View Full Version : Cerberus weapon platform legality

03-09-2012, 09:05 AM
Hello there!

My first post, a dude from Montreal with a nice CSM army fully painted (pics will be comming soon)

I am developing a IG army atm and I foulded the Cerberus heavy weapon platform from puppetswar.

Do you think it would be legal to use that in tournament mounted on a chimera to make a Manticore or a Hydra?

Many Thanks


03-09-2012, 09:34 AM
That would all depend on the Tournament orgainiser, talk to them and see what they say.
They certainly look my Hydra than Manticore.
Certainly as there is not a current Hydra model (IIRC) then any Hydra must be a conversion so people can't complain about how you are making the conversion. As for fielding it as a manticore there is a manticore model and those guns to my mind don't look right so there might be some concern there.

03-09-2012, 11:29 AM
That would all depend on the Tournament orgainiser, talk to them and see what they say.
They certainly look my Hydra than Manticore.
Certainly as there is not a current Hydra model (IIRC) then any Hydra must be a conversion so people can't complain about how you are making the conversion. As for fielding it as a manticore there is a manticore model and those guns to my mind don't look right so there might be some concern there.

It comes with a quad rocketlauncher as well.


03-09-2012, 11:37 AM
I'd allow it if I were running a tournament. You're basing the conversion off a GW model, and a Chimera with one of those turrets on the back would pretty clearly be a Hydra (cannon) or Manticore (missile launchers).

03-09-2012, 10:11 PM
Tasty site though. ::sigh:: Does anyone know of any AMERICAN conversion/accessory sites? The conversion rate, plus shipping costs, make the Minister of Finance kneejerk every dam' time...

03-09-2012, 10:42 PM
Tasty site though. ::sigh:: Does anyone know of any AMERICAN conversion/accessory sites? The conversion rate, plus shipping costs, make the Minister of Finance kneejerk every dam' time...

Defiance Games and Chapter House are both US based. A lot of the variant model sites in the fantasy/scifi range are going to be in Europe though.

03-10-2012, 02:04 AM
Damn...I thought this was about some magical new line of Mass Effect miniatures.

03-11-2012, 09:15 PM
I do like this version better than the one from forgeworld, but I would change the gunner's head and incase him somehow in armor and make it possible to see him by opening an hatch or something.