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View Full Version : What Should I Buy?

03-08-2012, 03:15 PM
My wife just got a bonus from work, and as I'm having a crappy day, she offered to "buy me" (actually, I'll pick 'em out, though she did a good job getting me a box of Sanguinary Guard for Valentine's day) a wargames thingy. As I'm currently in a much more Warmahordes mood than a Fantasy/40k mood (and I haven't played enough Infinity to know what to buy there yet), I think I'm going to get something from Privateer Press.

The question is, what?

There are several possibilities.

1) Warcaster Jeremiah Kraye: Neat - and I'm really looking forward to using him - but I probably won't be able to use him right away, since all of my Warmahordes attention is taken up by my Legion, which I'm playing in the local League. Also, I don't own any 'jacks with ranged attacks :-/.

2) A Cyclone: This fills up the aforementioned hole quite nicely, but I still won't have a Kraye to use him with. D'oh!

3) Hex Hunters: These would let me start doing terrible and evil things with my new Bethayne, though I'll still need a Bayal and a Blackfrost Shard before I'm really going to enjoy her.

4) Legionnaires: A perfect speedbump for my new eVayl, who could use some screening.

What do you think? Which would you recommend? Or do you have any better ideas?

03-08-2012, 03:31 PM
With your rejuvenation for Cygnar, and not a winning record, perhaps some of the strong units from that faction to help give you a bit more oomph on table?

Now, I wouldn't be able to tell you what those are, but I do have a list of strong units for Retribution :P

Winning is somewhat more encouraging than losing, if you catch my drift?

03-08-2012, 04:48 PM
Do you have a stormclad and/or Ol'Rowdy? Those are two top notch cygnar jacks that work well with most casters. You could just save the money up help fund that shiny new cygnar colossal they previewed today when it gets released in a few months. She would be less likely to kill you for buying it if you had some saved up in advance.

I think legionnaires and hex hunters are the two best looking nyss units so you can't go too wrong with such lovely models that also have good reputations in gameplay. I would almost say hold off on legionaries until Farilor is released though, he really turns them into a tarpit.

03-08-2012, 05:02 PM
Do you have a stormclad and/or Ol'Rowdy?

Right now I have:
* Both Nemos
* 2 Ironclads (though I'm thinking of ripping the arms off one and turning it into a Cyclone)
* 2 Fireflies
* 2 Hunters
* 1 Sentinel
* A minimum unit of Stormguard
* The Black 13th
* 1 Journeyman
* 3 Stormsmiths

And, for whatever it's worth, for Legion I have:
* Absylonia
* Bethayne and Belphagor
* epic Vayl
* 2 of each Lesser warbeast
* 1 Ravagore
* 1 Scythean
* 1 Seraph
* Typhon
* Proteus
* a full Spawning Vessel unit
* 3 Forsaken
* 2 Shepherds

With the realization that I could easily rip the arms off one of my Ironclads and remodel it into a Cyclone and buy a Reinholdt to make a pretty good Kraye list with what I've got, I'm quite tempted to get Kraye. But then again, I am playing Legion in the League, and with Hex Hunters I could use Bethayne...

Wow, I'm really conflicted.

03-08-2012, 06:54 PM
Yea my vote goes to a stormclad or rowdy then.

03-08-2012, 07:48 PM
Decision made - thanks for all your input.

I went home with Captain Kraye and his little buddy, Reinholdt. They will join his sidekick Squire, his friends Arlan and the B13s, an Ironclad, another Ironclad who'se about to have some emergency surgery, two Hunters, and a Sentinel and start killing things some Sunday to come.

I'm on a kick painting Cygnar, and I thought I should capitalize it.

Also, the Hex Hunters were way out of my gift budget.

03-08-2012, 07:50 PM
Some Legionaires would be nice, since they have a Character UA coming out soon, pics are up on PP site.

As for Cygnar, you could always save it for the Colossus, it's 135$ USD the pics are up on their website as well.

Edit: nvm lol didn't see that last post.

03-08-2012, 10:58 PM
Kraye's a gorgeous model, I think you chose well. :D

03-09-2012, 12:43 AM
Kraye is a cool caster. Light jacks are a blast with him since they get the extra light cav movement. In fact you might want to brush up on the cavalry rules in general before you play him, Iron horse is a huge part of how he plays. Also never forget he has parry, it's great for getting him out of trouble.

03-09-2012, 01:14 AM
I just finished doing a "model reassignment surgery" on my unpainted Ironclad, and I think he's happier this way. He's got a very relaxed, chill "aaay" sort of look now. I think he liked being a Cyclone.

03-09-2012, 01:53 PM
Nice. Kraye is a very cool model.

03-09-2012, 01:56 PM
I'm almost done assembling him and I'm very happy with the model. The downward-facing pose is a little odd, but it's growing on me. I kind of imagine Kraye sitting back, surveying the battle, and now just beginning to spur Malagant into a gallop down into the fray.

03-23-2012, 10:47 PM
I think Kraye is an excellent choice. The two Hunter's will field well with him. I really like to get a Stormclad in there as he make's a great 'jack bullet--with the double speed spell and Kraye's feat you can really shoot him down the field. Add in the cav rules and he's won me some games.