View Full Version : Heresy Era World Eaters

03-12-2012, 10:53 AM
This is my sister project for my Ultramarines. In ways this will be easier, and yet harder then the other. The sheer number of models in my Ultramarines project is going to be staggering by comparison, but this project is going to make ForgeWorld VERY happy.

The goal of this project is to make a Heresy Era World Eaters army, which of course the title of the thread was pretty self explanatory. LOL.

I am going to be getting a bunch of Mk V Heresy Era armour sets from Forge World. Both the jump marines and the standard foot sloggers. I am going to then use the Forgeworld World Eaters conversion set to make my berzerkers. All the rhinos are the Mk2C Deimos Pattern, and the Land Raider I am using is gong to be the Proteus model. Of course the whole force is going to be painted with their original colours of White and Blue. This will be done with a liberal use of gore and viscera on my berzerkers, This will not be as scary in scope as my Blueberries, but it is certainly scary to my wallet. LOL.

Any advice or help anyone is willing to give will be MORE then appreciated.

Pics to come.

03-12-2012, 01:38 PM
Great choice, can't wait for progress pics.