View Full Version : Ultramarines, Aggressive Project

03-12-2012, 10:42 AM
This is my first post on BoLS, but I thought I would just jump right in. I am starting a project that may be a BIT aggressive, but hey what the hell. I am working on making the ENTIRE Ultramarines Battlecompanies, complete with vehicular and armour support, oh and a nearly full strength 10th (Scout) Company.

I am making REAL headway. Seeing as I am retired and have copious amounts of spare time on my hands, oh and LOVE Apoc level gaming, I thought...what the hell. I have nearly completed the entire 4th Company, basically just need to get a couple more rhinos. I will post pics soon. I did some interesting conversion work, that I am quite proud of, for Sgt Pasanius. It is not amazing, but for my first attempt at converting a model...I was and am real proud.

I will be working on this project and a sister project that I will make a seperate thread for in a few minutes. Juggling them both gives me an estimate of 2-3 years for completion. It will be amazing when complete however. Any advice or help anyone wants to give will be greatly appreciated.

OH, to make matters worse...lol. I am making an Ultramar PDF force to accompany my Ultramarines into the world of Apoc level warfare.

Pics to come.

03-12-2012, 10:48 AM
I´m going to follow this, you have all my support!!

03-12-2012, 12:37 PM
I'm all in, just keep the pics comming!

03-12-2012, 12:44 PM
This could quite simply be one of the most impressive projects in the entire warhammer community so I too will be following this with interest. Best of luck with this.

03-12-2012, 01:51 PM
if you can finish painting it all bravo :D

you have my support! just keep motivated so many other projects akin to this have ran out of motavation but im sure you will finish it :D


p.s. practice makes perfect so by the end youll be a amazing painter :)

03-12-2012, 05:05 PM
I suffer from PTSD, and as a consequence the shakes. My doctor suggested I take up painting, and BOY does it help. I have some days where I just can't steady my hands, but others that it relaxes me like nothing else. I would continue to work with the miniatures if only for the fluff and the modeling. I feel playing is just the icing on the cake. With that said I seriously hope there are some other freaks out there looking for some large scale insanity in the nearish future. The 4th want to team up to beat up some badies. Anyone?