View Full Version : Is this a viable 2000pt Ork list?

Bedroom General
03-11-2012, 04:17 AM
I've got a grudge with a mates Tau and my orks.
I'm going to refresh my orks after I finish the bloody Eldar I'm plowing through.
Anyway I thought this was an interesting list to get me painting the little green Funguys.


BigMek, KFF (goes in Battle Wagon)

Mad dok Grotsnik...with
20x 'Ardboyz Nob BP PK (AKA Da Runnin Guyz)

20x Boyz Shootaz 2x Big Shootaz Nob BP PK

12x Sluggaz Nob BP PK
Trukk RPJ

12x Sluggaz Nob BP PK
Trukk RPJ

12x Sluggaz Nob BP PK
Trukk RPJ

15x Burna Boyz 3x Meks KMB(In Battle Wagon)

Battle Wagon 2x Big Shootaz, RPJ, Dethrolla, Armour Plates, stikkbom chukka

12x Lootaz

3x DethKoptaz 3x TL Rokkits, Buzz Saw

3x DethKoptaz 3x TL Rokkits, Buzz Saw

Looted wagon boomgun RPJ

What do you think? Any good?

03-11-2012, 07:27 AM
It looks like part of a list I was building. Except I had bikes in place of the Lootas and coptas.

I think it could work. I love 'Ard Boyz.

03-11-2012, 06:35 PM
Personally I'd drop the looted wagon and trim the koptas down (and drop one ardboy) to afford a second battlewagon for the ardboyz+doc to ride in.

03-11-2012, 08:20 PM
I would trim the Koptas down to 1 model w/ rokkits and saws.

Split the Lootas into 2x squads for split fire.

3 Meks should be made into Burna Boyz. Meks are somewhat useless.

And I would put rams onto the Trukks instead of RPJ so they can basically drive over terrain without worries.

Infinite Freedom
03-11-2012, 10:16 PM
I've seen this list before. A guy came in second the last local tournament with a similar list. Though he had two Boom Wagons rather than the Koptas. You might want to watch out for Guard. A good round of shooting from a couple Guardsmen squads with Las or Autocannons could cripple your mechanized.