View Full Version : Possible Powerfist In The Making?

03-15-2012, 01:13 PM
I ran across an interesting story about something being developed by Government Motors and NASA. They call it the "K Glove." Apparently autoworkers and astronauts experience similar problems from repetitious tasks that can lead to stress injuries.

The K Glove is, for all intents and purposes, a bionic arm. It's purpose is to reduce the load for those working on mechanical stuff. The glove incorporates power assisting technology in it. So what might take 20 pounds of force to do the glove would make it so you only need to exert 10 pounds.

Now, I'm thinking armor it up and find a way to surround it in a crackling energy field and we'll have powerfists! I know people love links and sadly my treacherous computer won't let me cut and paste anymore. So I'll do my best to type the link in correctly for you:


And if it don't work then just take my word for it! Would I like to you? Hmm?

03-23-2012, 10:23 AM
you dont need that when you can have THIS!!!

