 10:52 PM
Just to give you some support. Ignore the counts-as haters, this is a game. It is supposed to be fun. Dont let them get you down. I think those mantic figures will make awsome hrud. Keep up the good work.

03-17-2012, 04:52 PM
eBay or other auction sites are probably the best way to go (at least in my experience), since thrift stores can be really hit-or-miss. I find thrift stores to be better for Ork vehicle parts, when I want the vehicles to look extra 'looted'.

03-17-2012, 06:41 PM
Yeah I've been wanting to make a drop ship alternative to the stormraven but I haven't found much alternatives out there. I did see the new Avengers Quin jet toy at Toy R Us. It has potential and I wanted to buy it but I decided against it. I have way too many projects to finish and being full time Drill Sergeant and taking college at the same time has hampered me completing a lot of my projects