View Full Version : Tyranids 2000 test list for tournamnet

03-15-2012, 07:47 AM
I am looking to take this list to a tournament in two weeks.
I been giving it some thought and been thinking about exchanging a tervagon for genestlears.

The list as it works now is solid. Outflank most thing and use the rest of the army to mess with the back field. The new thing in the list is the tranfex. I had a Trygon instead. Should I go back to the Trygon?

Thoughts, advice on the list welcomed, wanted, and needed.

== HQ ==
Hive Tyrant (1) - Scything Talons, Lash Whip And Bonesword, Wings, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander =

== Elites ==
Hive Guard Brood (2)

Zoanthrope (2)
Mycetic Spore (1)
Ymgarl Genestealer Brood (7)

== Troops ==

Broodlord (1) - Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs
Genestealer (19) - Toxin Sacs

Genestealer Brood (10)
Genestealer Brood (10) .
Genestealer Brood (10)

== Heavy Support ==
Tyrannofex (1) - Rupture Cannon, Cluster Spines, Thorax Swarm - Desicctor Larvae
Trygon Prime (1) - Containment Spines, AG, Synapse Creature, Shadow In The Warp

== Total ==
1999 pts.

03-15-2012, 07:06 PM
I would drop either the TFex or the Trygon and go double of whichever you dont drop. So either double Trygon or Double TFex.I think the Hive Guard dont really fit as for either one or two turns you wont have much on the board, and your HG will be the first targer and probably wont make it to 24" range. With this kind of list you want your opponent to not castle in the center, so I would try to drop 30 points somewhere and try bringing the DoM, or maybe a mawloc, but youd have to drop a lot for the mawloc.

Id say shrink the 20 man squad by 3 to 4, Drop the Trygon, and add a second Tfex and the DoM. A third Zoey would be nice, but theres not much else really to drop...

03-16-2012, 12:34 AM
I would drop either the TFex or the Trygon and go double of whichever you dont drop. So either double Trygon or Double TFex.I think the Hive Guard dont really fit as for either one or two turns you wont have much on the board, and your HG will be the first targer and probably wont make it to 24" range. With this kind of list you want your opponent to not castle in the center, so I would try to drop 30 points somewhere and try bringing the DoM, or maybe a mawloc, but youd have to drop a lot for the mawloc.

Id say shrink the 20 man squad by 3 to 4, Drop the Trygon, and add a second Tfex and the DoM. A third Zoey would be nice, but theres not much else really to drop...

I like your ideas on the heavys. I switched around some things. Ipuy the tervagon to hold my back field. while everthing else attacks. I could drop the tervagon for more stealers or something else plke aw maloc or third trygon.

HQ ==
Hive Tyrant (1) - Scything Talons, Lash Whip And Bonesword, AG, Wings, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander =

== Elites ==

The Doom Of Malan'tai (1).
Mycetic Spore (1)

Ymgarl Genestealer Brood (7) .
Ymgarl Genestealer Brood (7) .

== Troops ==
Termagant Brood (10) - Fleshborer =
Tervigon (1) - Cluster Spines, AG, Toxin Sacs, Cat
Genestealer Brood (18) .
Genestealer Brood (10)
Genestealer Brood (10)

== Heavy Support ==
Trygon Prime (1) - Containment Spines, AG, Synapse Creature, Shadow In The Warp
Trygon Prime (1) - Containment Spines, AG, Synapse Creature, Shadow In The Warp

== Total ==
1994 pts.

03-16-2012, 06:51 AM
list looks much better IMO, i love using the DoM and the heavy support will be much more effective as they are now

03-16-2012, 04:13 PM
Looks pretty solid, the extra Ymgarls can be useful. Is the idea to keep everything (including the Tervigon/gants) in reserve? Either way , Id reccomend putting any objectives near the table edges in case your Tervigon or Gants should be killed, so as an emergency you could put a 10 man stealer squad on the objective.

03-18-2012, 06:45 PM
The tyrannofex and hive guard do not really fit the flow of the list.

Try Doom in a Pod with Barbed Strangler and another squad of genestealers with a Broodlord.

They work for me.

03-18-2012, 11:17 PM
The tyrannofex and hive guard do not really fit the flow of the list.

Try Doom in a Pod with Barbed Strangler and another squad of genestealers with a Broodlord.

They work for me.

U na dropping the tervagon and gaunts as well as the T-fex. I am going in with what I play best now i have to pick between 40 toxic genestlears with 3 trygons Or 50 genestleaers with 2 trygons one a prime.

Both have good point and bad.

Third optiong is to make all the genstleaers normal and take 60ish of them with 2 trygons.

What you all think how should i run the stealers?

03-18-2012, 11:38 PM