View Full Version : Slaaneshi Daemons/Sauron the Necromancer

03-16-2012, 12:34 PM
I really want to use Sauron the Necromancer (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod1500527) mildly converted, such as changing the shape of the helm and adding Slaaneshi details in a Slaaneshe daemon army...

Does it fit?

Granted it's not an Hermaphrodite esque Daemon, but yeah. I was thinking of using this as a Keeper of Secrets, a Daemon Prince or something count as... What do people think of the idea and would it be a fitting model?

03-17-2012, 10:29 PM
I don't have a problem with the concept (and would like to see what you come up with) but the model doesn't say Slaanesh to me. Personally I think it's more appropriate to Tzeentch or even Nurgle but, go for it.