View Full Version : Get it whilst its cheap!!

03-09-2012, 10:41 AM
Ok, so great thought on the front page today about the 2012 release schedule. However Im gonna throw this thought out there:

Lord of the Rings made GW a ton of cash. It was great. And then it died out (pretty much). And then, because GW is on the stock market and need to keep increasing profits without making a dip, Apocalypse was released to get us to all spend more cash and prices were jacked up over and over until what we have now.

Now GW will release The Hobbit in December, probably make a ton of cash and then in 2014, when it dies out they will need to do something spectacular to save themselves again.

This would be the perfect time for the next edition of 40k to hit the shelves- as with all the new Hobbit kid players can switch to 40k whilst its new. Perfect marketing.

However if 6th edition hits the shelves in summer, instead we can see GW panic, jack the prices up again, scrape the barrel of Tolkien lore and watch other companies steal their customers come 2014 (Warmahordes wooo!)

Or maybe its all in hand. Maybe that point in time is reserved for 6th ed Apocalypse to be released?

What do people think? Or can you think of a good inspired release for spring/summer 2014? Should we buy reserve boxed sets whilst the prices are lower (If I had a time machine I would certainly buy a load of £10 marine boxes... and rogue trader two landraider boxes.... nm).

03-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Perhaps you haven't seen that the newest Warmachine model is priced at $135......

03-09-2012, 11:18 AM
Perhaps you haven't seen that the newest Warmachine model is priced at $135......
WHAT!? Are you serious? At that price, it better paint itself.

03-09-2012, 11:20 AM
To be fair, it rather large. But I think at this point making any pricing arguments between privateer and GW is a bit silly. But yeah, $135.

03-09-2012, 12:02 PM
$135 for a small titan. Its around 150mm tall (120mm to the eyes). Thats half the height of a warhound Titan, which is around the $376 mark (check that please, Im not american so i'm not sure).

However the Warhammer Giant is compareable to Stormwall. Stormwall is about twice the width of a WH Giant, and half as tall again to boot, and priced at $50.

He is put to shame by the ork Stompa :( who is bigger than he is. But then the Stompa is a big hollow baked-bean can.

Stormwall is £88 sterling in a direct converter (but we all know PP models cost more this side of the pond).

But anyway PP wasnt my point at all (just a small dig).

03-09-2012, 12:36 PM
I think calling it a small tita. Is a bit generous considering the girth of a titan.

Anyways. Im really curious to see how GW is going to handle both 6E and hobbit introductions this summer. Couple it with th rumors that well see a 25th anniversary blood bowl box and it seems like they're going to have plenty to sell, so who is to say they will Up prices?

I actually really hope they do hardcover 40K codeces akin to the fantasy ones. I'd be all over full color 40k.

Sorry to derail btw; I just think withe the Colossals talking about pricing is at this point a moot conversation.

03-09-2012, 09:14 PM
Sorry to derail btw; I just think withe the Colossals talking about pricing is at this point a moot conversation.

Unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere.....

But I'm sure we are all sick of hearing about that too, right?

03-09-2012, 09:21 PM
Oh. Absolutely. I don't even know why we give that penal colony the time of day ;-).

In seriousness, the aussie pricing situation regarding GW sucks. But then again I can't say I'd mind making the average wage there either.

03-09-2012, 10:34 PM
Oh. Absolutely. I don't even know why we give that penal colony the time of day ;-).

In seriousness, the aussie pricing situation regarding GW sucks. But then again I can't say I'd mind making the average wage there either.

The crappy GW prices are just to even out how nice it is to live here :p

If we had normal prices too, we might all implode with eternal bliss and satisfaction.

My comment was more in terms of the GW vs PP / everyone else, pricing structure.

Sure, the Colossal is $135, but it will be around that here too (maybe $150 in most FLGS).

If it was $135 from GW, it would be $200 - $220 here (or worse). That is really the only basis for price comparison left, because they are pretty similar now in your hemisphere.

Down here it is another story....

Tbh, I'm actually happy the whole internet crack down with GW happened, as now I am waist deep in other games systems, and would never have found the "wider" world of gaming.

Still love me some 40K and Fantasy though, just not buying anymore of it...

Also, thread is officially derailed.

03-10-2012, 12:40 AM
It's true, you guys get boned on pricing and it doesn't make sense.

I've moved on to board games. There's a lot less hassle involved, and many more people are willing to play.

I still love a lot about 40K, but I went from being a big-time spender three or so years ago to not having spent a dime in over a year. A combination of super high prices and Matt Ward has driven me away. The plastic is nice, though, and I may be tempted if this Chaos book is decent. I still love my old metal Chaos Marine with a Heavy Bolter!

Emerald Rose Widow
03-10-2012, 01:04 AM
I honestly cannot see them not raising their prices, I have a feeling it will all go up again here soon regardless of marketing. This is GW we are talking about.

03-10-2012, 01:14 AM
I've moved on to board games. There's a lot less hassle involved, and many more people are willing to play.

Same here.

Board games are great, as they are self-contained, and don't require as much "non-game time investment" (i.e. no painting, list building, etc).

I've gotten a lot more people to play as well, you just have to find the right gateway game. Settlers of Catan seems to be the best at this, and then you can move onto other, more advanced games, depending on the persons interests.

http://www.play-board-games.com/ and http://www.boardtodeath.tv/ have been very helpful and informative for finding new games.

03-10-2012, 02:10 AM
I'm just curious but how many threads on GW's pricing are we gonna have here?

03-10-2012, 03:47 AM
I'm just curious but how many threads on GW's pricing are we gonna have here?


03-10-2012, 07:28 AM
An even 50 sounds good.

03-10-2012, 04:33 PM
OK, Australia get hosed and I'm not sure why but for the rest of the world the prices seems fair to me.

I mean, GW has inefficiencies such as not using Chinese labor and actually having Brits and Yanks work the molds but I think many people will accept that. Here in the 'States people cry about jobs going overseas but then if you increase their prices by 35% there would be riots in the streets; you can't have cheap prices AND civilized jobs.

Second, GW imho has the best models bar none and that quality of design and manufacturing costs money. Every company has issues but in my experience GW's range is by far the best and highest quality. More importantly, there newer models are just getting crazy good; I can tell GW is really pushing the quality envelope.

Finally, the bottom line. In other words, GW seems to makes a small profit every year. They don't raise their prices to jack their customers; if they aren't making profits of $50million/year, they make ~$5million. In the scheme of things, that's a small company.

A company of that size really has to be careful; one miss-step and you're toast, they don't have piles of money laying around even though it feels like they should when you pay $57.75 for a model.

03-10-2012, 10:37 PM
they don't have piles of money laying aroundWell not anymore when they decided that they would take their surplus profits from last year and put it into the highest dividends they've ever issued.

03-11-2012, 12:57 AM

:D Yes! A Hitchhikers quote...my day is complete.

03-11-2012, 07:42 AM
I wouldn't mind betting we see a price rise mentioned in the april white dwarf. It's normally around this time of year. I loved how last year Draigo came out, got hit by the price rise after about a month, then went up again 6 weeks later when he became finecast. Ended up about £5 more than release within 3 months.