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09-18-2009, 06:48 PM
evidence for BE, necron and nid CODEX release any time soon = 0

evidence for DE being worked on
that came out last year + the leaked models and so on croping up over the net

now i play nids and dark eldar and dark angels but i honestly have no idea where the rumours of a new codex are coming from especially tyranids they wont be updating a 4th ed codex when there's still 4 army's with a 3rd ed codex and one army who don't currently have a codex lol

i cant find any evidence on the net that the necrons are even being thought about lol and i do doubt that GW will release another SM codex so soon after SW if there is a SM codex next year it will be late 2010 at best cos they like to spread the love out at least a little bit usually

09-18-2009, 06:51 PM
most likely releases for 40K next year is

Dark eldar

maby necrons (but some new models should have surfaced by now)

late on like October-December = blood angels

09-18-2009, 08:49 PM
FYI, GW has said Dark Eldar are coming out since like '06. Tyranids are pretty much the next army, new plastics seen, and it has a big player base.

Blood angels came up when Space hulk came out, but since GW like to release a space marine based army every year, BA seem to be the next logical choice since their codex is a joke.

Necrons are also in the rumor because they are the most broken army in the game. So in my opinion

Q1 '10---> Tyranids
Q2/3---> necrons
Q4---> blood angels
Q1 '11---> dark eldaer

Q4 '12---> the world ends..

09-18-2009, 09:07 PM
I'm betting BA come right after Nids. People are freaking over the SH Terms. GW writes a codex, which is most likely done. If not, they just match up some points and options with C:SM, make some Death Company changes, and possibly an army wide rule. Put out a BA Upgrade sprue ala Space Wolves, maybe updated Death Company and Chars.

Instant cash flow with almost no outlay. BA Players are rabid foaming at the mouth. The Codex sucks, the SH minis fired them up even more, and with the simplicity/coolness of the SW rollout, every BA player expects the same. I can see the lines forming already.

09-18-2009, 09:52 PM
The info is over a year old, and directly from GW. Generally, actual info from GW doesn't come unless it's already done, or it has no scheduled/planned upon release and they can use the elapsed time to say it's all changed. That said, they have gotten better at keeping lips sealed about upcoming releases to the public (not that it's better, I'd like to see them try more disclosure on upcoming projects).

I play Dark Eldar, I like where the army is in terms of meshing with the ruleset, but there are a few things that need minor tweaks to bring it in line. However, having read ANYTHING GW releases on Dark Eldar, I'm more and more conviced that nobody at GW knows how to play them, or what to do with them.

Honestly, what I'd love to see, is a quickie WD gloss over codex that keeps the same basic layout, but updates them for use in an edition other than 3rd (can we all say Hellions). Maybe a few movements in the Force Org chart to help encourage some units.

09-18-2009, 10:38 PM
evidence for BE, necron and nid CODEX release any time soon = 0

evidence for DE being worked on
that came out last year + the leaked models and so on croping up over the net

now i play nids and dark eldar and dark angels but i honestly have no idea where the rumours of a new codex are coming from especially tyranids they wont be updating a 4th ed codex when there's still 4 army's with a 3rd ed codex and one army who don't currently have a codex lol

i cant find any evidence on the net that the necrons are even being thought about lol and i do doubt that GW will release another SM codex so soon after SW if there is a SM codex next year it will be late 2010 at best cos they like to spread the love out at least a little bit usually

1. he said he was working on them and 1/2 way done with the plastics after 8 months of work...that pod cast was over 15 months ago...if it took him 8 months to do the 1st half, this is where you infer....and guess what, there is still no hide or hear of them...I know a guy that swore up and down to me that he had seen them but at this point i wish GQ would just say they were getting squatted so i wouldnt have to think about them or be pissed off any more that the army i have played for the last 6 years has gotten less than 10 mentions in any gw material since I began playing...I think gw simply pretends inq and dark ekdar just dont exist

2. What leaked models? If you have alink and its not the green hemis that have been confirmed to have nothing to do with any of Jes's work I'll be a happy boy...

3. Nids are a done deal...Brimstone says so (urge to kill rising)

4. Crons are after that...also from Brim (RISING)

5. Rumor has it there have been multiple versions of the dex that has been put out and all have been sent back...current rumor is jes is off all DE duty until the book is ready...PHIL YOUR FREAKING KILLING ME GET THE GD BOOK DONE...

6. After that I have no idea...could be BA could be DE if we get lucky...its only been since 2001 that the codex got a minor update...aside from that the core of the book is over 10 years old...GW can move on and bring out a new race :(

seriously if you have a link that will lead me to new pics that are not the old green hemis ill be happy

09-18-2009, 10:45 PM
GW has stated that every codex is going to get updated before any new race or 6th edition. So Tau, Eldar, Witch/Demon hunters <--one codex maybe??, Darkangels Black templars..

BTW easiest new army to release wll be ordos xenos!

09-19-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm betting BA come right after Nids. People are freaking over the SH Terms. GW writes a codex, which is most likely done. If not, they just match up some points and options with C:SM, make some Death Company changes, and possibly an army wide rule. Put out a BA Upgrade sprue ala Space Wolves, maybe updated Death Company and Chars.

Instant cash flow with almost no outlay. BA Players are rabid foaming at the mouth. The Codex sucks, the SH minis fired them up even more, and with the simplicity/coolness of the SW rollout, every BA player expects the same. I can see the lines forming already.

Ditto. They have been doing two full codex's a year lately so I'd bet on those two. If 'crons or 'nids get thrown into the mix that would be great but I'm not holding my breath.

09-19-2009, 07:02 AM
FYI, GW has said Dark Eldar are coming out since like '06. Tyranids are pretty much the next army, new plastics seen, and it has a big player base.

Blood angels came up when Space hulk came out, but since GW like to release a space marine based army every year, BA seem to be the next logical choice since their codex is a joke.

Necrons are also in the rumor because they are the most broken army in the game. So in my opinion

Q1 '10---> Tyranids
Q2/3---> necrons
Q4---> blood angels
Q1 '11---> dark eldaer

Q4 '12---> the world ends..

nope, more like:

Q4 '12---> the world ends..
Q1 '13---> Dark eldar :rolleyes:

09-19-2009, 08:41 AM
Q4 '12---> the world ends..


09-19-2009, 01:01 PM
Q4, 12 ---> the world ends

you forgot the subtitle: spezial millenium edition by gw :P

09-21-2009, 12:14 AM
i asked a gw staff and hes a good friend nids will be coming beginning of 2010 :) and d-eldar will be out maybe sometime 2011 or l8 2010

09-21-2009, 06:46 AM
Not only do I think ‘nids and BA are coming out before DE; I think Necrons and DA are coming out before DE. HA!
Wad da ya think of dat?!!


09-22-2009, 12:14 AM
DE are not coming out

If you hear a rumor, its a lie

If GW mentions them, they're just patronizing your purchase of a unsupported army.

That motto GW put out when they were hyping up Space Hulk, "Everything you heard was a lie."? Well, they were talking about Dark Eldar.

09-22-2009, 12:40 AM
nope, more like:

Q4 '12---> the world ends..
Q1 '13---> Dark eldar :rolleyes:

Na GW will release the Dark Eldar hours before the end of the world. This will be so they can sell the army codex/ nw models to as many people as possible and still nto really allow anyone to play the new list.

09-22-2009, 03:46 PM
nope, more like:

Q4 '12---> the world ends..
Q1 '13---> Dark eldar :rolleyes:

This still leaves inquisition out :(

09-24-2009, 07:01 PM
Because I posted over a month ago that that was the case?
Dark Eldar will come out in 2011, because the Codex wasn't good enough last time. It's hard for Jes to finish the models when they change their minds about what's in the Dex...Apparently the whole army Outflanking isn't enough...

Brass Scorpion
09-24-2009, 07:10 PM
"News" about Necrons these days on other forums mostly says they will get their revision and re-release in 2011. Also, perhaps it would be worth looking at this thread elsewhere on the forum (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=2215).

09-24-2009, 11:34 PM
You will not see Dark Eldar for a long time because this army does not fit into GW current style of releasing and updating armies. Armies now are released as follows:

1) Several months prior to the release GW discontinues many of the models.
2) The new shiny codex is unveiled along with a few new characters and an upgrade sprue or two are released.
3) Whenever GW finishes the sculpts or "gets around to it" the release remainder of the units.

GW currently has units in the Deamon army without models ( Seekers. plastiic plague bearers, etc ).
GW just recently released the remaining characters and models for the Space Marines.
GW is still working on models for the Guard ( vehicles, new troops?) and from what I hear there will be several Space Wolves entries (Thunderwolf Cavalry ) that will not have models for a while either.

Dark Eldar need a complete new line of models and some retail shelf space. GW is not going to sacrific any room in its store or commit any real resources to sculpts for this project when they have so many others partially done. It's a long way off, like it was said the Mayan calendar stops in 2012, then Hell freezes over, and a few years after that you get the new Dark Eldar army. Dont look for them anytime sooner!

Shuricane Wayne
09-26-2009, 08:01 AM
And as far as those Eldar scetches go; the one on the left is the old second ed Striking Scorpion Exarch with a Biting Blade and the one on the right is a more recent Striking Scorpion. No evidence of Dark Eldar here, move along, nothing hear to see.........

09-27-2009, 09:21 AM
GDUK just confirmed 'Nids as the next dex.

Looks like DE are still on a waiting list... actually, thats a lie. I don't think they're on any list, just in the dreams of a few.

Vulkan He'stan
09-27-2009, 02:29 PM
LOL DE before nids

09-27-2009, 04:57 PM
GDUK just confirmed 'Nids as the next dex.

Looks like DE are still on a waiting list... actually, thats a lie. I don't think they're on any list, just in the dreams of a few.

Doesn't make it a lie, just because you don't know if they're correct.

09-28-2009, 11:11 AM
"confused why do people think nids and BE are coming before DE"

its because they are being worked on before DE.

09-29-2009, 10:42 PM
Wow. Looks like GDUK really blew this theory out of the water. Evidence of next codex. See cover of Tyranids from GD. Release date at the bottom.

I feel the DE player pain. I'm a Wolves player and am so happy to have a new dex. DE will happen. Now only a matter of when.

09-30-2009, 04:26 PM
Q- Why do people think Tyranids are coming out before Black Templar, Necrons and Dark Eldar?

A- Becuse they are.

the one
10-01-2009, 10:30 AM
They are. Now stop whining on EVERY THREAD. Tyranids will eat the Dark Eldar like they ate the Squats, and GW will try to pretend you never exsisted.

Or they might get a new codex when 6th edition comes around.

End of thread.

10-01-2009, 12:22 PM
They've actually got Dark Eldar being worked on right now. The problem is it takes time, and yes, they are actually working on them, it'll be another year minimum folks, I'm personally willing to bet 18-24 months.

10-01-2009, 01:52 PM
They're working on them... casually at best. If they wanted to push a new Marine codex out it'd be out in three months, tops.

10-01-2009, 02:13 PM
Problem. Marines aren't being entirely resculpted from scratch.

Literally, the Dark Eldar are being entirely revamped on an infantry scale. Every model is going to be redone from scratch with a newer look, not even a true evolution of the old look, but a revolution. That takes FAR more time than just using the templates for Space Marines and then adding some shiny bits to them.

10-01-2009, 02:27 PM
Also, they're not Space Marines, so they don't get as high priority as Space Marines. And let's face it, that makes a huge deal to GW, whom has a mancrush on Space Marines.

And don't try and claim otherwise, you know full well that it's true :P

Katie Drake
10-01-2009, 02:46 PM
If I was running a business, I know I'd want to support the product that brings in 50% of my profits too. All the Space Marine hatred is really juvenile and old. We all know that GW supports that Space Marines more than any other two races combined. We all know that the bloody Dark Eldar haven't been updated in ages. We know that Inquisition players aren't happy and are suffering. Stop complaining about it in every News/Rumors thread, for heaven's sake.

10-01-2009, 02:52 PM
@ Melissa

We get that you love to say "GW has a mancrush on Astartes," please post something worthwhile... If your going to spam the same sentence then make it your sig and spend the typing time by adding something constructive.


10-01-2009, 03:48 PM
Look. I'm not denying Space Marines take a higher priority, but there is more to doing Dark Eldar than just spitting out minis.

Jess is doing the Dark Eldar, he's the creative mind behind their appearance and thats his current and main project. But he's pointed out its an entire redo on the range, so it will take time, not just for the sculpts, but to make sure each sculpt matches, and is interchangeable with other components.

10-01-2009, 05:55 PM
If I was running a business, I know I'd want to support the product that brings in 50% of my profits too.

I have not seen any proof of this claim, regardless of how much people push it. Also, there are seven Marine codices and eight non-Marine codices, so even if Marines actually ARE 50% of profits from 40K, then how is that not unexpected given how much ridiculous focus is put on them?

Katie Drake
10-01-2009, 06:38 PM
I have not seen any proof of this claim, regardless of how much people push it. Also, there are seven Marine codices and eight non-Marine codices, so even if Marines actually ARE 50% of profits from 40K, then how is that not unexpected given how much ridiculous focus is put on them?

Fine. What if it's 35%? 25%? Those are still large numbers when you take into account the number of dollars that GW rakes in per year.

As for your second point... wha? Who said anything about it it being expected or not expected? What does that have to do with this conversation? I'm confused.

10-01-2009, 06:49 PM
Fine. What if it's 35%? 25%? Those are still large numbers when you take into account the number of dollars that GW rakes in per year.

As for your second point... wha? Who said anything about it it being expected or not expected? What does that have to do with this conversation? I'm confused.

1: And that means the rest of the armies earn the rest of the money. But only Marines receive this insane level of support, most of the others barely get any attention in comparison. To use the most important aspect, fluff backing... what about Ork centered novels, where Orks are the main characters? Eldar centered novels, Tau centered novels? I can understand the lack of Necron or Tyranid centered novels due to the relative lack of personality of both of those armies (in regards to the individual members), but what I can't understand is why 90% + novels are Marine-centric. And then there's WD, which is essentially Marines, Marines, and more Marines.

They spend so much effort and money advertising Marines and yet they ONLY get that level of profits? I can't claim to be an expert, but it doesn't seem like it's paying off.

2: The most highly supported 50% of GW's codices supposedly earn just over 50% of GW's profits. This is not entirelly impressive given the level of support and attention Marines get.

10-02-2009, 06:41 AM
Melissia; Marines have an always will be the bread and butter of GW. Most marketing info of this sort is kept internal so it’s little surprise that you’ve seen no evidence to back up the statement. The only product that GW carries that out sells Tactical Squad boxes is Black Primer and the margin on that is pretty low. Space Marines have a wide appeal to veteran gamers and young newcomers alike. They are the benchmark and probably the best army to learn how to play the game with. GW is blessed to have such a thing in their product range.

There is a good reason why humans make up the majority of characters in the BL novels. The books are written by humans. Gav Thorpe is currently taking on the task of writing a series of eldar novels and I look forward to seeing the results, but I’m hesitant because it such a difficult task and previous attempts have had poor results (see C.S. Goto).

I look forward to the Tyranid novel written from the point of view of a Hormagaunt. It would just be the words “Run” and “Stab” repeated for 300 pages.

The reason that, as you say, “90%” of their novels are marine centric can be summed up in one word; leverage. Its marketing 101 that you take your best selling product and put out as much other stuff associated with that product as possible. It think you should revise your statement to “Human-centric” as there are a ton of Imperial Guard books out there. Again, humans writing about humans…go figure.

I laugh at your second point because most businesses would kill to have a single product that brought in 50% of their revenue.

You did get one thing right; You are not an expert. But you are also not even a novice when it comes to understanding how a business such as GW works.


10-02-2009, 06:47 AM
Dosadi: Honestly sometimes, I wonder why I even bother. Did you actually read my post? I'm honestly curious, because from reading yours it seems like you didn't, and you responded after looking at the first couple of words instead.

And no, most businesses with intelligent leaders would HATE to have a single product have fifty percent of their revenue. This means if that product tanks suddenly for some reason, their company tanks with it. For example, if a car company was dealing in only SUVs, it would have found itself with greatly reduced sales once gas prices went up. And then in the past, a car company focusing entirelly on compact economy cars would find themselves in a bind during the heyday of the SUV and sports car when gas was cheap.

10-02-2009, 10:34 AM

10-02-2009, 11:47 AM
Dosadi: Honestly sometimes, I wonder why I even bother. Did you actually read my post? I'm honestly curious, because from reading yours it seems like you didn't, and you responded after looking at the first couple of words instead.


And no, most businesses with intelligent leaders would HATE to have a single product have fifty percent of their revenue. This means if that product tanks suddenly for some reason, their company tanks with it. For example, if a car company was dealing in only SUVs, it would have found itself with greatly reduced sales once gas prices went up. And then in the past, a car company focusing entirelly on compact economy cars would find themselves in a bind during the heyday of the SUV and sports car when gas was cheap.

How does this relate to plastic toy soldiers?
Space marines are not a commodity. I don’t see the bottom falling out of the Space Marine market because the price of petroleum went up. If that was the case, GW would have gone out of business in 1996 and again in 1998 and 1999 and…well, you get the picture.

We are dealing with a luxury item in a niche market, you example holds no basis for comparison.

Anyway, this thread had swerved way off topic so that's the last I'm going to say here. Feel free to start a marine bashing thread and I’ll gladly jump in the ring to defend my precious astartes.


10-02-2009, 12:13 PM
Cars are also a luxury item. They may be useful, yes, but they're still luxuries. In many places owning a car is completely unnecessary-- the Untied States is actually quite unique in how we view the automobile and how we treat it. And even in the US, owning a car is still optional for many people. You can just as easilly ride a bike, a motorcycle, a train, a tram, a subway, a bus, and so on, depending on your location.

But hey, whatever floats your boat dude.

10-02-2009, 03:22 PM
1: And that means the rest of the armies earn the rest of the money. But only Marines receive this insane level of support, most of the others barely get any attention in comparison. To use the most important aspect, fluff backing... what about Ork centered novels, where Orks are the main characters? Eldar centered novels, Tau centered novels? I can understand the lack of Necron or Tyranid centered novels due to the relative lack of personality of both of those armies (in regards to the individual members), but what I can't understand is why 90% + novels are Marine-centric. And then there's WD, which is essentially Marines, Marines, and more Marines.

They spend so much effort and money advertising Marines and yet they ONLY get that level of profits? I can't claim to be an expert, but it doesn't seem like it's paying off.

2: The most highly supported 50% of GW's codices supposedly earn just over 50% of GW's profits. This is not entirelly impressive given the level of support and attention Marines get.

this is most of the reason i dislike 40k (yet i still play it because i try to ignore it) i mean look at the starter boxes: all space marines + siomething else.

warhammer fantasy battle doesn't have a "poster army"

10-03-2009, 11:40 AM
All the Space Marine hatred is really juvenile and old. We all know that GW supports that Space Marines more than any other two races combined. We all know that the bloody Dark Eldar haven't been updated in ages. We know that Inquisition players aren't happy and are suffering. Stop complaining about it in every News/Rumors thread, for heaven's sake.
Why? So GW will continue to be oblivious to the fact that so many of it's fans (including many sm players) are sick and tired of space marines? Forget it. I don't care about SMs, why should I shut up and be happy about them receiving more praise and glory than they're worth? I intend to be vocal about my disappointment in GW for grossly neglecting several far more interesting armies. Otherwise they'll never get the message.

How does this relate to plastic toy soldiers?
I believe the conversation was about business ethics, not plastic toy soldiers.

GW exercises very poor judgment in regard to business revenue maximization. The appeal of 40k is not space marines, it is the diversity of the game. SM players get in thinking of all the fun they're going to have fighting aliens, only to find that they really only fight other SMs. GW does themselves an injustice by only advertising to one tiny dimension of that universe. They seem to think SM fans would all drop the game if they were to advertise a greater diversity of miniature lines.

The fact is, ALL the armies have appeal. To many people, that appeal is exclusive to one army. GW has gotten no money from me in over 5 years because they keep dragging their feet on the only army I'm interested in. I'd wager there are tens of thousands of Necron, Tau, Sisters of Battle and DE fans with that same disposition. Each willing to give at least a thousand dollars to GW, if only GW wanted their money... But no, GW would rather pander to a crowd which it's already going to get money from...

10-08-2009, 12:47 PM
GW is making what they believe is the best decisions for their company in regards to releases. Ask yourselves this and be honest about it. At your local gaming stores what armies make up the majority of those being played? It is almost always some flavor of marines. People like marines. I am a Tyranid player but my secondary army is vanilla marines. This is not because of GW offering marines more support. People like the armies and fluff, marines are cool at least to a majority of players. If everyone was clamoring for dark eldar GW would work harder to get them out but the truth is DE has a loyal following but it is a small following compared to other armies like eldar, nids, orks and especially marines.

I know it sucks for loyal DE players but that is just the reality of it. Marines are more popular than DE or any other army for that matter and GW would be insane to ignore that fact.

10-08-2009, 01:09 PM
GW is making what they believe is the best decisions for their company in regards to releases. Ask yourselves this and be honest about it. At your local gaming stores what armies make up the majority of those being played? It is almost always some flavor of marines. People like marines. I am a Tyranid player but my secondary army is vanilla marines. This is not because of GW offering marines more support. People like the armies and fluff, marines are cool at least to a majority of players. If everyone was clamoring for dark eldar GW would work harder to get them out but the truth is DE has a loyal following but it is a small following compared to other armies like eldar, nids, orks and especially marines.

I know it sucks for loyal DE players but that is just the reality of it. Marines are more popular than DE or any other army for that matter and GW would be insane to ignore that fact.

QFT, this is part of the reason I play Nids and Chaos, not only because I like their fluff more than other armies, but because I know that they are popular enough to enjoy favored army status at GW.

Katie Drake
10-08-2009, 01:32 PM
Why? So GW will continue to be oblivious to the fact that so many of it's fans (including many sm players) are sick and tired of space marines? Forget it. I don't care about SMs, why should I shut up and be happy about them receiving more praise and glory than they're worth? I intend to be vocal about my disappointment in GW for grossly neglecting several far more interesting armies. Otherwise they'll never get the message.

Well, for one because it's annoying as hell. The other reason is that GW knows that the whining Dark Eldar players are unhappy with their book. I don't think GW is the world's best company or anything, but it isn't like they're unaware of the state that some armies are in. Jes Goodwin is already half done the Dark Eldar range - he said as much in one of Games Workshop's podcasts. The Inquisition is admittedly still a long ways off, but *****ing and moaning about it in every rumors thread (even those that don't have bloody anything to do with the Inquisition) is just lame. The Dark Angels got screwed. We know. So does GW. So, to those Dark Angel players that are unhappy with their book, we know, please stop.

I don't intend to "aim" this post at any particular members here. This is just a message in general to those that vent about the state of their armies.

10-08-2009, 03:01 PM
Just to help shed some light on this topic I will let you in on a conversation I had last weekend, Game 5 of our tournament.

I was playing a former GW employee from Canada. He used to be in charge of running the Canadian GT circuit but has been working elsewhere since GW has discontinued corporate supported tournaments. I asked him point blank why Dark Eldar get no love. He told me it was quite simple, it all comes down to dollars and cents and Dark Eldar was by far the worst selling 40K army every produced. While GW is aware that some fans still exist and are waiting not so patiently, they have no plans on releasing this army until they are certain they can produce it well and make it popular. This means a complete rework of the army which Jes Goodwin is in the process of. Like most companies this project is not a priority and GW has focused it resources on its more profitable armies. That does not mean that Dark Eldar are dead but they will only resurface when they are updated correctly, new models and new rules. As far as this person knew they are not in the near future of releases, like I have said before Nids are next, with most likely a Blood Angels redo afterwards, followed possibly by Necrons sometime in the following year.

10-08-2009, 04:09 PM
You know what Melissa, and others, I've gotta be honest. This is just an observation but...

Why do you play?

Clearly, honestly, you hate Games-Workshop, you hate the product plan they have, every post I see is generally "Well screw you GW, screw your space marines too!"

You know what? If they did plastic sisters with a huge, interesting codex... I still wouldn't play them! :O

I've played literally every single army in Warhammer 40,000 over 15 years save Squads, Dark Eldar, Necrons, and Sisters of Battle.

I have had 2 Eldar Armies. (Sold)
I've had a Space Marine Army.
Space Wolves Army.
Thousand Sons Army
Word Bearers Army (My biggest army, 6,000 points)
Orks (old codex and new. Like new more obviously. 4,500 points)
Tau Army (Sold)
Tyranids Army (Sold)
Grey Knights (Sold)
Imperial Guard (sold)

And you know what? It was a combination of factors which had me play each one. RIght now, I've got a Blood Ravens army I'm building. I'm unlikely to sell it, just as I am unlikely to sell my Chaos Forces or Orks.

But I would play an army for 3 reasons. Style, minatures, and backstory.fluffiness. The final one is the most important.

Space Marines are more popular, and will be more popular than MANY armies. This is the truth. Bluntly, this is what reality is.

GW is supporting that product, and honestly? Late the Xeno/non marine updates have been more common! Eldar, Orks, Imperial Guard, all done within a pretty short peroid as far as codexes go. I remember before it was ONLY marines, Black Templars, Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Chaos Marines, all in a row almost. All Marines all the Time.

Now they are doing even Tyranids for god's sakes. and people all still CRY over it, and blame GW and ect.

Well you know what? If you don't like the game, or the product release schedule, coming onto a forum and whining about it all the time, or how much marines suck because they get more attention, then really, its time to find another hobby. GW in the last few years has offered more support for Xeno armies than i saw in literally 6-10 years when I was younger. So personally? I'm pretty happy with their direction.

And this isn't just over Melissa, its for EVERYONE who wants to sit there and blame GW for trying to make money, even when they ARE supporting races that AREN'T Space Marines.

10-17-2009, 05:11 PM
A bunch of rage about forum posts

What is is your argument here? If you don't like it get out? Either get on the GW bandwagon or move on to another hobby? If the people complaining on these places hated GW as you like to infer they wouldn't waste their time making a fuss over it, they would simply move on to something else. Which, by the way, a lot of people have been doing for a number of year.

10-18-2009, 02:03 AM
Why? So GW will continue to be oblivious to the fact that so many of it's fans (including many sm players) are sick and tired of space marines? Forget it. I don't care about SMs, why should I shut up and be happy about them receiving more praise and glory than they're worth? I intend to be vocal about my disappointment in GW for grossly neglecting several far more interesting armies. Otherwise they'll never get the message.

I believe the conversation was about business ethics, not plastic toy soldiers.

GW exercises very poor judgment in regard to business revenue maximization. The appeal of 40k is not space marines, it is the diversity of the game. SM players get in thinking of all the fun they're going to have fighting aliens, only to find that they really only fight other SMs. GW does themselves an injustice by only advertising to one tiny dimension of that universe. They seem to think SM fans would all drop the game if they were to advertise a greater diversity of miniature lines.

The fact is, ALL the armies have appeal. To many people, that appeal is exclusive to one army. GW has gotten no money from me in over 5 years because they keep dragging their feet on the only army I'm interested in. I'd wager there are tens of thousands of Necron, Tau, Sisters of Battle and DE fans with that same disposition. Each willing to give at least a thousand dollars to GW, if only GW wanted their money... But no, GW would rather pander to a crowd which it's already going to get money from...

You are silly...if GW exercised poor judgment or if more than a small, but very loud minority were really unhappy, they would not still be in business. I am sure that when you put your game on the market you will make better decisions and easily pull the lions share of the market from GW. Until then, take serious note of the fact that the guys at GW are putting out some of the best figures and rules that they have ever put out and in a really bad world market they are still doing just fine.
Play the game or don't but the constant trashing on the guys who supply our hobby/obsession is entirely bad for the game. Nothing positive will come of bashing the company.

10-18-2009, 02:32 AM
hear hear. as someone who collects inquisition, i SHOULD be slating GW, but instead im happy, we easily have the best value for money kit, in the form of the exorcist, and yeah, we're not supported as much in erratta etc, but honestly who cares? really? you can sit and moan about how broken your dex is, or you can find interesting and fun ways to make it work for you, make your own rules etc. DA players complain bout points costs, find a frienly group, and sub in the revised costs, instead of placing all responsibility on tyhe company, accept some yourselves is what i say. want to win tournaments, but your army wasnt designed for 5th? you can complain about it, or you can have fun playing it. personally i joined BoLS for the outlook of the moderators view "if its broke, fix it your bloody self!" its YOUR army, not GW's, so YOU fix it, and stop cloggin the forums, just wait, itll be your turn soon!

the one
10-18-2009, 04:20 AM
Why is this thread still running? Shouldn't it have at least been moved, it never had a place in this section of the forum anyway.

10-18-2009, 04:52 AM
I think the best way to end any Dark Eldar thread is with Jes Goodwins final words on the subject from the last design philosophy podcast:

"Worry not, I'm working hard".

10-18-2009, 12:33 PM
look lets face it dark eldar will come out when the sun goes dark do i particularly like this? no and id love to be proved wrong sometime soon but meh theres nothing wrong with the rules ... at all just a few small things really need to be changed so get over it there are worse codexes ... insidentally i include space marines in this because im yet to find a marine list i cant slaughter but ill give wolves a chance...

10-30-2009, 02:01 PM
I think the best way to end any Dark Eldar thread is with Jes Goodwins final words on the subject from the last design philosophy podcast:

"Worry not, I'm working hard".

“Trust us, Duke Nukem Forever will rock when it comes out next year.” – Joe Siegler, 1999

10-31-2009, 12:58 AM
Except Jes Goodwin always delivers quality. A better analogy would be with Blizzard "We will release it when its ready". I'm all for cross-platform geek references, but try an get them right.:rolleyes:

“Trust us, Duke Nukem Forever will rock when it comes out next year.” – Joe Siegler, 1999

11-03-2009, 01:41 PM
GW has stated that every codex is going to get updated before any new race or 6th edition. So Tau, Eldar, Witch/Demon hunters <--one codex maybe??, Darkangels Black templars..

BTW easiest new army to release wll be ordos xenos!

Is there a link for this? I've been saying that should be done for an age now and maybe I've been doing GW wrong. Any way I can get a direct GW link here so I can know weather or not to eat come serious crow? :o

11-03-2009, 02:58 PM
I remember reading a quote that everyone was going to be updated... in 4th edition.
Don't hold your breath.

11-03-2009, 07:49 PM
I heard that Tau were coming after Tyranids. Then I realized that was just me wish-listing. My Tau-Fu has gotten old and lame. =(

Subject Keyword
11-03-2009, 10:32 PM
You know, if you lovers of non-marine armies ever get too fed up with GW's Bolter Fetish, WFB has no "generic" armies and updates things in a less spastic manner. None of this favoritism is strange, considering that Marines outsell ALL WFB in the US. and GW isn't getting THAT rich. They did had have some troubles recently.:(

11-04-2009, 08:59 AM
You know, if you lovers of non-marine armies ever get too fed up with GW's Bolter Fetish, WFB has no "generic" armies and updates things in a less spastic manner. None of this favoritism is strange, considering that Marines outsell ALL WFB in the US. and GW isn't getting THAT rich. They did had have some troubles recently.:(

Avid WFB player myself (I have 4 fantasy armies and am going to begin a 5th once I finish my tau). Much less, OMG you just drop-podded and won the game with that epic reserve roll. Going outside of daemons and VC (top 2) and dwarves and OK (bottom 2), the game itself is far more balanced than it's been in a while. I just hope that 8th edition doesn't muck it all up. :eek: