View Full Version : Long time lurker joins lounge

03-16-2012, 09:10 AM
Hello all, I have been reading BoLS for about 3 years, but never joined until now.
A little about me:
I am a registered nurse, I work full-time an ER in Nashville TN and part-time in a smaller outlying hospital's ER. I am married with 3 kids and as you can imagine, my projects get completed v..e..r..y.. s.l..o..w...l..y..
I have been playing 40k since second edition, although I paint and model much more than I actually play so I am pretty noobish when it comes to the game. Still, I am not competative at all, so i don't mind getting trashed every time I play a game lol.

I have some armies I have always wanted to show off and it never really occurred to me that this would be a good way to do so. That being said I will try to get some pics up before too long. I am kind of torn, because it would be nice to finish my on-going projects before showing them off, due to the fact that I might pain a unit once a month or so. Still, if I do that I will never get the pics up, so we will see.

Thanks for having me aboard gang! I am happy to be part of the community.

03-16-2012, 09:18 AM
Welcome BOLS chum. I hope you enjoy it here. :)
Plus, thanks for posting on my log.