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10-02-2014, 03:48 PM
Well At Least I've Moved On:

Today's update is rather small but at least I've moved on to a different section of the interior.

The down side is I spent my full allotted building time to painting the Adeptus Mechanicus altar.


Since the entire interior at this moment is flat black I used a flash but the flash washed out the varied shades of metallic paint applied.

Next, the Tech Priest.

10-04-2014, 08:09 AM
Bringing You a Better Warlord Since the Advent of the 21st Century:

In the 2 plus years I have been working on this project one of the items I have been less than enthused about was the wimpy primary weapons stanchions so today I addressed that issue with a beefier stanchion and a re-engineered rotating base.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and purchase a 'made' item that fulfills the desired requirements and is compact enough to be practical, for this application anyway.

The Panduit universal couplings are relatively expensive and totally impractical for their intended purpose since they invariably fatigue and crack more readily than comparable metal connections. Still they do have a businesslike appearance for my particular purposes. They swivel 360° and with the new mount assembly I came up with allow the guns to rotate easier with less stress on the shoulder mount.


I skipped the 3/4 inch mount and went directly to the 1 inch mount doubling the diameter of the stanchion and trebling the mass.


At last Biceps that would do Hemsworth proud.

10-07-2014, 03:15 PM
Still Practicing!

Close to three years into these various projects and I still have to practice making components.

No one has ever asked what the cutouts in the engineering and the command deck


They are suppose to be observation ports to view the weapons, ground defense and monitor the legs.

Anyway I need to practice welding the clear styrene and this was my first attempt.

One problem is the glue runs everywhere it's not suppose to but doesn't dissolve the clear panels quickly or strongly enough. Also the clear styrene is much more brittle than the plain white sheets.

Below the cooling radiators for the nuclear fusion fluid and the interior of the reactor bay panels are the first to receive paint. I have always thought the radiator cores should be copper or brass in colour and it's a good place to practice how I am going to paint the mechanical parts of the titan...........


10-08-2014, 08:34 AM
Idée Fixe :

Many thanks for all the suggestions, in point of fact I have considered each previously which is why I have left this project to last. Vacuum-formed packets were my first consideration but the shape I wanted has not been forthcoming in spite of a three year quest plus they are not styrene glue compatible.

I have always had in mind a faceted shaped window and nothing less than styrene would do.

Utilizing my prototype for a form I cut and glued the first interstice after beveling the fine edges.


Using a 50/50 mix of Testor's model cement (Red Label) and Ambroid ProWeld solvent; the former for viscosity and the latter for penetration and strength I applied a thin bead to both panes and set aside to dry.


Tenting the dried panels on the form I am ready to sand the end facet beveled edges.


10-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Self-Taught Tutorial:

While we are on the subject of making windows this is a good opportunity to demonstrate how I cut clear styrene.

Clear styrene is rather more brittle than white styrene so you can save yourself a lot of grief by not trying to cut around corners or curves, chances are the sheet will shatter and always in the wrong way.

Plan your work and cut only straight cuts; this may seem wasteful but much less so than failed angled or curved cuts.

First I measured the width of the strip I required; in this case 17 MM.

I scratched a small marker where I wanted the cut to be:


Employing my utility knife and a fairly accurate combination square I scored a fine line on the surface of the clear styrene. I would suggest a hard surface and not a foam cutting mat as shown here but the cutting mat shows the scored line better.


Once you have the scored line, you can either remove the square or chance deepening the score with repeated passes with the knife but bear in mind that each pass increases the possibility of slipping or cracking the styrene.

I removed the square after the second pass and then after relied on the depth of the score to keep the knife from slipping.

I made half a dozen more passes until the score was deep enough to attempt snapping the line.

Try to snap the line gently and evenly apply pressure along the length of the cut instead of a localized point.

If it seems you need undue pressure score the line deeper rather than applying more pressure which could shatter the sheet.


The result is a cleanly cut strip.

10-08-2014, 02:02 PM
It really does look quite glorious! Well worth the effort I'd say mate. Keep it up!

10-08-2014, 02:49 PM

Rather Pleased:

The first one came out rather well it only remain to clean the seams and the panes and brush the raw edges with solvent to clear them up.


But that will happen tomorrow.............

10-09-2014, 07:23 PM
A Quorum of Tech Priests:

Well at least enough for a rubber of Whist; my home-made tech priests appear very red indeed and washed out in this light which belies the drybrushing of red over rust over black and the singular pains I took to texture the folds of the cloaks.


I'm hoping that when the garments are finished they reflect the work that went into them because at the moment they look like crap.


Red Crap.

10-10-2014, 10:35 AM

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...........

.......begins with a single step as Confucius is purported to have said.

After much procrastination and contemplation I have finally decided on a course of action regarding the paint scheme of Luteus Vexant.

Dave Smith took a lot of heat about the camouflage paint job he used on his Warlord which incidentally I think is beautiful and about as perfect a covering as could be but I hesitate to copy his work that closely. Therefore I will uses shades of grays and blues but in a more weathered pattern than a camo pattern. Streaks of grays and rust with weathered blue hints of the original colour applied ages ago.

So first a coat of black prime.................


10-11-2014, 02:04 AM

10-12-2014, 12:06 PM
Dud or Not to Me:

I can't decide if I like this or not. I'm painting the underside of the carapace components first to get practice when I get to the outer armour and more visible mechanisms of the model. First everything looked too dark so I dry brushed some streaks of gray primer on the left hand side bay panel to compare to the right side that doesn't have brushed primer. That lightened it up a tad.....


I mistakenly used metallics paint on the core radiators and that won't do at all.

On the other hand the Tech Priests are looking better gilt trimmed and the Captain Nemo Nautilus style computer consoles make a nice touch.


10-14-2014, 03:04 PM
We Don't Need No Steenk'n Yellow Guard Rails!

Yellow guard rails may have been a mistake. Introducing colour into the interior is pretty much at odds with the 40K genera The dark Gothic decor is depressingly
de rigueur and departures from this norm stand out as not really Warhammer worthy.


On the plus side positive replies from people that I consider very good painters is certainly encouraging although I would also welcome objective negative critiques as well.

I mean someone may find my colour choices less than acceptable?


I really like these little red guys.............

10-14-2014, 06:41 PM
Maybe put some wear marks on the hand rails, I work in a iron ore mine and all of our machines are yellow and the paint on the top of hand rail seems to wear off quickly from people climbing on and off the machines all day

10-14-2014, 06:53 PM
I agree with Zac78. You could also try givimg them a heavy wash to make them look oily.

10-17-2014, 10:08 AM
Okay we're going from how to paint handrails to.................

The Warlord Colour Scheme At Last:

(But true to form it won't be easy)

I have finally found a colour scheme I deem acceptable for my Warlord.

I was painting the black base coat and reflecting on the 'Avengers' movie when it struck me that the huge flying target aircraft carrier might give me some ideas on how to paint a large military vehicle. Googling images I instead found this (The aircraft carrier was painted like.... well an aircraft carrier; boring) the alien space craft from "Battleship", a movie I have never seen btw.......



Now I only have to figure out how to do it.....Ha!

10-19-2014, 07:29 AM
Yet Again:

Please Blackadder not another series of the Warlord in pieces..........

Yes but hopefully this will be the last time until the final assembly after painting.

Over the years of this build I have never completely disassembled all the umpity ump components that make up the two main structures of the model.


That being the torso and the leg main assemblies see below:


These structures slide easily apart via the center shaft for ease of transportation.

In the following posts today I shall be disassembling all the nonglued parts for black priming so the detail will be obscured until enhanced with highlighting.

Most noteworthy is I completely forgot to detail the bottom of the waist and the pelvis block.

10-19-2014, 05:56 PM
astonishing work in all your threads, constantly blowing me away

10-20-2014, 02:33 AM
I'm with Kristen on this, this is a truly mindblowing project you've taken on Blackadder, your attention to detail is awe-inspiring. As for the handrail being too yellow, perhaps keep the rail itself yellow (but weathered from wear and tear) and have the posts it sits on black or metal, should tone down the colour somewhat and add to the industrial feel.

Ohh and Battleship is good fun, a totally cheesy movie granted but very much a guilty pleasure of mine. Getting to see the full fury of an Iowa class battleship unleashed on the aliens is worth the watch in itself.

10-21-2014, 02:35 PM
The handrails are brass now...........

First let me warn you you have to wear a dust mask when handling metal powder; I don't want yer mums sending me nasty emails saying the stuff gave junior Alzheimers.

After spray painting quite a few of the parts flat black today I tried rubbing in a bit of aluminum powder. A little goes a long way and all I used was the residue on the jar theads to do what is represented here.

This first shot from high angle shows the highly reflective quality of aluminum powder. Aluminum is one of the few silver coloured metals that retain it's silver colour when reduced to a talc dust particle size, most others turn black.


Just the dome and the top of the helmet was done in this image the rest of the head is still flat black.


The breast plate and back panel are highly reflective as well but for some reason do not show as shiny in these images.

With no direct light the silver still is highly reflective but still gives a nice shading effect to the deeper recesses, something paint doesn't do, I should have my head examined for trying this out on such a prominent piece.


I tried brushing it on (still using just what is in the threads of the jar) and it applies just as readily with a brush as with a finger.


Once applied it stays put although I'm sure it can be removed with soap and water as it comes off your fingers readily enough when washed.....

In all a satisfactory experiment, I still have the copper and the brass dust to try and some steel blue dust for contrast...

I may never use paint again.

10-22-2014, 09:33 AM

Sorry to tout my own horn but; Whoa!!!! This is what I was looking for. I wish the camera could show precisely what I am seeing in person because the highlights and colour shift as you look over the piece are breathtaking.

At the very least Chrsygon / Dirty Harry looks like he's made of pewter and I couldn't be more pleased.


The gluing damage where I first glued the veneer to the cheek armour replicates battle damage and dents from normal wear and tear perfectly; just what you would expect from millennia of service.

Most of what you see was applied in ten minutes hand rubbed into the basic black matte spray paint with no prep.


This last shot shows the base coat and the edge of the finished cheek where I stopped to take these images.

Note the colour shift due to slightly different angle of the light source.


This is precisely what I was looking for as a finish for this model.

Plus, Instant Patine

10-22-2014, 09:38 AM
I literally just drooled on my desk while looking at this update.

10-23-2014, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the reply,

Not All Beer and Skittles:
or The Black Adder holds nothing back...........

Just to show my humility this series of images demonstrate my fallibility. Yesterday I posted images of my first attempt at a new (to me) technique that I stumbled upon quite by accident; in other words I found no instructions on the 'net demonstrating the howto and pitfalls of working with powdered metal.

Today I shall be showing my mistakes:

First I made the mistake of working in front of my computer so everything has a fine coating of aluminum powder that only ingrains itself if rubbed. Make sure you work in an environment that does not matter if it has a metal sheen when you are finished.


I have since moved my operation to the kitchen. :D

Second I touted the availability of this powder. I bought mine a few years ago when I was building Lucie my Warhound at that time I was looking for a dry material for the pistons that would act as a lubricant and allow them to telescope freely and the aluminum served the purpose admirably.


Well I did a search on the 'net and the company that produced the material appears to no longer produce the material thanks no doubt to the extreme 'Nanny-statism of the location of the company i.e. California. I have not yet found an alternative source so I'll post a link to the company's web page.....


If you can find the product there, let me know.

Third I took some flash images of the work completed and although the eye cannot discern the difference apparently what is under the powder changes the albedo of the surface giving the two tone helmet/visor/face mask look under flash;


not a big problem for me now that I have discovered it because I already had decided to try to sand off the striations on the brow and give the helmet a redo.

Lastly I stated that I bought this products from 'Sipersteins' paint store; judging by the stick on pricing tag(s) this product had remained on the shelf for quite some time before being bought by me. (Few stores mark prices on items anymore)* I am willing to bet that it is no longer commercially available because of presumed toxicity. (While I took obvious precautions of nose filter and dust mask) I imagine this product would not be a good choice of topping for your breakfast cereal.


The same mentality that enforces mindless choking laws on kids' toys (Don't these kids play outside where, "Horrors!" lethal pebbles and acorns lurk and abound..., and mandatory headgear of bike riders has pulled products of this kind from the market even for the use by competent adults.......

Thank you Nanny State.

* When bar codes were first introduced people complained that they did not have any idea what the items cost so shelf marking tags were legislated with the following law introduced that, "If the product does not have a shelf tag stating the price and unit price/weight the store is bound to give you the item for free."

Does that law still apply? Has anyone tested that law lately? How many times have you picked up a product that was mislabeled only to find it costing more at the register. Do you fight for the discount? or let it go?

10-23-2014, 08:29 AM
This aluminium powder stuff looks amazing!

10-23-2014, 09:25 AM
I think the withdrawal of aluminum powder from the market might have more to do with the fact it makes a good rocket fuel and explosive, and also has a tendency to catch fire when given an overly-enthusiastic rub.

In any case, I have gotten some good use out of powdered graphite as a rub-on metallic coating; while my source of the material was in fact a knife scraped across a mechanical pencil lead, it looks like art suppliers sell a tub of the stuff pre-ground, such as here (http://www.dickblick.com/products/generals-powdered-graphite/). I couldn't say if it would match the same hue as the aluminum (I would tend to doubt it), but for anyone else attempting something like this from scratch, it might be a place to start.

10-23-2014, 06:31 PM
I have graphite as well, BTW makes for good explosions also, I get mine in a tube used for lubricating Pinewood Derby axles....

Afghanistan Banana Stand:

Since the albedo so manifested itself in the flash I now can perceive the difference so there is nothing for it but to redo the helmet and whilst doing attempt to remove the unsightly striations in the brow. I first scrapped off the old layers of paint down to where the seams were not visible. A few nicks won't matter;


I then wet sanded the brow to remove the scraps. The good new is the wet sanding got water on the powder but did not compromise it in the least so water won't damage the finish even without sealing.


Next I'll let it dry overnight and apply a base coat of black tomorrow followed tomorrow with an application of aluminum powder.


Banana included for scale.............

10-24-2014, 06:14 AM
An Impromptu Filler:

On occasion I have to resort to patching or filling poorly mated seams such as on the helmet where the base plate is ragged where it meets the lower edge of the brow. Now I could fill the gap with 'Greenstuff' and wait for it to dry, and sand it off but who has the time.

Here's a trick that is ready to sand in minutes, durable and cheap.

I amass some styrene sanding residue, (In this case I just cleaned the plastic dust off of my sanding blocks.) into a small pile on my work board. I then applied the thinset cement to the offending gap and dipped the glue engorged seam into the pile of styrene dust. A few repeats of the process fills the gap with the identical material as the original styrene which the can be sanded and painted just as the original piece.


A simple yet effective solution.

10-24-2014, 03:02 PM
Pardon My Dust:

While waiting for paint and glue to dry I started on the detail of the Command Deck.

Using the flash I was not aware of how much dust styrene filing was present on the model. Thankfully the Warlord head escaped contamination.


All the bitz are CoD


I'm really pleased that the vestibule lines up with the external 'Door to Nowhere. Purely by accident I assure you.



The right side external catwalk


The Left side catwalk


The internal detail on this deck is only about half done FYI

10-25-2014, 05:54 AM
What a Difference a Day Makes:

Last week I embarked on an experimental technique to try to find a decent finish for my Warlord. Painting it a straight this or that colour confounded me because once that colour you are pigeonholed into a theme. Nothing grabbed me as the definitive end all and be all of finishes until I chanced upon the 'Battleship' alien watercraft. There was the finish I coveted for my titan.

In a hurry as is my wont when I conceive of a direction I plunged ahead committing the most prominent assembly of the model to dubious untried ministrations and fortuitously the technique worked, the the results were satisfactory.and I proceeded to embellish a few other parts of the model with the same procedure.


Upon photographing the results I found the aluminum powder augmented the detail but also augmented mistakes, poorly sanded areas and lastly subsurface paint which changed the reflecting value of the new surface material.

So yesterday scraping, sanding and wet sanding the helmet, first piece I did, resulted in the finish today which I consider a distinct improvement.


Fortunately as this is the only piece that requires such an intense refinish; I can now proceed with the rest of the model.

Whoops, slightly out of focus; I'll try again later.

10-29-2014, 04:30 PM
Unreasonable Demands:

Due to unreasonable demands I have not been able to devote more than a few minutes this past week to applying aluminum to the legs and feet of the Warlord but this afternoon I got a bit done unfortunately I lost the light so I had to rely on the ambient light of my workshop.


The flash being too intense and the normal lighting being too muted; the actual is somewhere in between.


The bottom line is I am quite pleased with the outcome but the number of discrete pieces have me floored and I haven't even got to the main torso yet.


Better pictures tomorrow where I only have to work for a living instead of catering to the whims of the lovely Mme Blackadder.........


First glance at the images under flash look far too granular, such is not the case but merely an optical illusion of the camera, the actual surface is much more refined.

10-31-2014, 02:27 PM
So What ARE Those Wires Sticking Out Of the Greaves Blackadder?

Back about two or more years ago I got the idea of wiring diodes into the greave mounted search lights and to that end I installed the harness and the battery compartment and just left them dangling until today.

I have the parts and the electronics ready but to make this work I need lenses to fit the searchlight bitz so here's a brief tutorial of how I intend to produce the lenses.


I started by cutting square blanks out of clear styrene and gluing the blanks onto the ends of 7/16 inch (11 MM) using various sanding tools to produce the small round transparent lenses.

Pictured are the tubes with the blanks glued on; one before and one after (You have to look close to see the rounded lens still glued to the tube.


Also pictured in the top image are the greave mounted search lights positioned on the flying greave panel.

11-02-2014, 08:32 AM
Serendipity Once Again Rears It's Ugly Head:

I was going to keep these to myself until the Warlord was reassembled but this was too good to pass up without comment, the effect would be lost in the overall presentation of the completed model...........


I wish I could take credit for this but it came about purely by accident; I noticed when I was applying the armour veneers that the 'Testors' glue was slightly dissolving the 0,25 MM (0.010 inch) sheet styrene but until highlighting these large panels today I had no idea to what extent. The aluminum powder accentuates the dissolved areas giving a millennia old worn and weathered appearance that probably could not have been achieved on purpose.


The effect was simple to achieve I just took the tube of glue and squeezing ever so slightly applied threadlike trails all over the area to be covered with the pre-cut sheet styrene. I the rubbed the panel until the glue set and sealed the edges with thin set solvent.

Even the mistakes and warped panels lend character to the armour simulation battle damage or in the case of the prominent vertical line in the first image where I removed a strip of styrene and applied it diagonally for greater aesthetic appeal looks like the residue of a centuries old modification.

Of course there may be some that do not like this mottled effect but to me this battle weary biped looks the better for the superficial damage.

11-02-2014, 07:47 PM
The Command Deck Retrofitted:

In view of the new colour scheme the Command deck needed to be brought into accord so the new Command is now complete and ready for furniture and shutters.


The big gaping hole is for the lighting module that will light both the Command and Engineering decks.

Much of the interior is chopped up bitz from a CoD kit with a few home made items such as the blast doors and the front wall panel.


I think the steely interior is more in keeping with the 40K genera but the English signs may be a bit out of place. I can't recall warning signs in my search for Warhammer items.

Anyway the Vestibule of the "Door to Nowhere" now has a pocket door


I definitely need a light in the vestibule to show the detail.


But for now a flash will do.


I really love weekends, I get so much done..............

11-03-2014, 05:27 AM
The battle damage effects from the glue are great. Normally battle damage is considerably over the top but that is a nice, subtle but highly believable amount. I think the Omnissiah is smiling on your work.

11-04-2014, 11:30 AM
Update on the powdered metal, in my travels today I tried a local artist supply store where I found "Pearl Ex Pigments"

These are true metallic pigments and I purchased "Aztec Gold", "True Blue" and "Silver" which is actually a grey pigment that I intend to mix with the 'True Blue' to make a 'Steel' colour.

Someone might check for Aussie art stores that may stock similar materials.

Here is a link to a US store for reference and colour chart. Note on the colour chart; it shows the colour but doesn't represent the metallic sheen if the actual pigment.

http://www.dickblick.com/products/jacquard...rl-ex-pigments/ (http://www.dickblick.com/products/jacquard-pearl-ex-pigments/)

Since this stuff is manufactured in California, the Super Nanny State, it should be safe enough to feed your Joey as the label says NON-TOXIC.

11-06-2014, 04:10 AM
That beaten armour effect looks absolutely incredible.

11-06-2014, 07:44 AM

Gee Blackadder You Sure Have a Lot of Pencils:

Taking a side trip to make the searchlight lenses and mount the lights on the flying greaves.

First order of business was to remove the opaque lenses from the GW searchlight frame, that was accomplished with various drills and my drum rasp.


The flying greave imaged here has the searchlight housing installed and awaiting the LED. What this country needs is a good right angle LED because end on it just won't fit.

A complaint Ms Blackadder has voiced on occasion..... but I digress.

Below the various stages of cutting out the lenses and a finished lens ready for install in the frame and a completed frame and lens that has to be redone as it was my first try and I made the lens too small.


No 'wag' comments please.....

Finally same shot different angle showing a drum rasp in the foreground; an indispensable tool for reshaping styrene.


11-10-2014, 04:57 PM
Much Ado About Nothing:

Well it took a lot of effort and modifications but I finally got my searchlights operating and I have to say I'm not overwhelmed. cutting the lenses checking the circuit as it was being assembled was a lot of trouble for this less than awesome result..........


After clearing the top lens I think I'll cloud it up again because the translucent lenses look better.


The reverse side shows the temporary splices to prove the circuit. I have to clean and solder the connections.


What next Blackadder; a Bat Signal?

11-14-2014, 07:59 AM
Plan Ahead:

Well I thought I planned ahead but NOT!

It seems my ambition has exceeded my complacency so I had to cut into finished work to upgrade the overall interior appearance. I had been contented to just have un-embellished lights somewhere in the command deck overhead but now I want side mounted recessed lighting in the upper gallery that looks like it belongs.

With that it necessitates cutting into the floor of the Void Generator compartment which will serve also for me to install reflective panels in the command deck ceiling.


These three images of just about the same thing shows one LED (temporarily installed and the rough cut openings I made for access to the hidden compartments behind the room walls that will now be the battery/electrical compartments. The cuts will be dressed smooth and the ceiling panel will now be removable for access to the batteries and wiring The white styrene stripes are newly installed reinforcements for the walls.

Closeup of the LED with spacer collar and bezel trim:


Another view of the same..........


11-15-2014, 11:28 AM
Work'n Inna Coal Mine:

Not enough light my camera keeps telling me but apparently enough to take these images. Eight 3 volt LEDs powered by 4 AA batteries seem barely adequate to do the job I may try a higher voltage.

The right side array is poorly wired but the left side LEDs are mounted on a 2,0 MM X 6,3 MM styrene strip.


Now at least the Tech College and Ad Mech Icon can be seen whereas they were not visible before even when prime grey and ambient lighting.


Darren Richardson
11-15-2014, 03:00 PM
Wow blackadder, this really has been a labour of love for you hasn't it, the results are really starting to show now...

11-16-2014, 12:27 PM
More like obsessive compulsive masochism but you're right, it is finally taking shape.

11-19-2014, 03:50 PM
Together Again:

The leg/waist component is back together again with new lighting, new bolts and nut axles, new escape hatch and detail on the underside of the pelvis and a new covering of graphite hued skin which will have to be brightened with some beauty marks.


But in fairness the room is quite dark and the flash somehow augments the darkness.

The electronics are moving ahead quite well and the interior lighting should be finished this coming weekend.

On the upper torso the new Engineering 'Blast Door' is completed and installed and the gunner platform behind the chest plate is ready but not as yet installed (It will be a removable piece consisting of two gunners and bolters firing down at enemy ground personnel.


Big surprise in this image the greave floodlights seem to be working, they are actually reflecting the flash.

11-22-2014, 11:28 AM
Judging by the lack of replies no one is pleased with the finish I've chosen............

Together Again, Again:

This time with the upper torso reassembled. I haven't seen this this complete until today when it's been completely assembled (aside from a few glitches such as the new beefier gun stanchions interfere with the catwalks and the interior of the main guns barrels need to be painted. I started highlighting basic shiny armour with metallic gold and copper dry pigments but only on the interior. The effect needs a little refining before pictures.


The exterior needs some lighter silvery highlights and quite a few splashes of colour I know but right now I am overly pleased with the effect so far.


These low angle shots really show the majesty of this titan much more so than straight on and high level images especially without pieces that demonstrate the scale of the beast.


I have to install locking washers on the axles because the upper torso has become so heavy the bolts loosen just standing static and Luteus almost took a header off the telly console and I caught it just in time before it crashed to the floor.


Note in the view above the engineering upper gallery faceted rectangular view ports, I may highlight those with copper bands so the glue seams don't show.


Finally what every grunt longs for; that a Warlord has passed him by and he can still lives to tell about it.

In all not a bad week's effort...........I may celebrate tonight with a Martini.

11-22-2014, 11:53 AM
That is an absolutely amazing work of art man. Great job. How much do you want for it? lol.

11-22-2014, 12:51 PM
Looks beautiful

11-22-2014, 09:42 PM
Will you be doing anything to pick out the surface detail later? I'm assuming it shows up a bit better in person and that it's the flash making it look rather flat in the pictures, but there look to be lots of cogs and gribbly bits that I thought may be a different sort of metal to the main chassis. (And yes, I know you're no where near up to that bit yet, I'm just curious.)

11-23-2014, 02:52 PM
No not finished (Will it ever be "Finished" probably not?) but ostensibly for now the main components are satisfactorily completed.

Still to be done:

Highlighting the armour with silvers, golds, and copper and a steel blue wash in certain areas plus an overall black wash to reveal the detail.

Interior paint, computer panels and more lighting.

Chasing circuits for the plasma weapons and turbo lasers (Still haven't figured those out?)

Assorted heraldry and purity seals.

Assorted Banners and battle pendants.

Crew, gunners, tech priests and auto and manned small arms (Bolters) installations.

A display base and stand.

Thanks for getting me to formulate a list although I'm sure it's not complete...........

11-23-2014, 04:03 PM
I don't get the tinme to indulge in this hobby anymore, haven't lifted a paintbrush in 6 months, but I STILL keep checking back to see if this monster is finished. It's got to be one of the biggest homages to any sci-fi universe since that guy turned his house into the bridge on the Enterprise (it did happen). This is amazing, and you deserve a medal from GW, maybe even free stuff for life. Congrats sir, this is an amazing piece of work and I can't wait to see it completed, heraldry and all.

11-23-2014, 06:29 PM

Well I'd not go to that extreme but I did convert my den into a GW R&D center and utilize a good portion of the kitchen for my electronic work on an as need basis.

Back when SW episode three was current I did make a scratch Darth Vader costume for a Halloween party although to tell the truth I did buy the mask. I wouldn't have to now as I probably could recreate a better one (The one they sell for fifty bucks is too small.) Ha!

Another problem with Darth Vader costumes is the wearer is usually too short, even wearing engineer boots I'm 5 CM shorter than Dave Prowse in costume:


Correction 2.5 CM D Prowse is only six foot five.......... Ha!

Shadow Raven
11-24-2014, 02:35 AM
You've still built a warlord faster than gw lol

11-24-2014, 06:23 AM
You've still built a warlord faster than gw lol

I read that GW would require 18 months of development to produce a prototype Warlord from their titan artist.


(Of course I would be available should I be asked :blush: ) but they are not prepared to engage the talents of their designer on a marginally profitable project. They instead prefer to waste effort on $2500 fortress walls and battlefield tiles that don't fit together properly.

No wonder 'Buy Painted's Jaro predicts the demise of GW:


11-24-2014, 11:19 PM
We've waited this long, and let's face it, we're not going to see it happen any other way. So how about stretch the project to 24-28 months and have him work on different things at the same time?

04-15-2015, 08:07 AM
Is there a Mars pattern Warlord in your future?


Seems the buzz is that FW will be relasing a Mars Warlord in the first half of this year according to:

http://battlebunnies.blogspot.com/2015/04/soooooo-who-is-up-for-warlord-titan.html?showComment=1429094217110#c374692082096 1701592

unless this is the cruelest April fools joke imaginable. Now why they were keeping this a secret is beyond comprehension because unless you're independently wealth you're going to have to save up to buy one of these because the projected price will be around £914 (1351.86 US Dollars); hope that includes weapons.

The good news is it appears 1.5 to 2.0 times taller than the Reaver Titan judging by the main gun showing
in the Reaver image:


so my Lucius Warlord is in the same ball park:


plus it's a Mars so there's no conflict there......... Whew!

04-15-2015, 08:22 AM
It's not a secret. That picture is from a video they released, and if you phone them they confirm it.

The shoulder pad to the left of the Reaver in that image is also the new Warlord.

It's very exciting!

04-15-2015, 09:13 AM
That Mars-Pattern Warlord is nice, but I still like the utilitarian Lucius best.

04-15-2015, 11:43 AM
That Mars-Pattern Warlord is nice, but I still like the utilitarian Lucius best.

I'm excited because there may be a Chaos Warlord in the offing as well which is what I covet. I think the Mars pattern lends itself better to the decadent Chaos theme more so that the Lucius.

04-15-2015, 11:49 AM
Oh definitely, the Mars pattern Reaver shows us that, but I still adore your Lucius. Probably owing more to my favourite Titan picture:

04-17-2015, 03:04 PM
The Mars pattern is decidedly decadent and as such is more in the flavor of the Chaos faction. While I do applaud the FW Warlord Titan I shall be reserving my hard earned dineros for a Chaos Battle Titan.


04-20-2015, 04:48 AM
Pretty Sure It's a Warlord:

Someone on the BoLS newsletter went to a lot of trouble pasting together frames of the short video to give a composite image of the new FW Titan shown here.


Granted it's in the foreground of the Reaver but still it dwarfs the Reaver by almost double allowing for perspective.

Mebbe my Warlord isn't so outlandishly huge after all............

Still searching for the full painting.

04-27-2015, 07:27 AM
Something Unholy Comes This Way:

A tease in the FW newsletter; the foot pad of the Mars Warlord. and a scale figure so I can do a bit of calculating.


To my eye it seems a bit smaller than my 'Luteus' but that might just be my paranoia.

Anyway there is significant changes in detail from the Epic Warlord cast metal titan I based my model on so I shall have to see if any amendments can be made to 'Luteus Vexant' I believe what is presented here are the diagonal trapezoidal toes. which are detachable on mine so modifications should be easy.

See boys and girls, "Craziness pays........."

04-27-2015, 10:22 AM
Side by Side:

It's easy to see why FW gets the big bucks.


Luteus is hopelessly out classed; Fah!

Don't quit yer day job Blackadder.........

Mud Duck
04-27-2015, 10:51 AM
More like "Don't sell yourself short."

Path Walker
04-27-2015, 11:56 AM
Don't forget, they can make it in materials that would be impractical for a scratch builder, they don't have to make a model that holds together under its own weight, they can sculpt in whatever they need to and then cast in a much lighter resin, where are you have to use lighter materials for practical reasons, they're always going to be able to spend more time and, more importantly, money, detailing it, doesn't mean you've done a bad job at all.

04-27-2015, 12:17 PM
Never fear; Blackadder's ego is too big to be dampened by Professionals........ :D

Green Screen Hyjinks:

Well since Luteus has been usurped I figure I'll have some fun before the real Warlord comes out.

Red Eye Panorama I call this one:


Hey this green screen stuff is kinda fun..........

04-28-2015, 05:22 AM
Luteus Vexant Stands 160 feet (49 meters) tall.
This is not a kit, everything is handmade from scratch fabricated from individual bits of styrene. There are well over 10,000 bits of plastic glued together some no bigger than the head of a pin. "Luteus Vexant" is the name I chose for the Warlord It in Latin means "Dirty Harry" in the alternative definitions with a bit of poetic license.;) The Titan has a full interior with five levels completely furnished and manned with a crew. I am still in the process of wiring the lighting and it needs more paint.


04-28-2015, 05:59 AM

04-28-2015, 10:12 AM
It really is an absolutely staggering accomplishment.

Mud Duck
04-28-2015, 10:37 AM
BA, forgot one thing in your description; costs about a thousand dollars less then it's Forge World equivalent :D

05-04-2015, 05:31 AM
Nickeled and Dimed:

Another FW tease displaying tantalizing bitz and pieces of the forthcoming Warlord titan. No Hollywood starlet ever received better hype regardless of the size of her guns.


You can tell by the painted areas that the titan is ready for display and FW is just milking this for all it's worth.

Meanwhile since I already have a titan of sorts I can use these images to enhance the detail on my own construct...

So there FW eat your hearts out; yours is only an attenuated Mars pattern also ran. Ha!

Whom I kidding I've already mortgaged the abode to get one of these.

05-04-2015, 06:58 AM
It's only got two colours on it so far; I think they have a bit of work to do yet.

05-05-2015, 08:33 AM
Is my monitor out of whack or have FW painted their titan metallic pink?

05-05-2015, 02:10 PM
It's just really bad wash-out from the overhead lights, probably because they had to shoot the pic from directly above since the pieces are so big.

05-08-2015, 12:33 PM
Is my monitor out of whack or have FW painted their titan metallic pink?

Absolutely metallic pink :)

05-11-2015, 08:43 AM
The FW Mars Warlord titan head came out today so it looks like a breach birth.......


I'm pleased with the overall shape of the head but the size is a concern. Obviously there must be a 3 man cockpit crew so it has to be bigger than the Reaver head. The 'Face' is long rather than squat like the Reaver so I see a lot of the Dave Smith version and my own. In the FW tradition the cockpit helmet comes off to reveal the interior; I guess it's just a case of wait and see how the sizes compare. FW is sticking with the ball gimbal neck so the head won't be movable; that's disappointing but can be circumvented.

05-16-2015, 04:50 AM

I have to say after all the hype the debut poster is rather uninspired:


The painting is pretty mediocre and the model looks like all the recent gangling Mars kniggets that FW has been offering.

What a disappointment...............

05-16-2015, 08:01 AM

A real image in the flesh, er, resin...........

albeit with an alternate Helmet.............

05-16-2015, 10:40 AM
I still respect the skill and dedication required to construct your own.

05-19-2015, 12:13 PM
I don't play Warhammer, I don't even really know anything about it, yet this thread has been on my bookmarks bar for more than two years because of the stunning, jaw-dropping, amazing work that you've done. You should be proud BlackAdder, you've done well.

05-21-2015, 03:40 PM
My Two Cents:

There's nothing wrong with buying models, I've bought many in my time but the cost of models and resin models in particular has skyrocketed over the past few years and something must be done (at least in my case 'cause my kids gotta eat....) to offset the dollar drain. I offered an alternative and try to show what can be done when your budget won't allow dumping thousands of hard earned dollars on miniatures. A good case in point are the incredible Russian 40K forums that specialize in paper craft; producing high quality FW models out of paper. I learned a lot from joining those sites and believe me many of the artists there would put any one of us to shame with their skill at reproducing models indistinguishable for the resin originals. Now FW has offered what I consider a pretty mediocre $2000 dollar Warlord capitalizing on their name and rep. The model is nothing more than an undersized up scaled 'Knight' titan with very little innovation and imagination in it's execution and presentation (cripes couldn't they show it as a side by side with a Reaver and Warhound???? They wouldn't dare because it's too small!!! A minimum of 26 inches by their own formula is the requisite size for a Warlord and theirs computes 3 inches deficient.......). I'm thankful that I built my own Warlord but had they offered a reasonable production Mars Warlord uncompromised in size and grandeur I would have had my order in already.

05-28-2015, 03:20 PM
E.L.M.E.R. Gantry:

I've been thinking of making a base for my titans ever since I built them instead putting them on a shelf. I was walking past a neighbor's house the other day and they were throwing out one of those cheap plastic shelf units and there it was, the perfect setting for my titans with room enough for three.


The unit is tall enough to accommodate the Warlord with swing away arms overhead cranes and with a few girders, and staircases, safety rails, and intermediate maintenance platforms this could make the ideal display stand /display case.


With lighting, maintenance vehicles, and personnel this could be quite a focal point in my den.

Now I need a group of descriptive words for the acronym E.L.M.E.R.

Any ideas?

05-28-2015, 04:45 PM
Electromag (netic) Lift, Maintenance and Emergency Repair
Electromagnetic Linear Motion and Elevating Rostrum
Elevating (tion) Level Maintenance Entry Room
Erroneous Loquacious Mangling English Regret
Extra Lemmings Means Everyone Runs

just a few thoughts...

05-28-2015, 06:34 PM
Sit down Lurker :D

Got it:


Thanks for all the suggestions, I got the two 'E's '&'

I actually liked "Rostrum"

05-31-2015, 07:47 AM
Thanks for all your work.

BlackAdder, found something on Natfka you might be interested in.


Finally a comparison shot and thank you. It's what I have always thought since first seeing the new titan (and pretty much the mistake I made when I did a concept study of my Warlord in scrap plastic paneling):

Written 2010/8/16 when I had just started my Lucius Warlord...........

Whew, were has the summer gone? I had hopes of rendering the basic structure and working on the detail this winter but no such luck plus there are serious errors in scale comparing the the body to the legs and waist. Just to prove the Blackadder is as fallible as they come here is my effort thus far ridiculously out of proportion. The legs are easily 2 to 4 inches too short and the model as it stands is only 19 inches tall. By adding 4 inches to the legs and topping the carapace with the void shield generator housings that should bring it to the goal height of 28 inches.


The difference is I recognized my mistake; it looks like FW studied it and copied it, Ha!.

When I build this ( The FW Warlord) I shall lengthen the legs at least 3 inches..........

06-05-2015, 02:13 PM
E.L.M.E.R. Gantry:

I took a week of to arrange my work area as things were getting pretty messy with all the projects going at once and I was rapidly running out of work space.

I did manage to cut out the intermediate deck of the E.L.M.E.R. Gantry (EXTRAVEHICULAR LEGIOS MECHANICUS EVALUATION & REPAIR Gantry) to receive the fully assembled Warlord; the gantry takes up all my paint work table space and hopefully when finished will provide both a display diorama fitting for such a construct plus a safe container to house the model in in one piece rather than separate the hull from the legs to prevent toppling as I do now.


Something seems wrong with the focus on my camera but in the images presented ther is the new beginning of the command deck hologram tactical display plus a Space Marine for scale.


06-05-2015, 07:00 PM

06-06-2015, 12:34 PM
Blackadders one look a lot better than GW:s imo..

06-06-2015, 01:05 PM
Sweet, Looking forward to the finished piece!

06-07-2015, 01:34 AM
Blackadders one look a lot better than GW:s imo..

ForgeWorld's Warlord is the Mars Pattern, smallest type of Warlord. Blackadder's is the or one of the bigger versions.

Anyway, looks good :)

06-07-2015, 06:16 PM
I'm loving the gantry.

Odd question, with the Titan walking, I imagine it sways a bit...surely it'd be hard for it to move out of the gantry without hitting it?

Maybe add some massive hydraulics to retract the gantry?

I might be overthinking things.

Also, according the Skitarii codex, Lucius pattern titans (in particular the Legio Astorum) are unique in that they are deployed into battle by teleportation...something the Lucian mechanicum are justifiably extremely proud of.
Explaining neatly why Lucius Warlords are so much bigger than Mars pattern. they have to make room for the teleportation gear within the chassis!

06-08-2015, 03:59 AM
I can only equate it with the way we brought large commercial aircraft into and out of the hangar We used to taxi the nose of the craft into the hangar and then tow it in the rest of the way. There was a gate in the top that had to be opened to allow for the tail to be brought in. That gate was about 4 feet wide and the clearance on some aircraft was measured in inches. Pushing it out again was where the real skill came in as the tug, nose wheel and tow bar formed a double axled system that require a lot of steering dexterity much more than backing up a semi-trailer; kind of like pushing a rope. I supposed like in that example maneuvering a titan into and out of the bay would require a bit of skill.

06-27-2015, 04:50 AM
Some Thoughts on My Warlord Titan Hangar:

The following is in answer to a post on another forum but it pretty well delineates my intentions regarding this construction:

Granted in it's initial state being fresh (Ahem; figuratively speaking) out of the recycling bin it is little more than a set of cheap plastic shelves but yes I am going to add beam mounted e.g.


four way overhead track traveling cranes with electromagnetic lifting heads (Rare earth magnets) on all four levels for moving heavy components.



Plus catwalks aplenty, recessed tracks for small cranes, and hangar support vehicles, oodles of suitable pseudo-religious 40K artifacts, tech priest enclaves, and I'm hoping to find 28 MM ground maintenance personnel and a few Sentinel Heavy Lifters to dress up the hangar.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.............

Don't forget, my Lucius Warlord was once just so many styrene sheets and recycled bottlecaps... Ha!

My goal is to make a stable display stand/diorama for my titan to be stored in when not in play as while it does have the capability of standing unaided for days on end it has toppled over on occasion incurring time consuming repairs. I'd prefer not to have to be continually rebuilding it. Plus this will make a handy storage/display area for my other two titans as well.

06-29-2015, 04:30 AM
An Interesting Image:

Found this comparison image on the internet and superimposed the skulls which are virtually the same size.


One might extrapolate based on this image that the Lucius Warlord stands taller than the Mars by a considerable amount.

06-30-2015, 11:35 AM
When I went down to Nottingham on sunday, I asked about Lucius pattern stuff,
They told me they weren't planning on a Lucius Warlord, and indeed had stopped making the Lucius warhound quite some time back.

We did discuss the notion of making plasticard Lucius Plating for the Warlord that could be swapped with the Mars Pattern rounded pieces. Everyone concerned was pretty intrigued by the idea :)

The proportions might be a little different, but the aesthetic is definitely feasible!

07-01-2015, 08:49 PM
When I went down to Nottingham on sunday, I asked about Lucius pattern stuff,
They told me they weren't planning on a Lucius Warlord, and indeed had stopped making the Lucius warhound quite some time back.

We did discuss the notion of making plasticard Lucius Plating for the Warlord that could be swapped with the Mars Pattern rounded pieces. Everyone concerned was pretty intrigued by the idea :)

The proportions might be a little different, but the aesthetic is definitely feasible!

Clearly I reside on the wrong side of the pond.

You say everyone was intrigued by the plasticard Lucius plating; does that mean FW designers and/or employees or hobbyists in general and are they acquainted with my Reaver conversion?

Anyway thanks for asking and sharing.

07-04-2015, 01:07 PM
Auto Focus Failure

There is something wrong with my camera's auto focus


But these two images convey the gist of the subject at hand namely the priming of the Gantry so with another camera later on I shall be presenting the cranes and paraphernalia requisite for a heavy equipment maintenance area.


Right now with the overall gantry primed gray I think it shows off Luteus in a fine setting for display purposes


Providing of course you have oodles of empty space in your "Man Cave"....Ha!

07-05-2015, 09:49 PM
Does it dock somehow at the back or does the design of the titan prevent faceplanting?

07-06-2015, 03:20 AM
Does it dock somehow at the back or does the design of the titan prevent faceplanting?

I plan to have the "Door to Nowhere" line up with the second level with a loading ramp/catwalk; surprisingly I haven't attempted that as yet. Perhaps today I'll take some images of the door and the alignment..............

07-06-2015, 01:44 PM
Clearly I reside on the wrong side of the pond.

You say everyone was intrigued by the plasticard Lucius plating; does that mean FW designers and/or employees or hobbyists in general and are they acquainted with my Reaver conversion?

Anyway thanks for asking and sharing.

I was talking to the shop-floor guys at the Forgeworld store about the plating, I didn't mention yours at the time but I can't imagine they aren't aware of it, BoLS has made more than a few mentions of the warlord on facebook and it's got a surprising amount of coverage :)
The reaver less-so I think

Given all the armour plates on the FW Warlord are attached on struts, I can't imagine it wouldn't be feasible to build the Lucius plates and fit them to the same sockets.

12-13-2015, 04:08 PM
Don't get me wrong, I really like the FW model. But there are some aspects that say 'anime' to me more than 40k. I'll take a Blackadder Lucius over the FW any day (but I'd skip the lighting because I suck at that part!)

Cracking work as always!

01-03-2016, 02:04 PM
Back To the Warlord:

While I am designing the T'hawk cockpit interior I ran across my Tech priests for the Warlord. I'd forgotten I made these to go in the upper gallery of the Warlord interior in the altar area.


Since then I made a few priest consoles and added a FW production Tech Enginseer.


The problem with you Blackadder is, "You can't paint!"

12-17-2016, 03:46 PM
Four Images of A Warlord:

My new toy, a mini Ipad has become my favorite camera; at least for desktop photos. The trouble is in transferring to my PC. because the Apple doesn't like my PC for some reason and keeps asking if I want to allow access. Life is HARD! ;)

Anyway, four images of the new interior lights of the cockpit. and they're all pretty much the same but what the hey, I'll post them all.


What irritates me is I can see the crew in the cockpit but the camera doesn't.


I like the battle scars in this closeup


I like this low angle view because it shows the upper engineering deck through the blast doors. which normally can't be seen with the chest armour in place.


12-18-2016, 07:24 AM
Holy moley! What a beast. The red lighting really makes it very menacing.