View Full Version : Dark wolves KillZone list assistance?

03-08-2012, 09:16 PM
Okay so as I've stated a few times before I'm just getting back into things with some small scale games.
KillZone seems as though it would be awesome and I've played all the other small scale stuff I'm getting back into like mordheim and combat patrol, it's just I'm totally new to killZone so have no idea where to go with a list.

I play space wolves ( specifically skyrar's dark wolves)

I've got lists galore some really well rounded mostly consisting of grey hunters and such but at my heart I just want to hit things in the face so I really want to squeeze a thunder wolf cav. guy into the team but I'm just not sure it's viable.

And, most if not all of my lists end up having like 5-7 dudes tops and this seems kind of light.

To clarify this is at the standard 250 pts

Any thoughts help or advice would be greatly appreciated guys.

03-08-2012, 09:45 PM
Wolves tend to do pretty well in killzone, and you can't really go wrong. That being said, I have a buddy who runs several wolfguard with frostblade or fist, and combiweapons. If he doesnt kill it, he shoots it up. Throwing in a long fang can also be fun.

03-09-2012, 07:41 AM
So another question then what priority should I put on the killZone special equipment and skills and such?

As in I think in my current list I've let myself 50 pts to spend and about 6 dudes

03-09-2012, 09:10 AM
50 points for six guys is pretty good. You want to be careful not to up your per model cost too much, but the 5 point upgrades are usually a pretty good bargain.

03-15-2012, 11:20 PM
Okay sorry for the threadomancy but 3 things have occurred that may alter my thoughts on list building for killZone 1.) I started a conversion on the bird talon legged oop space wolves model to make it a chooser of the slain / iron wolf 2.) I've decided to go Dornian heresy style khorne space wolves instead of specifically skyrar's dark wolves, and 3.) I saw a conversion emulating tyberos The red wake and now I really want a termie with crazy chain talons to the point that I started sizing up bits.

This leaves me with a couple of things to make decisions about. Namely my old list was kind of balanced with a decent shooty component and khorne wolves however smart and crafty do not scream well balanced or shooty to me they scream blood for the blood god and let's punch us some faces in. So taking this into account I need to pick a new leader my old leader was a wolf gaurd with fist and storm bolter, the refractor field and the feel no pain rule. Now I am debating in keeping him or going with an iron priest with a bolter, wolf tooth, refractor field, and resilience , or a thunder wolf cavalry with a storm shield and nothing else, or last but not least a mean'ole wolf gaurd with terminator armor and tyberos style claw saws.

Obviously the leader would drastically alter any list picks made after so yeah I am now at an empasse

So I am lost, and terribly indecisive any help or opinions would be awesome.

Sorry for the threadomancy and thanks again guys