View Full Version : Drop Crons

Lord Severus
03-10-2012, 02:36 PM
A few years ago I remember some drop cron lists catching alot of people by surprise. Do you think the viability of them with the new book is worth looking into?

03-10-2012, 09:47 PM
I thought they slipped into myth. But seriously. I think all reserve crons would be pretty cool. The necron book tends to be a late game dex that really has to play the mission and reserving may be a poor man's solar pulse in a way.

In any case, it would likely include either orikan and a overlord for a court with at least one veil or it would include zandrekh, obyron and an overlord for 3 times the veil. The new faq says you can use your move from reserve to veil via deepstrike. Two monoliths wouldn't hurt either. I'd still probably include at lease one wraith or scarab unit to protect the infantry. I want to believe... ...in dropcrons

03-10-2012, 10:47 PM
Necrons really seem like the opposite of a reserve army. They are aggressive and want to go first. Their abilities are defensive rather than offensive.

While a Monolith in reserve is great, the whole army in reserve is not.

I think GW knew what they were doing in making a very different xenos book here.

Eldar and Dark Eldar arguably prefer reserve.

The same could be said for Tyranids even.

Tau probably not so much.

Orks and Necrons are aggressive armies that want the first turn and eschew reserve but have tricky mechanics built in to protect them from the opponents offensive capabilities (KFF and Night Fight).

I do not see an all reserve Necron build as being more beneficial than a "standard" Necron build.