View Full Version : StraightSilver Speed Paints Tyranids

03-15-2012, 04:21 AM
Hi everybody,

Well as I'm sure everybody knows I am not one for sticking to projects, I have the worst Painter's ADD in the World!! :)

However I haven't picked up a paint brush in about 3 months and seem to have lost all motivation, so I decided I should just pick something i wanted to paint, get it done and hopefully that would spur me on to tackle my other outstanding projects.

I have always loved the Tyranid models (well most of them), especially the Hive Tyrant but didn't want to try it in metal and won't touch Finecast with a long pole so I was very excited when the new plastic one came out.

I bought one on day of release and set to getting it put together, which took longer than expected as it's a bit fiddly in places and has a lot of seam lines and mold lines to get rid of.

However once I had put it together and realised just how big it was I knew I would want a Trygon, Tyranofex etc, and that if this was going to be yet another army project then I would have to find a way to speed up my painting.

So for the first time in over 10 years I broke out some white undercoat!

This meant I could then pretty much go wild with washes which would speed up the painting time immensely, and hopefully help in the future when I'm painting hordes of 'Gaunts!

So this is the Tyrant / Swarm Lord so far after about 4 hours work, which is very quick for me.


The photos haven't come out all that well to be honest, but give a rough idea of where he's headed.

The plan was to have these as Desert Tyranids, so they will match my Tau and DKoK when they're done (around about 2030 probably!), but I didn't want to go for the usual yellows and browns, so I decided to go for something a bit more naturalistsic.

These Tyranids will be based on sea crabs, although that doesn't come across too well in the pictures.

Essentially mottled, glossy brown carapace / chitin, bleached bone white underparts and fleshy glossy, well fleshy bits....

This has mostly been painted using lots of liberal washes, with minimal highlights. It's not as neat as I would normally paint, but it has been quick and I think it suits the organic nature of the model.

I hope to have this chap finished before the weekend, then the plan is to paint some 'Gaunts, then a Trygon.

I am going to rotate a unit of small troops with a nice big monster to hopefully keep me interested long enough to be able to play with them.

But I should be able to find time to paint some of my other stuff in between waiting for washes to dry....

03-15-2012, 07:22 AM
As you are going 'nids then you may need some handy wound markers [willl work with other armies too] to print out, stick to card and cut up:


Or even some Ymgarl Genestealer Mutation markers:


You can get both hi-res artworks by CLICKING ME (http://40kaddict.blogspot.com/2012/03/nids-part-28-ymgarls-and-freebie-free.html)

Excellent work BTW.

03-15-2012, 10:06 AM
Wow that looks really nice :) I really love the clean and smooth style :D

cant wait to see this finished!


03-15-2012, 01:48 PM
Hey Straightsilver.

Looking good buddy!

If you can nail down a quick-paint technique for nids and do a quick step by step st of pics and the colors and techniques used we would love to crosspost it to frontpage.

BoLS is all about distributing tricks and tips for getting painted armies on the tabletop.

Every time someone plays with unpainted plastic on the tabletop, an Angel gets sucker punched - remember it!


03-15-2012, 10:05 PM
The colors look great! I like the 'sandy' tones and the highlighting looks really good. Looking forward to seeing more!

03-16-2012, 07:02 AM
looks great for a simple scheme!!! i think that style people do on the edge of the carapace would really make the scheme pop!! its kind of like "eye-lash" looking lines perpindicular to the edges

even without though they look really good!!!

03-21-2012, 08:37 PM
I am jealous of your speed painting skills.

03-22-2012, 06:51 AM
The result of your speedpainting is better than the best I could do while slow painting... :eek: