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View Full Version : Codex: Blood Angels

03-12-2012, 11:48 AM
This list intended to be a 'codex' list.

HQ 320
175 Captain Tycho
145 Codicer
–Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Shield of Sanguinius, Unleashed Rage

170 Sternguard
–5 Marines, 2 Combi-Meltas, 2 Combi-Plasma, Powerfist
50 Dedicated Transport: Rhino
215 Terminator Assault Squad
–5 Terminators, Sgt. TH+SS, 2 Lightning Claws, 2 TH+SS
100 Sanguinary Priesthood

230 Assault Squad
–10 Marines, Melta Bombs, 2 Meltaguns, Power Weapon
15 Dedicated Transport: Rhino
230 Tactical Squad
–10 Marines, Teleport Homer, Combi-Melta, Meltagun, Plasma Cannon, Powerfist
55 Dedicated Transport: Razorback
190 Scout Squad
–10 Marines, 4 Snipers, Missile Launcher, 2 Shotguns, Power Weapon and BP, 2 BP and CC, Locator Beacon

135 Predator Destructor
–Lascannon Sponsons
135 Predator Destructor
–Lascannon Sponsons
155 Vindicator
–Siege Shield

03-12-2012, 12:26 PM
If you want more stuff?

Drop Tycho.
Switch the scout squad to assault/tactical squad (may want a 2nd teleport homer).
Add a Baal.

Personally, I am a fan of Tycho. Ld 10 everywhere is fun. Captains with Sternguard Ammo is fun.

03-13-2012, 07:42 AM
The last time I saw Tycho fielded was way back in 2nd ed...
I like this list. One of my mates tends to run a more codex BA lists, though he is currently being seduced by drop pod dreadnoughts.
I am tempted to run a very similiar list next game I play (though we usually play at 1500 so I'd probably cut Terminators and Codiecer)
I would think that the who army bar the two termies are all about mobile fire and then these two are shooty so maybe field usual termies with a cyclone missile laucnher and re-tool the libby to be more shooty. Having said that you then loose your CC punch so I don't know it all depends how you play it

03-13-2012, 08:44 AM
That's pretty awful, to be honest. Weird mix of units with no rhyme or reason, taking Tacticals and Scouts, Tycho. Codex Marines do a better Codex army, skipping out on all the BA advantages seems wasteful.