View Full Version : Naughty Elves Combat Patrol

03-09-2012, 10:27 AM
Let me start off saying I don't play much at 500 points, but I 'm trying to get some new folks to play, and we have a combat patrol thing going here this weekend at the FLGS. I've almost finished painting the new dark eldar, and this is what I've drawn up. Two considerations:
1.) Lets keep it friendly. I'm playing new people, and they need to have fun.
2.) I don't want to get blown off the table by new people.


Haemonculus, naked
8 Wyches + Hekatrix: Agonizer, Shardnet
--Raider w/ flickerfield

5 Warriors: blaster
--Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannon

5 Warriors: blaster
--Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannon

Have I met my two criteria?

03-09-2012, 06:40 PM
A question, if you may: How do you define new people in your environment?
To me, a person is new until they're not using that expensive miniature for all their lowpoint gaming desires. Marneus Calgar, I'm looking at you. Afterwards, I'll call that person learning and then might recognize them as having a name.

As for your list, I have no opinion (since DE are the only codex I have not read yet)

Here's my ork list with some thought:

55 = Weirdboy
200 = 29 boyz + nob + armor & bosspole
50 = 1 deffkopta w/ TL big shoota + big bomm
75 = 5 lootas
120 = 3 Killa kanz with big shootas