View Full Version : Just Starting out

03-10-2012, 01:39 PM
Hey folks. I'm a brandy new 40K player....in fact I haven't started buying my army yet. I have a very limited budget so building the army will take me a while. I'm going to go Waaagh! and revel in the greenies.

Any suggestions on my first acquisition? I'm not in a hurry to field an army, I'm on a slow burn and am coll with taking a year or more to build up to 1000pts.

I was thinking a Grot mob with Gruntherd which I would have in my larger army potentially teamed with a Big Mek to hold an objective.

The Grot mob is cheap. This way i could try my hand at painting, etc and see if I like doing that part, too before going to deep. Other suggestions?

03-10-2012, 01:44 PM
the best way to get the most bang for you buck is going to be going on ebay and buying the ork half of assault on black reach. It will give you a good mix of units to test out your painting on its more simple to assemble so you can get right into it and it is easily the best deal as well as giving you enough pieces where you could actauly try out playing a little game i would highly recommend it.

03-10-2012, 03:43 PM
What Forrix said. Black Reach orks are pretty cheap, and pretty useful. You get a good base for an army, one you can actually play small games with, and you arent limited in a specific playstyle.
I wouldnt go for the grot mob, for similar reasons: While its certainly cheap, moneywise, its also cheap in points... Meaning youd still have to get loads and loads of miniatures before you can actually start playing. While you said youd be okay with slowly building your force, taking loads of low-point units wont be good for your finances. ;)
Never mind that grots arent too effective on the field. They can be useful, sure, but not as much as other units.

Anyway, hope this helps. :)

03-10-2012, 04:43 PM
Another fun and cheap thing to do with Orks is to remember that you can convert from basically anything. It's amazing how many people have tank parts or busted old stuff they don't want! You can turn it into Battlewagons, Trukks whatever... Great way to hone painting skills too, you can't mess them up. Plus, it'll give your army instant character and personalization.

03-10-2012, 11:21 PM
The Orc mob only looks inexpensive, but 30 models kitting out at less than 200 points means a lot of models to buy and paint. Keep an eye on EBay and look for orc nobs and at least one painboss. You can run one squad of nobs as core per warboss, and they are tough as nails and kit out for a minimum of 230 points but can each be individually upgraded as you see fit. This is a very fun squad to build and paint and play. I would start there if I were you. Good luck!

03-10-2012, 11:23 PM
Black Reach + Codex.

Read rules plus Codex, poke around online and figure out what kind of an army you want to end up with. Buy stuff from there.

There are a number of very different ways to go with Orks. I'd seriously figure out which way you want to go before seriously investing.

03-11-2012, 02:53 AM
There certainly are a lot of ways to go, but I've always found that a mob o' Nobz is a useful choice no matter whether you're footslogging it, Kult-of-Speeding across the board or just loading up on as much flash dakka as you can. Until the Grey Knights and their zoggin' Paladins stole the crown they were pretty much the 'ardest, gristliest unit around.

Best bit is, a box of plastic Nobz comes with more bitz than you can put on its five bodies, so you can saw the arms off your Black Reach Nobz and give some of 'em big choppas or power klaws.

Mind you, that's more of a recommendation for your second purchase. For your first, as many others have said (for good reason), I'd have to reccommend the Orky half of Black Reach. It nets you 130pts worth of Boyz, 130pts worth of Nobz, 105pts worth of Warboss and 135pts worth of Deffkoptas right off the bat (running on the assumption that the wargear on the nobz is meant to represent 'eavy armour and stikkbommz, and on the warboss is meant to be a power klaw, twin-linked shoota and 'eavy armour). That's a 500-point army right there, enough to play your first few games with and get a feel for the power of the WAAAAAGH!

As to getting hold of it, if you can't find one for a good deal on eBay, or you want to support your local store, find a friend who wants to play (or already plays) Space Marines and split a box between you, or buy one whole and put the Space Marines up on eBay yourself.

03-15-2012, 07:56 AM
One way to go is to find someone else who is looking into getting into the hobby, then going halves on two black reach sets, they can take the two groups of marines and you can take the two groups of orks, and you both get a set of rules/dice etc. You could kitbash the spare ork Hq pretty easily, and you would have a lot of troops right off the back. After that all you need to do is pick up some transports and maybe a heavy and you have a decent starters army.

Mr. Furious
03-15-2012, 06:27 PM
One way to go is to find someone else who is looking into getting into the hobby, then going halves on two black reach sets, they can take the two groups of marines and you can take the two groups of orks, and you both get a set of rules/dice etc. You could kitbash the spare ork Hq pretty easily, and you would have a lot of troops right off the back. After that all you need to do is pick up some transports and maybe a heavy and you have a decent starters army.

I've made this same recommendation to many folks trying to get into the hobby but if you don't have a friend who can split a couple AOBR sets with ebay is a great place to pick up bunches and bunches of AOBR Orks at a very reasonable price. Pick up the AOBR HQ from ebay, add a couple Trukks and start playing while you make your wish list for a bigger army.