View Full Version : Meq beatstick

03-08-2012, 10:55 PM
I have been play testing with a dark elder foot/web way portal list. The basic concept is 4 large squads of witches with shardnets and impalers with the duke and two homonc's with web way portals. One harlie delivery squad, two squads of nobles with blasters and two huge beast masters squads. This army does not care who goes first, and contrary to what you might think the portals, once placed provide about a two foot space that my opponents avoid like the plague. This does struggle against mech lists, which are a hard matchup but it absolutely eats anything on foot. If you get a chance try something similar, it is a fun list to play.

03-09-2012, 11:57 PM
I run something similar with my Harlequin counts-as army. one squad of harlequins to drop a portal, one squad of trueborn in a venom to deliver the other. inside the portals I have 3 wych squads, incubi, bikes, and a Cronos parasite engine. it's not the best list out there, but it is a heck of a lot of fun to play

03-11-2012, 07:52 PM
I've been thinking of a foot de list as well with portals and malys. Maybe open with 2 raiders with wracks, and 2 venoms with portal haemonculii and trueborn and then nasties in the portals. Purely theoretical but I think it could be fun.
