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View Full Version : New painter & a couple pics

03-08-2012, 12:57 PM
So, I have been a fan of minis for a long time, but for a variety of reasons never got around to actually painting them (cost, time, availability, whatever). Regardless, I was out and about last fall hitting the rummage sales and came across a bin of miniatures. I *think* they are GW...but not sure. Had some orcs, skeletons, ratmen??, and some elemental looking thing. Anyway, a few weeks back I took the plunge and ordered some vallejo paints (I heard they were good).

This is my first time painting these things, so be kind ;) I know the pics are not the best, but I am interested if you have any feedback. I have been scouring the net for articles, videos, and guides on painting. But yeah, here ya go:

Wish the pictures were better, but I used my phone cause my camera died. They are a little grainy.

This is the first one I did. Is there something you can use to get rid of the seams where the mini glues together? This was already glued...but still.

And this is the rider (have not finished yet)

I did these ones the other night. I like how they turned out. I realized I don't have brown paint though...so that kinda sucked. Gonna have to go buy some ASAP. I tried to give the metal armor an old rusty / tarnished look. Came out better if I could get a better pic :-/

03-08-2012, 05:34 PM
hey good job painting! those are indeed GW minis, the first one is a Dark Elf cold one and his rider, the others are black orcs, those are the old kinds tho, there are new plastic kits out for both units you might want to look into...

As for painting, my best advise would be (as an average apinter on my best days) buy a case of Citadel Washes, they are AMAZING! theres a reason theyre called talent in a can.

keep it up and have fun!

03-08-2012, 07:16 PM
Ah, Black Orcs! I have been doing all sorts of searches trying to figure out what they were so I could have some sort of color scheme or idea to go off of. In the end I just ended up winging it. Awesome, thanks.

I have some washes on order, along with a pack of skintones and a few other odds and end colors. I on;y have a handful of paints right now, so pretty limited, which is why I have not bothered to do anything with the rider guy. I think I will strip him and start over once I have better colors.

03-16-2012, 03:12 PM
keep up the good work!

Lord Tothe
03-17-2012, 03:37 AM
What primer did you use? And I also like Vallejo paints. I'm starting to use more Citadel now, but I started with an Army Painter starter set and just started to add Vallejo dropper bottles to fill in colors I couldn't mix well.