View Full Version : Shock an Maw Tyranids

03-10-2012, 10:00 AM
This is my attempt at an all reserve tyranid list at 2000pts.

Hive tyrant with wings, hive commander, leech essence, paroxysm, lash whip, bone sword.

3 Zoanthropes in a Pod with Barbed Strangler

Doom in a Pod with Barbed Strangler

10 Ymgarl Stealers

18 Stealers plus Broodlord with Scything talons

18 Stealers plus Broodlord with Scything Talons

17 Stealers lus Broodlord with Scything Talons

Tervigon with crushing claws, catalyst, adrenal glands, toxin sacs, cluster spines (outflanks with hive commander) (troop choice)

10 Termagants.

Trygon Prime

Either nothing starts on or I can infiltrate some/all stealers depending on your set up. Outflanking a scoring monstrous creature which produces other scoring units can be a game changer to get objectives on your side of the table. Lots of negatives to your leadership, lots of hidden shots and templates, lots of psyker disruption, LOTS of hand to hand ability.

What do you think?

I am planning on bringing this to the Kalm.