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03-10-2012, 06:45 PM
Hi all. I played Hans Krueger's (Norbu the Destroyer on Dakka) puzzle box necrons a few nights ago with my 2k SoB list. Hans won the Indy GT the weekend before and has had great success with the new book. His list really is nothing like what he calls "netcrons." Having fought his crons a few times, I can safely say that mech armies will have trouble with it, no matter the mission.

My list was:

Uriah Jacobus
Convent Squad (6 assassins, 3 Crusaders)

Saint Celestine

6 Repentia (jump in retributor immo... or will they?)

Battle Sisters w/ 2 flamers, Supperior w/ bolt pistol + cc weapon
Battle Sisters w/ 2 flamers, Supperior w/ bolt pistol + cc weapon
Battle Sisters w/ 2 meltas, Supperior w/ bolt pistol + cc weapon

5 Dominons w/ 2 meltas, Superior w/ combi-melta
-Immolator w/ multimelta, search light
5 Dominons w/ 2 meltas, Superior w/ combi-melta
-Immolator w/ multimelta, search light
5 Dominons w/ 2 meltas, Superior w/ combi-melta
-Immolator w/ multimelta, search light

6 Retributors w/ 4 heavy bolters, Superior w/ stormbolter

Hans' "puzzle box crons"

Immotek the Strormlord
-Cryptek w/ tremorstave
-Cryptek w/ tremorstave, crucible
-Cryptek w/ Chronometron (goes with immortals)
-Lord w/ orb, mindshackle scarabs, warscythe (goes with Lychguard)

Orikan the Diviner

Ctan w/ Writhing Worldscape, Lord of Fire

7 Lychguard w/ shields and phase swords

5 warriors
5 warriors
5 Immortals

5 Scarabs
6 Scarabs
5 Wraiths w/ 1 or 2 coils, 1 pistol

3 Spyders
3 Spyders

We've been practicing for the ATC this summer and are playing the misson for that. So its random deployment style from the book and then one of each: secure and control, take ground, and kill points. All three are equally weighted. If you tie, goes to victory points.

We rolled up Pitched battle and he wins the roll to go first. He gives me the first turn. We deploy like this (after scout moves) I place my secure and control objective is placed on the left side of my left flank exorcist and Hans' is placed in his center behind the rock formation. The take ground objectives are scattered about with one close to me, one close to him, and one dead center:


I put an exorcist, a flamer squad and uriah on my left flank-center and I put everything else on my right. I outflank one dominon unit and hold my melta sister squad in natural reserve. you can see my repentia huddled around the retributor immo on my right flank. I put the saint as far up as I can on my left flank though you can't see her cuz the building is in the way. I hate orikan and all necron shinanigans, so I scouted my dominons up to spot through the night fight for the exorcists. My primary target is the wraiths, who can and have eaten through half my army.

Hans deployed from top to bottom: Ctan, wraiths, Immotek and immortals with chrono cryptek, A smathering of spyders and scarabs in the center, the two warrior squads with orikan somewhere in there with the other crypteks and finally the lychguard with lord on the bottom of the pic.

He attempts to steal the initiative and doesn't

Turn 1 - top

I don't move anything. I marked the wraiths through the dark and failed to mark the lychguard. I shoot both my exorcists at them and roll a 6 for both!!! However, my luck was countered by his and he only failed one 3+ save, killing a coil wraith. Not to bad considering the limitations of orikan's temporal snares. I'll take it

Turn 1 - Turn 2 bottom

The necrons spring into life and surge at me. The Spyders **** out 6 scarabs into the 6 swarm squad and a spyder in each unit takes a wound. Lychguard run up 11 inches. Orikan stays calm. Lightning zaps the lower exorcist, but it passes its 6++ and stays unharmed (emperor protects!). The retributor immo isnt so faithful and gets wrecked. Uriah's ride also gets wrecked. Lightning also immobilizes my northern dominon's immolator and stuns the flamer battle sister squad near it. The immortals fire on the closest immo and do nothing. Holy lightning storm batman!

Bottom of 2:
Roll and get plenty of faith. No reserves yet. I respond and shuffle about, preparing for impact. The saint flew further up behind the building, preparing to charge the immortals if they don't back off a little. My crazy repentia can't see anything behind their wreck and so I don't move em. I jump out the dominion unit in the immobile immo, positioning them in such a way to avoid the ctan but shoot a wraith blowing away one with twin-link faith and the combi melta. My immolator then spots the wraiths and fails to kill one. The exorcists fire and again the one on my left gets a 6 and kills two more wraiths! the other exorcist fails to kill the last wraith. damn invulns! My other dominon immo shuffles about, positioning them where if Hans wants to commit the scarabs, he'd have a long charge through terrain and hopefully won't get a **** load of attacks at it. The immo spots the lychguard and fails to kill one. The retributors open up with faithful rending heavy bolters, only killing one lychguard after they roll repair protocols. baby steps... baby steps

Bottom of 2:

The storm keeps brewin' and Orikan keeps chilin'. The spyders pump up the scarabs one last time and move up with them. The lychguard run up another 11 or 12, hankerin to beat up some ladies. The Ctan moves up and the last wraith moves to assault the immolator. The warriors shoot their tremorstaves, entangling the domions on my left. The lightning isn't so crazy this time, i think it maybe stunned my right battle sister ride. The Scarabs charge and kill the dominion immo as foretold.

Stay tuned for more robot bros and warrior hoes!

03-11-2012, 12:37 PM
Go girls !

probably the best list one can do with the WH codex, with few variations possible

03-11-2012, 11:12 PM
Turn 3 - Top


I roll plenty of faith and my outflanker comes in on the left side. Don't know what to do with these girls yet, so they just hang tight for an opening to contest an objective or pick on a weak necron unit. I knew the destruction of the big scarab unit is absoultely crucial at this point so I move Uriah and company in position to nick the scarab unit and hopefully not pull too many of the scarabs in with us. Unfortunately, Hans placed them in cover so they'd strike before my assassins and crusaders. I also move my dominon unit to charge the scarabs and force a few bases to attack power armor instead of my other units. My repentia lose their minds and move and fleet as fast as possible towards the lychguard. I realize this will work in my favor and allow me to slightly charge the scarabs instead of the lychguard. I've gotta do it! I move my battle sister squad on the left up around the building to avoid the wraith and Ctan while setting their eyes on the objective on that side. I move the saint up as far as she can go and seem to be barely in charge range of immotek and his buddies. I also shuffle my right side battle sisters behind the wrecked immo to shield them from the lychguard.

My shooting is minimal, I fail to kill the last damn wraith with my exorcists. I considered fireing them at the lychguard, however, I wasn't too keen on them deflecting my exorcist missiles into my repentia. My dominon squad on the left also fail to kill the wraith... not good.

I assault the scarabs with the three units in position. Luckily I tied up enough of the scarabs with the dominons and alot of bases were out of range to pile into the repentia. The good news is I killed the entire unit at the expense of only 3 domions and 2 repentia, the bad news is I couldn't consolidate my repentia or domions to block the lychguard from charging my retributors. The other bad news is the saint is the tiniest bit out of range to charge the immotek's unit.

Turn 3 - bottom


Storm keeps on keepin on and Orikan is still powered down. Hans moves up his Lychguard and destroys my retributors. The tomb spyders move up to charge and destroy the remaining repentia and consolidate in between my convent squad and the lychguard. The Ctan moves to charge my left dominions and kill em all. The wraith moves in to charge my left exorcist (the one that rolled a 6 to fire every single time this game!) but fails to hurt it. The scarabs move through cover and fleet well and charges the saint (very bad for me). She kills a base, they don't hurt her at all. The tremor staves put my convent in difficult terrain.

Turn 4 - top


I roll plenty of faith and my last reserve stays put. I don't move the convent because they are just going to charge the spyders in front of me. The left exorcist rolls a 6 and annihilates the final wraith (good riddance). The other exorcist puts a few wounds on the spyders. The far left battle squad moves further around and to get into position to help out the saint when she eventually gets killed by the scarabs. The domions move up behind the terrain along the necron board edge. Uriah's squad knock out the spyders and prepare to get assaulted by the lychguard.

03-12-2012, 03:04 PM
I haven't played against the Necrons yet so I have very little to say about the battle so far. I would consider dropping a Dominion squad and get some Seraphim for the Saint to tool around with. 1. She'll live longer. 2. Holy Christ can they shoot! But then again if you do that our lists become even more similar...

03-12-2012, 05:27 PM
Looking forwards to reading the rest. I have only played the Crons once with my gals. A 1500 ppoint game. I was tabled after five turns. The list looked very similar to yours. He rolled insanely good with his saves and I did not. I hope to get a rematch.

03-12-2012, 09:21 PM
Looking forwards to reading the rest. I have only played the Crons once with my gals. A 1500 ppoint game. I was tabled after five turns. The list looked very similar to yours. He rolled insanely good with his saves and I did not. I hope to get a rematch.

You have the greatest screen name of all time. Ever.

03-13-2012, 01:14 PM
I haven't played against the Necrons yet so I have very little to say about the battle so far. I would consider dropping a Dominion squad and get some Seraphim for the Saint to tool around with. 1. She'll live longer. 2. Holy Christ can they shoot! But then again if you do that our lists become even more similar...

Crons are really tough. We don't have an answer to scarabs beyond letting them hit our tanks and then burning em up when they're clumped. Other than that, multi-assault like I did in the rep works alright... but again, no clear answers. This kinda worries me because at the ATC the opposing team is likely to pit me against crons if they have em.

On the topic of dominions. I played another game against the 2010 ard boys champ's IG and my three dominon units carried the game. Doms are good against most armies out there.

03-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Turn 4 - Bottom


The storm dies out and Orikan remains calm. He advances most all of his models. The scarabs kill the saint, removing her armor save for the remainder of the game. The warriors put the immolator on their board edge in d terrain. The lychguard assault my convent unit, losing combat and holding morale. The models I killed all actually died too! Nice.

Turn 5 - Top


My reserve comes in, and this is where the game takes a tragic turn for the worst. I didn't explain exactly how my reserve would move on to the table and I just rolled for difficult terrain straight away, killing my squad and rhino in reserve. Hans and I agree that at a big tourney this result would stand and so I continued without my third scoring unit. Bad bad bad. With this developement I couldn't use my right hand battle sisters to move up and take the objective close to me and threaten the immortals. The other bad thing is when Uriah gets out of combat, he'll get shot to pieces because there won't be a rhino to block them. Saint stays dead. good. My exorcists do two wounds to the Ctan. My remaining dominions jump out of their ride after being immobilized by the tremor. Double bad. I also had to make sure I stayed as far from the ctan as possible, otherwise the lord of fire will make my flamer girls explode. Uriah breaks out of combat and consolidates to at least threaten the immortals.

Turn 5- Bottom


His Ctan keeps on moving up. Orikan goes crazy (perfect timing) and charges uriah after they get shot up by the warriors/immortals. The Spyders move to block my sisters on the left. The scarabs charge the rhino and don't do anything! Yes! the small victories. Orikan fails to hurt uriah and the squad. go go invulns!

03-13-2012, 03:30 PM
I have to agree with Dominions being a game changer. Pre-WD rules Seraphim were my go to gals. The Seraphim have lost a lot of their edge now. I never played with Dominions prior to the new rules because I loved the Seraphim that much. Times have changed. I have a preference of putting 10 in a Rhino. I roll really bad so I need the extra models.

@ Root

Thanks for the shout out. The name came from a backcountry hike when a pal and I combined animals. I combined a turkey with a pterodactyl. Another friend's eight year old son drew his rendition of the creation and I made the drawing my avatar.

Norbu the Destroyer
03-13-2012, 04:32 PM
That was a really fun game. When you knocked out that large blob of scarabs your army wasnt sitting too bad, some bad morale rolls, that rhino we wont mention, and a naked Saint is what turned the tide late. Well, the fact the Saint couldnt get a single Necron to go down was bad.

I see you got that late game pic. out of there. (taps all fingers together while sitting in recliner) Good! Good!

03-13-2012, 04:57 PM
I see you got that late game pic. out of there. (taps all fingers together while sitting in recliner) Good! Good!

I'll have you know kind sir, that I havn't gotten to it yet. The 3 pic limit is slowing my process.

In any case, the game was close till those few things you mentioned. We really have to play more often, I need the practice against crons. God knows I'm gonna fight em at ATC

03-13-2012, 10:28 PM
I'll have you know kind sir, that I havn't gotten to it yet. The 3 pic limit is slowing my process.

In any case, the game was close till those few things you mentioned. We really have to play more often, I need the practice against crons. God knows I'm gonna fight em at ATC

That tragedy with the Rhino I learned the hard way too and its totally correct how you played it. I always put dozer blades on my transports but I still double 1'd once and lost 255 points instantly. Take it as a learning experience and don't do that again... Also, Necrons look pretty nasty. Hated 'em in 4th edition, now they're back. Lovely.

03-14-2012, 10:35 AM
Would the Saint come back with her armor save, or would it still be gone? Im not really sure on the wording of Entropic Strike.

03-15-2012, 08:45 AM
The armour would be gone for the rest of the game. That is at least how I played it and my understanding of the rule. She still has her 4++.

03-15-2012, 10:33 PM
Yeah, the enthropic rule says for the entire game. Though you would think the emperor's divine intervention would restore the armor of st. cathrine :confused:

03-16-2012, 07:24 AM
Excellent Bat-rep!!!

03-22-2012, 03:26 PM
Very enjoyable, thanks for the report.

burning crome
03-22-2012, 07:05 PM
the sister of battle dex is no where near as bad as people make it out.Don't get me wrong it not stellar but there quite a few good bit hidden in there. I really think it could surprise quite a few players. The only real down side is that it become quite one dimensional at present. Hopefully foot list become move viable in the new edition which should help them out with the their option to take big squads.

good battle rep . if there is a three pic limit on this forum then you could away reserve the first few posts and edit in the pics later so it altogether.

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06-13-2012, 01:22 PM
nothing else needs

07-31-2012, 02:50 AM
Great report, thanks for sharing