View Full Version : Fun GK list, 1000 pts

03-07-2012, 07:44 PM
I think I managed to make a fun, yet capable/balanced list that will be used in friendly games. What do you guys think? My theory is the more special rules/powers I get to use, the more fun the list. I'm having trouble coming up with a synergistic 500 pt expansion. See my options below, which do you think would be best?

Coteaz - codex cost

5 Paladins, 2 psycannons, 2 swords, 2 halberds, 1 hammer - 315 pts

10 GKSS, 2 psycannons, 1 hammer - 230 pts

7 Henchmen - 2 henchmen with plasmaguns, 4 henchmen with bolters, 1 mystic, rhino transport - 98 pts

Heavy Support
Land Raider - Codex cost

total 998 pts

Expand option 1: (~500 pts)
GM with rad grenades and 2 servo skulls
Psyflemen dread
6 Interceptors with a psycannon

option 2:
GM with rad/psykotroke grenades and 3 servo skulls
Venerable Psyflemen
5 DCA's, 1 mystic

option 3:
10 interceptors, 2 psycannon, psybolt ammo, hammer
Venerable Psyflemen

03-09-2012, 05:47 PM
I personally like Option 1 the best. I am a big fan of Interceptors, but you probably don't need a full 10 of them in a 1500 point list.

One thing you might like to try, however, is giving your Interceptors an Incincerator instead of a Psycannon, since you can fire it after making the 30" shunt move and cook a squad that's hiding in cover.

A Techmarine would be cheaper than a GM with similar gear, but if you want the GM for his abilities then that is understandable.

I've never used Coteaz, but I don't know if he would be worth it just to take the one Henchmen Squad. I really like Mordrak if you want to try a unit with fun special abilities, and he would give you the GM bonuses.

Good luck!

03-09-2012, 07:13 PM
As nice as Incinerators are, they're never as good as a psycannon, ever. You'll get to shoot an Incinerator once, maybe twice over the course of a game, while psycannons will shoot every turn and accumulate more high strength shots than a single shot with an Incinerator would get. Psycannons can pop tanks. Psycannons can put multiple wounds on monstrous creatures. Psycannons are cheaper. Psycannons can kill things like Land Raiders that GKs have difficulties with. Never take an Incinerator when you could take a Psycannon instead.

Overkill or not, you need 10 Interceptors for them to do their job properly. 10 Interceptors that can shunt to anywhere on the board gives you a lot of tactical options that your opponent cannot ignore. 5-6 Interceptors will just eat a squad's worth of bolter, melta and plasma fire and no longer be able to do anything because 1-2 Grey Knights with 1A each is not threatening at all.

As an alternative to Interceptors if you don't have the points for a full squad, take a Dreadknight with a Personal Teleporter and a Heavy Incinerator. They're pretty awesome, even if the Heavy Psycannon sucks.

Grand Masters are awesome, but if you want cheaper then go with a Xenos Inquisitor with rad/psykotroke grenades, power armor and a power weapon. Much cheaper than a Techmarine, and you can dump wounds on him a bit better. And you can take a Henchmen squad in a Razorback for the points you save over the Techmarine.

Coteaz is absolutely amazing. He's probably the best "cheap" HQ in the entire game. He brings tons of useful special abilities, you get another Hammerhand to beef you up in CC, you can use him as an awesome wound dump, and between his hammer and artificer armor then he can take on just about anything that doesn't have a power weapon or power fist all on his own. I can't tell you how many times I've stuck him in a squad as a force multiplier, then split him off to go chase a Tactical squad or something off an objective on his own. The fact that he makes henchmen troops is just one of the many, many, many reasons to take him.

Edit: I'm also not convinced that it's worth upgrading to a Venerable Dreadnought unless you have a good reason to. I'd rather put those points to another vehicle or something.

03-10-2012, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the post guys.

@Dialogus - I really like incinerators, and I'm looking for an excuse to use one but I feel I'd need all the psycannons I could get as I'm not spamming the dreadnoughts etc. So I'm going to have to go with darklink on that one. I too am a fan of interceptors so I may just ditch the GM (who I think it just fantastically cool but I'm having trouble sticking him into any of my lists) and go with option 3 with some tweaks.

I like Mordrak, but he's 400 pts to be really good and would have no other real support from the rest of the list so I can't really use him. :(

Also Coteaz is amazing, and I'm glad I'm finally using the old metal Coteaz I've had since the last ed GKs came out!

@Darklink - I chose a Venerable because I'm only ever going to have one psyflemen, I figured he would last a bit longer while providing near unmissable 4 shots every turn. Though I see your point, I could do a lot with 60 pts, add a rhino and some more henchmen, psybolts, etc.

I was thinking of just changing the henchmen squad listed to still include a mystic but go with psykers to get atleast a str 8 ap 1 blast template, whatever points would allow me.

Real problem is, even though I said I'd ditch the GM, I'm just having trouble letting him go, he's just so awesome.

03-10-2012, 05:25 PM
I'd probably only ever take a venerable in that situation. I've found that two or three regular dreadnoughts bring plenty of firepower and durability, no need for the extra points, but with only a single dreadnought it might not be a bad idea. I prefer two regular dreadnoughts, but if the points don't allow then venerable is acceptable.

03-13-2012, 07:15 PM
This is the slightly revamped list, fixes my worry about a good CC unit. (in addition to paladins, who will need to do a lot of shooting as well)

Coteaz - codex cost

5 Paladins, 2 psycannons, 2 swords, 2 halberds, 1 hammer - 315 pts

10 GKSS, 2 psycannons, 1 hammer - 230 pts

7 Henchmen - 2 crusaders, 4 DCA's, 1 mystic - 100 pts (rides the raider)

Heavy Support
Land Raider - Codex cost

total 1000 pts

Lucian Kain
03-20-2012, 05:19 PM
Option 3! serves you best and look at psybolts.