View Full Version : 1500 Kan wall

03-14-2012, 01:02 PM
Here's my current iteration of my Kan wall. The burnas points would probably be better off spent on more lootas but I love them so they are in :P. Anyway Here's the list:


2x Big Mek with KFF 170pts


Lootas x7 105pts

Lootas x7 105pts

Burnas x13 195pts
2xMek w/ Big shoota


Deff Dread 100 pts
2x Skorcha
Grot Riggers
Armour Plates

Ork shoota boyz x25 195
2x Big Shoota
Nob w/ Power Klaw

Ork shoota boyz x25 195
2x Big Shoota
Nob w/ Power Klaw

Heavy Support

Killa kans x3 150 pts

Killa kans x3 150 pts

Killa kans x3 135 pts

03-14-2012, 01:12 PM
I've been tinkering with a list like this recently. I would get the boyz in trukks and have them shoot from out the back, so that your oponent only has behicles to target, because at the moment if I faced your list with marines, it would bolters (of all kinds) and chainswords against the boyz and heavy weapons against the kans. Whack a mek in each trukk and have each KFF mek-trukk accompany the two prongs of attack. Also, I give my meks burnas for flames-from-a-trukk fun, or a power weapon in combat. Handy.

No idea how you would mount up the elites choices and give them more survivability though.

Spot on with the equipment of the kans though. My deff dread I would tool to my opponent, but only choosing between a skorcha and another combat attack.

Imperial Armour 8 I think has an ork dreadmob list in it. Which is alot of fun and mentions a deffskulls dreadmob made from looted gubbinz (Im thinking you can get black reach dreads as a base for cheap off ebay), combined with all the spares from the kans you could have alot of fun.

03-14-2012, 04:28 PM
I've actually been toying with a list using the dread mob rules, it also lets you mount up the elite choices as well! The only reason I'd not use trukks for the troops currently is because I use the kans as cover for the troops and in vehicles it would be hard to keep everything close enough for the KFFs

03-14-2012, 11:56 PM
Why the Meks w/ the Big Shootas? Also, why 7x man lootas? As soon as you lose 2, they'll be testing on a ld 7 and failing often. Maybe make one of them a 9x man and one of them a 5x man (5x man or 15x man is best, IMHO).

03-15-2012, 06:22 AM
The Meks are there to attempt to repair vehicle damage, they have big shootas for no real reason other then I don't like kmb that much and bs are also free :P. As for loota squad size, that's some good advice and I will adjust them!

03-15-2012, 08:53 AM
Its not a bad list.
Something to consider with burnas: without a transport they really arent that good.
The main issue you are going to have is the 2 scoring units. A recomendation (and what has been working Really well for me) is 1 foot unit behind the wall to house the KFF's, and 2 truck mobz to zip to objectives, and a small grot mob for reserve/grab home scoring unit.
Something to consider.

03-22-2012, 07:21 AM
would it work to have 8 burners + 2 meks + 1 big meks in a truck (with ram and RPJ the points would balance out I think)