View Full Version : Sisters of Battle Football Team

03-15-2012, 05:40 AM
So I have vague memories of one of the Inquisitor characters reminiscing about his days in the Schola Progenium and stating that the football team he was a member of would routinely beat all opponents. Except the Adepta Sororitas who won not through greater skill but by a tendency towards hospitalising the opposing players.

Anyone know what book this was from, or did I imagine it? I may have done as I used to use the same tactics in my schools sports leagues.:rolleyes:

03-15-2012, 06:18 AM
It's from the Ciaphas Caine novels by Sandy Mitchell.

Commissars go to the Schola Progenium, alongside Inquisitorial Storm Troopers and Adepta Sororitas. Sort of like a mixed boarding school.

It wasn't football though, it's scrumball, which is the 40K version of rugby.

Schola Progenium is like English Public School, so no football, just rugby and cricket!! :)

03-15-2012, 07:57 AM
Oh, well I knew it was a sport involving balls and kicking.:rolleyes: Thanks Mr StraightSilver! Another reason to love SoB.

03-15-2012, 08:27 AM
No worries, I love the idea of the Schola Progenium, like a really, really messed up Hogwarts!!

But for some reason the idea of SoBs playing rugby against Commissars really makes me smile, but of course they would only be kids, but I reckon the SoBs would use some very underhand tactics. :)

03-15-2012, 08:36 AM
I thought the only kind of tactics allowed in rugby are underhanded, as overhanded passing isn't allowed.

Seriously though, the idea of sisters of battle and inquisitors playing a game is somewhat disturbing. Shouldn't they be burning heretics or something?

03-15-2012, 11:55 AM
You mean American Football related, the game where Foot to ball contact is a minimal where as REAL Football is played with those strange things on the bottom of each leg, you know, your feet and not with hands... ;)

03-15-2012, 12:18 PM
You mean American Football related, the game where Foot to ball contact is a minimal where as REAL Football is played with those strange things on the bottom of each leg, you know, your feet and not with hands... ;)

No, I think everyone in this post so far is British so they meant football; the game known as soccer to the yanks.

03-15-2012, 01:19 PM
In my days at the Schola Progenium the lads and I enjoyed a rousing game of "cornhole." No, it is not want you think.

03-15-2012, 06:58 PM
What is it then?

Whilst I was at the Schola we played a game similar to quidditch. Essentially there would be a golden-cherub on stimms that needed to be killed whilst combat servitors and chrono gladiators tried to kill us doing so. We used seraphim jetpacks to play. However, the offside rule is slightly more difficult to explain to the sisters in three dimensions, and if you tried to explain the rules to them, they tended to interrupt by explaining the business end of a sidearm aided by a few spiteful words. This quickly earnt them the team nickname the 'Bolter *****es', which they took as a compliment, despite the intention was quite the opposite.

I remember the chants now, including (to the conga theme) 'Suarez is a Heretic, Suarez is Heretic, Na naa na na, Na naa na na!' and "Im forever burning xenos, pretty xenos in the air, they fly so high, they reach the sky and like my dreams, they'll surely die!"

I think the houses were the Murdering Commisariat known for courage and killing anyone without it, their main rivals; The Infighting Inquisition for those 'self serving underhanded cunning types so intelligent they expected betrayal', the Phychotic Sororitas who possesed an intelligence that was able to understand the imperial creed and therefore no healthy outlet for there aggression and the Grimdark Stormtroopers, for anyone left over, I mean, those 'loyal and hardworking'.

03-15-2012, 08:47 PM
It's a ridiculous game around here. I'm not sure exactly where it began but it is clearly the invention of drunken backyard rednecks. Debate regarding this game's origins vary though. Some say it goes back to 14th century Germany. Others say it was created in Ohio. And that may have some merit as Ohio has a lot of German Americans. And some say it was developed by Native Americans. And even others say it was developed in Kentucky.

In game terms you're simply tossing a bean bag at a small hole cut into a wooden platform. It's played in innings and each player gets 4 tosses. You get 3 points if the bag goes into the hole. It doesn't matter how it gets into the hole. It can slide in, fall in, or be pushed in by the next toss. You get one point if the bag is on the board at the end of your turn. Apparently it's played until someone reaches 21 points.

In summation: an utterly ridiculous game.

03-15-2012, 10:09 PM
Learn something new every day! Scrumball. Sisters playing Scrumball. That is a great army theme if I ever heard one.

03-15-2012, 11:08 PM
I hear those Sororitas gets pretty wild sometimes in the locker room. And never go to one of their birthday parties let me tell you. What kind of mad woman plays games like "pin the tail on the carnifex" and uses live carnifexes?!? Insane ones is what kind! And using gretchin as pinatas? Let me tell you candy most certainly does not fall out of them.

03-16-2012, 04:25 AM
I just have these lovely mental images of an SoB team steamrolling into the opposition and half of the mhaving to be hospitalised afterwards. Something like the rugby scene from MPs The Meaning of life, only with girls.

03-16-2012, 04:44 AM
Of course the Sisters at the Schola would always have an unfair advantage playing scrumball, as they are the only house that gets to wear power armour!

I now have an image of even the little girls in power armour, almost like super deformed anime Sisters of battle.

And to the Americans, I don't mean football (or soccer as you guys call it) but rugby, as in a proper man's game! ;)

03-16-2012, 03:14 PM
I recall that scene from Cain. He also said something to the effect that the Sisters were less concerned with scoring and more concerned with taking out the opposition. Obviously foreshadowing how the SoB's would operate after graduation.:D